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Revolution - Flea/heartworm control ???

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by abbeys-mom, May 12, 2004.

  1. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hello All,

    I posted eariler about my Abbey having poop only accidents, and also that her poop seemed a bit softer than normal, then I went and read in another forum about fleas and that ingesting them can cause worms, and of course now I think that maybe Abbey has worms that is why she is having the poopy accidents???
    I did notice, when cleaining up one of her accidents that in her poop was what looked to me like mucus, white slimey stuff that was not all through it, but just in clumps almost...
    Is this worms?
    Abbey is going to get fixed on Thursday, so she will see the vet then...

    Oh, but back to my topic, what do you all think about REVOLUTION??? or products like that?

  2. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    My dog had whipworm as a pup, and that is exactly how her poop looked, and she too had accidents all the time and I didn't know why since she seemed to be able to control her pee-- anyway, whipworm is much more difficult to detect than many of the other types of worms, and heartworm meds such as heartguard DO NOT protect against whipworm, though they cover other more common types of worms. Finally I told my vet what I thought it was, and got a prescription for Drontal to get rid of them. After that, I switched Cameron to Interceptor heartworm medication, because it protects against the whipworm as well. Hope this helps!
  3. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Hi Puggleowner,

    Do you have any idea how dogs get worms? Wipworms or any other kind?
    I am going to the vet on Thursday so I will discuss this with him...

  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Drontal or Drontal plus gets all worms ,even whips .revolution is a topical that treats earmites ,mange , flea prevention ,does not do ticks that well however ,is a good first time to second time heartworm prevention cause you can use it on puppies 6 weeks old ,start them out good ...also gets part of type rounds I believe .
    Whips are hard to detect and the mucus could be that or a stomach virus also .best to get drontal from your vet ,use it now and then again in three weeks .That usually does it ,no problem .Then when puppy is older ,your vet can help you choose the right heartworm treatment to continue for your pet .
  5. abbeys-mom

    abbeys-mom New Member

    Thanks Malitpoo,
    Drontal being for worms only,
    what do you use for flea/tick/heartworm control?
  6. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    most puppies can be born with worms that comes from Mothers.Some get them from other animals poop (dogs ,cats ,rabbits etc) or from the ground where others have pooped or inherited from parent .My vet has a sense of humor ,his words are "They float on air "
  7. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Whipworm can actually be transmitted through the ground, if an infected dog has defecated there at any point, because teh worms can actually crawl out and live in the ground. If you live in an area where your dog is walking around and sniffing in an area where other dogs go, then she could have gotten it this way, especially if she has that wonderful habit that many dogs do of snacking on poo she finds on the ground (yuck!!). Anyway, the reason I got her on the interceptor even after the whips were removed from the Drontal is that I learned that whipworms can live in the ground even through a frost, and I didn't want to take any chances of her catching them again. As Maltipoo said, whipworm can be very difficult to detect, so if you have any suspicians you should bring them up with your vet. It's also interesting to note that my vet did two stool samples on Cam and never did detect the worms through those, but finally prescribed Drontal anyway due to my insistance, and within a few weeks of taking it Cameron was cured!
  8. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I use the shots for heartworm ,adults and revolution for puppies .I also use dips and capstar (kills all fleas immediately ,but does not keep them off ) and advantage .I also spray constantly the areas ,keep all bedding washed and give baths with Adams .I use the Adams spray too for the bedding ,although I use a much stronger spray for the area at large .Also I lime the yard areas ,helps to keep ticks and fleas away .
  9. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    puggle is right ,whips can live through anything it seems .Very hardy little buggers .And you have to be extra careful to when you go to vet offices and dog parks ,when traveling also as most rest areas have certain places to walk a pet and the areas are rarely ever not covered in poop and mess .Whips and other things like coccidia ,giardia can exist in those areas above and yours can walk out with any of it as easy as 123 ...have to keep a watch ,regular vet trips .
    A gentleman that shows once told me ,at shows anything could happen as one time he had campylobactor and got it at a show from another dog .He said was a long time ago ,but they have been ever watchfull since ..campy can kill in 12 hours ,usually has symptoms very similar to Parvo and actually can cause a low positive reading in a Parvo test .
    No person with a pet is safe from worms ,viruses unless you lock your door and stay in ,then you got other problems .

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