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PetSmart--training and photos

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Kristine, May 10, 2004.

  1. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    I just finished petsmarts puppy headstart class with oscar. Overall, I was pleased with it and would recommend it--its good if you are looking for socializaton and basic training. If you are having more behavior problems then just basic issues--then depending on the trainer--petsmart may not be for you==but for me and oscar it turned out great.

    also after puppy class one week there was a pet photographer and I think she did a great job.

    his photos are on his dogster page--i love to brag on my pup!

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    How cute, I think the mail box is my fave then the tub one.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    OH MY GOODNESS Kristine...those are too cute! :eek: I loved 'em...and yes, that photographer did an excellent job on those photos!!! :y_the_best:
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Great photos !!!!!!!!!!!! Love Them ! :eek:
  5. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I agree... LOOOOOOOOVE the bathtub one!!! Oscar looks toooo adorable in that one.
    I didn't even know that Petsmart had prof. photographers!! is that something just at your Petsmart, or is that storewide?
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Those pictures are great! :eek:
    I especially love the last one with the mailbox.
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I was wondering the same thing Monster! If they have one here at the local PetSmart then I'll be first in line!!!! :y_the_best:
  8. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    Thank you all for the compliments. I love cutesy pics. My favorite is the tub. My family thinks I'm nuts. My husband pretends he thinks Im crazy but he loves Oscar too and has a picture on his desk and in his wallet. Although he said he may have to take the pic down as he is getting so much abuse from his male co-workers. lol One of his secretaries said that the photographer did better poses with oscar than she got with her kids--hehe

    My understanding is that there is a group of pet photographers that travel around to different locations to take pics. They are not at petsmart all the time. They were just there for the weekend. I wouldnt have known except I was there for oscars puppy class.

    The photographer that happened to be there for the weekend was the national trainer--I thought she was excellent. I saw a few of the poses for dogs in line before me. She did the cutest poses with a 2 year old little boy and his puppy. She had the little boy hold a beach ball with the pup next to him in a sand pail. It came out adorable. There were also some really cute ones with 2 dogs at a time. There were several photo albums with examples of different poses. I asked for the beach scene and then it was the photographer's idea to do the mailbox, tub, and mailbox.

    The sitting includes 4 poses--I was a sucker and bought all of them. But if you want to do it cheap--it was $5 for the sitting and then for around another $7 you could get one pose--which was a 5x7 plus 4 wallet sizes. If you wanted all 4 poses it was around $65.

    You could probably call your petsmart and find out when they are coming to your location--i got the impression that they go all around the country.

    Thanks again for the compliments!!!!

    Monster bailey--we are pup pals now!
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I know the pet smart we have has seasonal types of phot takers too. I'll have to hit it up one day. I keep saying that.
  10. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    awww he is sooo cute!! U can c my puppy Trixie on dogster too @ http://www.dogster.com/?31347 Maybe they can be pet pals. I luv the mailbox and the tub So Cute
  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    What cute pictures. Petsmart here we come...

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