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Dog peeing on furniture

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by loser1990, May 10, 2004.

  1. loser1990

    loser1990 New Member

    Please help me...whenever me and my family leave our house my dog pees on the furniture...we have put things on the furniture to try and stop her and it does work from time to time but she sometimes knocks it off so she can pee on the furniture...we've gone to the vet and she is fine medicaly. Does anyone have any ideas that can help me? thanks!
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Try putting her in a room ,and not letting her have run of hte house ,use puppy pads or puppy litter ..Maybe the kitchen area ,put her bed ,toys ,food ,water in there and keep her there while your gone .
  3. BossierCityPit

    BossierCityPit New Member


    the best to thing is to put them in the kitchen, are rub there nose in the pee and spank them. be FIRM......
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    NO! NO ! NO! ...Don't ever hit them or rub their nose in it ! You will make them be afraid and not like you .That is the wrong way .Dogs do not understand that in any way except you being hurtful to them .there are books on training a dog ,if you can 't go to a class with them ,then buy a potty training book .Never hit ...will just defeat the purpose of love that you should have and your puppy should have for you .Go on the toy board here and look under paper training subject .Deb put ssome potty training tip website up there ..Read those .
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ack!! PLEASE do not rub his nose in the pee and spank him. They cannot understand this!! All it teaches is that a puddle and owner in the same room is bad - a puddle by itself is fine! This is not what you want to teach.

    I agree with the other recommendations. Leave the dog confined somewhere without furniture, such as the kitchen or the bathroom. Or, crate train the dog. You may have to start over from the beginning as if you were housetraining a puppy.

  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Dogs have a short memory. That is why when you reward or "punish", and by punish I mean a firm NO!, it needs to be 3-5 seconds AFTER.

    They will not understand why you are rubbign their nose in it, and please NEVER hit your dog, not even lightly. This will cause your dog to fear you and not build confidence in themselves.

    People keep talking about a dog "turning on their owner". This is one reason why a dog would. Your pup should never be scared of you, but recognize you as the dominant figure and RESPECT that.

    I have replied to you in your Seperation Anxiety topic aswell.

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