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Can ticks make a dog sick?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, May 7, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I am so mad at myself - I took Jake and wylie for a hike this week-end and checked Jake for ticks, but miss ants in her pants Wylie was running around and i got side tracked and didnt check her.
    Well since sunday she has not wanted to play like her normal self. Last night I was thinking she just doesnt have her normal energy level.

    This morning I found a HUGE tick on her - I pulled it out and our came 2 YUK :(

    I just did a search on lyme disease and it takes months to tdvelop symtpoms.

    So do you think she could just be sick from the tick itself she is 60#. maybe she just has a bug. I know she did this last eyar and then perked up

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I would call the vet for peace of mind. I think I would go with the "it's just coincidence" choice, but if it were my dog I would be nervous, too! Call the vet and ask, and let us know!

    Oh, and check the site of the tick. Is it red or swollen? Is there a rash? Your vet will want to know these things.

  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I went back to clean it and couldnt find the darn area. It wasnt real rad to begin with which was a good sign. And I think I got the head which if I didnt then Iwill definiately be able to find the site. Weird there were 2 ticks in one spot. I called the vet and they said normally it would make a dog sick an djust to watch her - she is eating, she is just not her energizer bunny self. I should thankful for that

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I know what you mean. Whenever Nala is a little off, I worry. Then when the Energizer Bunny Syndrome kicks back in, I start kicking myself. :)

  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oops I meant to say they said it wouldnt normally make a dog sick.

  6. Nik

    Nik New Member

    :lol: too funny.

    One of my cats comes home with a new one the second I get rid of one off him. He does seem quieter when he has them on him, I just put it down to possibly discomfort and him knowing there's nothing he can do about it. He's got quite good at letting me zapp the little blighters now too.

    Hope Wylies back to her normal self soon :)
  7. Jules

    Jules New Member

    My Mum's dog almost died from a tick, poor little thing, it was awful! My Mum used to live out in the bush so her little dog would run around in the scrub all day, a little chiuahua x foxy- running around snakes, goannas, spiders... and this was her only close call.
  8. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I saw a segment on E-vet show where a small dog was partisially paralized, but was treated and got better.
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Tick bites can cause tick fever (Erlichiosis) a serious disease spread by ticks. It wreaks its havoc by parasitizing the white blood cells, crippling the immune system. If diagnosed early, it can be treated effectively, if not, it can be fatal. It's often under-diagnosed. Symptoms are varied. may include loss of appetite, lack of energy, dullness of coat, occational vomiting. Other less common symptons may include coughing, arthritis, muscle wasting, seizures, spontaneous bleeding, anemia. Diagnosis requires going to your Vet and getting a blood titer. That's the only way you will know for sure.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Do the symptoms appear right away, loves-da-pits?

  11. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    It can be gradual or it can come on sudden. If your dog is normally healthy and it starts showing lack of energy, dullness of coat, occational vomiting, loss of appetite, and there's a presence of ticks on the dog, it's something to be considered. It's hard to detect because symptoms are varied. No one or two symptoms, of themseslves, suggest tick fever. If diagnosed early, it can be treated effectively with anti-biotics. If not treated at all, they can die.
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wow, good to know. Thank you!

  13. dfrancis

    dfrancis New Member

    My Abbie had tick fever....

    Although I never found a tick on her.

    Her symptoms came on very sudden and began with a seizure. Of course she is a toy poodle and only 10 pounds.

    She's fine now. I would just keep a close eye on Wylie.
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    well - Wylie was back to her playful self last night. and :? pulled another tick off her and Jake had one and then Midas came to sit on my lap and arrgghh had one cralwing on him. I dont understand it. it has not rained and things are drying out. unless they brought them back from our walk. My husband is mad because he wants me to put tick collars back on. I said they will still bite, and then get killed

  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Can that garlic spray you bought be diluted and put directly on pets? If so, you might want to try it before you take them on a walk in a place that might have a lot of ticks.

    I have not seen a tick on the dogs since we started the daily garlic tablets, but of course that is not proof that it is working. It could just be that they have not come in contact with them!

  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya Thanks you! here is is what mosquito barrier web site says

    Mosquito Barrier is a very strong liquid garlic made from very potent garlic cloves. Garlic has a natural sulfur which deters insects, including mosquitoes, ticks and fleas. Garlic juice has been used for over a hundred years on garden plants to keep insects away. It's the sulfur that the insects don't like.
    ( I wonder if it will repel the darn turkeys) tearing up my front yard :?
    I sprayed over the week-end but didnt do the grass. I could have forced them into the yard by not doing the entire area. I am going start Jake and Wylie on garlic. I usually get the heartworm that has flea preventative but they were out so they are ot on flea protection now. so this is a perfect time to try it out. My husband thinks I am bonkers for trying all this alternativ stuff but if it works why not

  17. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    We don't have ticks where I live, but last summer when we went to BC I saw my first one. YUCK!
    I have a huge fear of bugs, *creepy*. I know you guys learn to adapt to it, and checking your dogs, all the time, and I applaud you. I would just scream and cry if I had to do that.
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Heh. I have a terrible fear of insects as well. You should have seen the first tick I encountered. I found it on my daughter, who was about 1 or 2 years old at the time. I was MORTIFIED that such a horrible thing was on my baby!!

    Of course, my husband was at work, where they usually are when you need them. So I had to pull it off her and I was freaking out having to touch the thing.

    It does get easier, but not much. I just try not to panic, and I sprint for the toilet when it is out and flush the nasty little sucker! The worst part is when you are pulling and you see all the little legs wiggle.....BLECH!

    My husband was actually home the last time I found one on Nala. "Get this thing off her!! Get this thing off her!!" So, maybe he thinks I'm a little nuts... :shock:

  19. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    okay I seriously waiig until my husband came home to pull the tick off, but that would be like 9 hours so not an option. I asked a guy I worked this morning if they have ticks and he said no- but then told of a story where his wifes ear was feeling funny for like a week, she went ot the Dr, they found a tick in her ear. ewwwwwww. I cant even imiagine that
  20. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    This year seems to be tick takeover time here .I have used so much tick meds it is silly and then I am starting all of mine on some type garlic pill or something cause this will get out of hand .Usually i see a tick to two ,cause we live in the woods ,but this year ,can't even walk in the yard .I told my husband he needed to get some chickens ,they will eat the ticks .Need them badly here .I hate those things !

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