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The killer

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Jennytoons, May 7, 2004.

  1. Jennytoons

    Jennytoons New Member

    I used to have 3 painted parrot fish. One blue, one orange, and one green. The blue one was the toughest fish. It ate the most. First it killed the green one. Only 2 were left so I seperated them. But the problem is, I would have to put the orange one in a small container. I didn't like to leave it there its whole life because it wouldn't be fair. One fish having all the space to swim around and the other with almost no freedom at all. I decided to let it go. It seemed like they weren't fighting so I left them there. They seemed fine until the week passed. The orange fish had died. The blue fish even tried to bite it when it was already dead. I'm left with the only fish I have. Which is the killer.
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    How large is your tank? If you put fish (especially cichlids) in a tank that's too small, they're going to get territorial and aggressive.

    Also, just so you're aware, painted parrots are dyed. It is a really horrible process. The few that actually survive the process end up with weakened immune systems and shorter lifespans. Plus the dye eventually fades so you're left with a normal colored parrot.

  3. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Chelle is right... the parrots wont be painted for long. Soon they will all be orange. Hopefully your tank is big enough. If the tank is big, then you can slow their agression by adding a school of tiger barbs to the mix. They are a good target fish to add. The parrots will chase the tigers, and it will make them forget about each other. Remember that this will only work if your talking at least 55 gallons. If you have a 29 gallon tank, then that is the killer.
  4. Jennytoons

    Jennytoons New Member

    No wonder my fish were so agressive. I only had a 10 gallon tank. I should have known earlier. :oops:
  5. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Yup, that would definitely cause aggression.

  6. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member


    I can't believe that any reputable store would sell you that set up? Every one I have shopped at gives me the third degree about whatever fish I am buying! Usually I find it irritating but it is in the best intrest of the fish. I would seriously consider shopping elsewhere. I'm sorry to hear about your losses. :(
  7. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Sorry about your fish. You better get a bigger tank or return the fish in exchange for others.

    And tiger Bards as target fish, LOL sounds funny

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