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Animal Emergency law

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by JKKsEuro Dobermans, May 5, 2004.

  1. JKKsEuro Dobermans

    JKKsEuro Dobermans New Member

    8) TITLE: Animal Emergency Law
    SUMMARY: The Animal Emergency Law should be instituted for the well-being
    of all animals.

    Click here to sign the petition:
    http://www.PetitionPetition.com/cgi/pet ... gi?id=6988

    Message from "Barbara Bagley":
    Did you know that if your animal were to suffer an extreme "emergency",
    most veterinarians will not lift a finger to help your animal unless you
    can pay UPFRONT, the FULL cost of your animal's visit? These veterinarians
    will not even consider allowing you to create an account with them so that
    you can make monthly payments, until the account is paid off. Not every
    pet owner is so financially well-off to pay the full cost upfront.
    Please read and sign this petition in support of an "Animal Emergency Law"
    that will prohibit veterinarians from turning away any animal in need of
    emergency care due to the owner's inability to pay UPFRONT and IN-FULL the
    cost of that visit, and will enable the owner to create an account in which
    to make monthly payments to pay off that visit.
    {Please, spread the word about this petition}

    More about PetitionPetition.com:
    PetitionPetition.com is a website where your voice can be heard. Sign
    petitions to show your support for something you care about. Sign up for
    the Petition Newsletter and stay up to date on the issues that matter to
    you. Or start a petition of your own--it's free and easy to do. Visit us
  2. apbtboxermom

    apbtboxermom New Member

    I just signed. My biggest nightmare is an emergency & the vet refusing to assist because I don't have the $$$$ at the moment :!:
  3. Jameka

    Jameka New Member

    I signed it & sent it to a bunch of people as well. Can I cross post this on other forums as well?
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I signed it and also E-mailed it to friends, family and coworkers.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    My horse choked a few years back. We had to take him to the hospital (horsey hospital) and he stayed there for two days, had Oxygen, along with the stuff they had to do to get the crap out of his throat... The bill came to $330.00 or so and I didn't have the money (I was at college)... They wouldn't let me make payments because they weren't my regular vet so I was in a real pickle (could have lost my horse). Well I spoke to my mother and my grandmother loaned me the money to get him out...we had to hurry because those overnight stays were EXPENSIVE.
  6. k9resq

    k9resq New Member

    My beloved "Bubba" got into a fight with a strange dog on (of course) a Sunday. We called our vet of over 10 years and rushed him in. The next morning we went to pick him up and were informed we couldn't have him back until our bill was paid in full and if we had to leave him for any amount of time hospitalization charges would be added for every night!! They had not said a word about paying the entire bill up front!! We had to borrow money from our in-laws :oops: to get our dog out of vet prison!! I hope this law passes,for the animals and all of us po folks that love them! :)

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