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Ok this is really off subject but..

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lil96, May 7, 2004.

  1. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I just really wanted to thank the moderators and the people who come here for actually talking about dogs And keeping the profanity and not so nice talk down. The reason why I feel like woooow you guys are doing such a good job it must be difficult to keep up with everything. Is that I am trying to plan my wedding right now and I joined and wedding site with different stuff and message boards. I can never find anything on the info I need first off which has nothing to do with the message boards, but this website just sucks! But the message boards are completely littered with trash (it is a wedding help site and 75 of the last 100 are about the Friends ending!!! ARRRGGH) not much help on trying to plan a wedding. But here everytime someon replies to a message it goes up to the top for more people to comment, this is great, I think. And when someone replies to a post I get 1 email, even if 10 people replied. There I get 10 emails filling up my inbox. Anyway I feel bad going off the subject so I want to bring it back. I, along with Luther and Dale want to Thank everyone for all your help with dog(and cat) related questions you guys are a big help!
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I second that lil, everyone here is great and the moderators do an excellent job keeping this board clean! I have learned so much from this board and hope it continue. Maybe one day I will know half as much as some people on this board and will be able to help people as well!

    P.S. Congradulations on the wedding. I hope the planning is going well. I have been there before and dont envy you. LOL!
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Lil- I agree, I cant believe some direction some other sites take. this place is a refreshing change.

  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    *deletes half-written post asking a question about daisies and life on Mars*

  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I agree .This is a good site and the people here are great .I don't know alot but I like to share what I know or just to talk .
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Ditto, I feel the same as you all. This is why we are still here. :eek:
    Good luck on your upcoming wedding.
  7. What a nice thing to say! :D I'm sure the Moderators appreciate it....I feel the same way, this is a great site!


    P.S. Congrates on your upcoming nuptuals (sp)

    P.S.S. Jamiya, how is life on mars? KIDDING!!!! :mrgreen:

  8. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I love this message board. It's the high-light of my day! I've read others, and they really stink! Congrates on your upcoming Nupts. If you have any questons, ask me, I've been through it three times. :wink:
  9. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I have tried a couple of different message boards, on different subjects, and I didn't stay for long. I'm not one to hang around on the computer- but for some reason this message board has me addicted!
    Members on other message boards seemed to take things so seriously, and here most of the time it seems quite relaxed, and often debate is welcomed- which it should be (in a non threatening way) to be able to see different points of view. It feels like I am asking friends questions- and these people are knowlegable about the topics also.. it is great.
    I've come to rell on this message board when i have a question about my dogs... I don't know where I'd be without it!
    Congrats on the wedding- good luck with the planning! When I get married it is definately going to be an extremely low key event, maybe even a surprise wedding! I'd dress my dogs up as flower girl and whatever the male equivalent is to flower girl- (I have no idea!)
    Better go now- I have had a few drinks and have no idea whether what I am writing is total s*#t or not!! :0008:
  10. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Yeah I've really noticed that too. I spend alot of time at a tradeing message board called Fanaticsnetwork, it looks alot like this one, and the people there are real mean, if you say one thing they dont like or agree with, they will let you know it, even the moderators and site admin to that, and no one can really stop them. The people here are way cooler :eek:
  11. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I work from home so I am always on the computer so for me Auspet is rarely shut down. I am so glad to have found this forum to. It's so funny anytime one of my furbabies do something cute or funny or I have questions or concerns I always come here first. :D
  12. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Kudos for Lil! that's a great post.... and I completely agree. :bow_now: :bow_now: :bow_now: :bow_now:

    A LOT of times things run so smoothly that it's all taken for granted!!

    I also DITTO the other comments. Thank you, moderators!! :kiss_heart: I used to post on an AOL message board, and GOOD LAWD it was just sooooo hateful. I had to just completely stop (even tho I really wanted to learn about my brand new puppy at the time!! grrr) because I was giving myself an ulcer just reading! eeeeeeek. So, this board saved my LIFE! ha ha ha....
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    See from all these nice posts proves even more how nice everyone is
    Ps Thanks for the congrats!
  14. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Thank you Lil for your very nice words. It means a lot to us. We're fortunate to have a really great group here, and you guys are a HUGE part of what makes it so!!! Hats off to everyone for wanting to help others and especially for taking the time to respond.

    Thanks to all! :y_the_best:
  15. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    id have to say this is by far the best pet board ive been to. everyone has their head screwed on right when it comes to giving advice. i go to another board and boy, they are pretty weird. alot of the posters are breeders. one topic is that they believe dogs dont need yearly vaccinations and that they can go without for 7 years! this may be true, or it may not be, but they dont have good trustworthy evidence to back this up and they have no right to tell people they dont need to vaccinate their dogs once they have had its puppy shots. they just think its all one big consipracy by vets which is just going WAY overboard. they also keep telling people to feed their dogs eukanuba and hills, that its the best food you can buy. whenever i mentioned otherwise i just get ignored and they keep pushing eukanuba down peoples throats. talk about putting peoples pets at risk.
  16. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Kylie: You're absolutely right. When I got my Pitbulls I read a lot of literature, but that's nothing like listening to people's experiences. I probably credit 90% to this board and the advise I got to what I feel is having two well adjusted and healthy( physically and mentally) Pitbulls. Sometimes I feel like a real slacker, though, because I'm no expert and have no expert advise to give. But it's nice to know if I have a question about something, I can come here and ask and someone on this board usually has an answer.
  17. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    speaking of that other message board i go to, ive just given them a post on what i think of them. they seriously think everyone is conspiring against them. now one of them is saying no one should support the rspca because they support the tail docking ban. the rspca is the only goverment based animal shelter in australia. they do all the investigations and inspections and these idiots say that no one should support them all because they can go and dock their dogs tails. what idiots. i love this board!

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