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Quick Update on E and FF

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Jennifer, May 10, 2004.

  1. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    Hey.. just wanted to pop in with a quick update on the girls.

    FunnyFace is doing TERRIFIC!!! :mrgreen: OMG! She's just blossomed into a totally different dog than she was when I first got her. She's got a spunky... love me or die .. attitude that just cracks me up. She's a talented begger..so very charming!! She's very active in the house now.. even when the kids are home. I've almost got the little fart housebroke :D I think it will be tons easier once the fence in back is finished. The leash.. she hates it.. but tolerates being on it.. as she will walk on it but grumbles about it.

    Exquisite... I don't know about her. I'm totally frustrated.. GAH!! She's totally anti-social!! During free time.. she hides in her crate. Won't come out.. even for a treat. If I close the door on the crate.. and make her stay out with us... she shakes like she's having a seizure. She does this when we take her outside too. She's won't even walk around outside on her leash... just sits and shakes. Won't potty outside.. I've tried everything with her! I even tried staking her leash to the ground.. and walking around the side of the house where she couldn't see me.. and nothing... then brought her back in to her crate and she pottied in it. This morning... after waking up to a dry crate... I gave her fresh water and took her out. Stayed out for 2 hours with her!! Came in... she pottied. Any idea's??? My poor little dog...she's not adjusting well to life outside of the puppymill. :cry:

  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    I really don't have much advice, as I've never had to deal with that.... bless her little heart. Can you just imagine what was going on in her little life before she came to you??? MY GAWD!! :(
    As for Funny Face... WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! That's awesome!! you'd think that Exquisite would take notice of how well Funny Face is doing, huh?
    And BIG APPLAUSE to you for all your hard work!! You're doing great! and lots and lots of patience! :)
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Its so nice to hear that FunnyFace is adjusting well. I don't have any suggestions for Exquisite but I'm sure someone else will. Best of luck.
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    YOu are doing great Jen ,just keep working with the little one .Take her out and hold her more ,one on one time is important and some take longer than others to adapt .And they have been through so much .Each is different and she will need alot of Extra work and time and love .you are doing great ! :eek:
  5. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    That is so sad about Equisite. With time, she may grow to love having a family. My grandmother had a female german shepherd that was retired from breeding. It took a good 6 months before she wanted to stay out of her crate and hang with my grandmother--but eventually she came around. It makes me so sad to think that Exquisite got such little love and socialization.
  6. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    I'm not giving up yet!! Thank you for all the support... I'm guessing that she is just going to take longer since she's older?!?! I'm not giving up tho...

    Monster... I guess that is my problem! I CAN NOT imagine the horrors of what this little girl has lived through! I can't imagine a place where dogs aren't played with... I can't imagine a place where dogs aren't loved on!! I can't imagine making them live like that. I can't imagine a person(s) who would allow such abuses on ANY animal!! I mean, my goodness... I even give the stray cats around here vet care when I can catch them! And if I can ever catch my neighbors cat... I'll have that 'ho spayed too! I mean REALLY! Why do folks do this?!?!? Anything for the almighty dollar! It just makes me sick!

    Okay.. I'll shut up now... :oops:

  7. moose

    moose New Member

    jennifer, good for you for continuing to work with these dogs! there are a lot of people who would have given up.

    anyway, i don't know any specifics, but i do suggest getting in touch with some animal control facilities or humane societies to see if they have any packets of information that might help with this.

    we're going through a big puppy mill crisis here in middle TN right now, and the obedience instructor for my puppy (not from a mill) is actually writing up a packet dealing with the special needs of these dogs -- socializing them, housebreaking them, etc. i'll see if i can get a copy for you and PM you about it. in the meantime i'm sure this isn't the first time someone has had to write a packet on this stuff, so you might be able to find something locally.
  8. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    Hey Moose :D I did email our PAWS lady here in town concerning Exquisite. I'm hoping to get an email or phone call from her today. I will also call our local animal control and see if they have anything that would help.

    If you are able to get any information... it would be much appreciated if you could share ... I'm desperate over here!

    I did spend about an hour on the sofa with just Exquisite last night. She shook soooooooo bad the whole time... but I sat there.. gently stroking her and talking softly with her. She was just so freaked out. I'm going to make this a nightly ritual, I think she'll get used to it. I hope so anyway.

    Thanks for your help...
  9. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I am SO happy to hear that...what excellent news!!! :eek:

    I am sincerely sorry to hear about that! My heart just aches for her! :cry: Like Moose said though, most people would have just given up at this point, so I commend you for your efforts and not giving up!!! :y_the_best:

    That is one of the best things you can do, so I HIGHLY recommend that you do indeed make it a nightly ritual!!!!! Spending quiet, one-on-one time with her, quietly talking to her, and gently stroking/petting her is EXACTLY what she needs. I know first hand through my time at the shelters, how heartbreaking it is to see dogs, such as Exquisite, be so terribly frightened and tremble continuously, but you are doing the right thing, and even though it may seem that she would rather be on her own, your doing her a tremendous favor by spending that quality time holding her! It will probably take quite some time before she begins to trust you, or anyone else for that matter, but please don't give up on the poor baby, she really needs someone like you!

    As far as the housebreaking goes, I know it is easier said than done, but continue to be patient and persistent with her!!!

    There is a good amount of info. out there in regards to how to deal with dogs such as her, and it sounds like you are well on your way to getting that info.!

    I sincerely hope for the best with Exquisite, and please keep us updated!!! :D
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Like ilovemalti says. You have to remember that these two have never more than likeley been outdoors. So every time you bring E outside hold her close and walk with her in your arms. Maybe sit on the grass for awhile with her on your lap. Just waiting, see if she will kind of ease up and pop off your lap to check something out then pop back. Eventually she will be comfortable with things. She is obviuosly the sensitive one.Everything right now is freaking her out. This big huge world is all new to them and they need to be eased into it, much like a puppy would.
  11. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    How right you all are .E has more than apt more sensitive issues .she could have been abused too .Alot of breeders don't care and simply ignor or either slap them around .i feel so for her .I have some tight now that i got from aa breeder and I could choke her .These babies were so scared and had been bred to death .I just keep trying with them .talking to them ,holding them ,telling them it is okay .I have a few that are coming around but there are a couple that are givng me a run for my time .And that is the saddest part .I can't place them cause they are afraid ,so everyday I talk and hope and pet and just keep trying .
    I tell you now ,none of mine are that way .They will tackle you with mouths going and tails wagging and wanting to be held .If they can they will sit all day in your lap and kiss and love .I cna't stand a breeder that does what some do to theirs .they know nothing except a harsh life and no joy ,toys ,treats ,nothing .I get so on a roll sometimes ! Sorry .
    jen ,just keep giving her that special time ,someday the shaking will ease ,love will replace fear and you will have one special little baby there .As my vet once told me when I bought some poodles ,"this baby has had a rough life so far ,only time and patience will overcome it ,but you can do it ,I know you can .Love giving back does miracles " If I can help ,let me know ..
  12. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I totally agree.
    Your shy one is going to be the one closest to you. She will form a bond to you that is unbelieveable. Just don't give up on her.
  13. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    You may try going to this website and emailing someone there

    They rescue alot of dogs and re home them, I am sure someone there has more experience and tips on how you can help your new baby.

    Good luck and keep us updated!

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