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Bark collars

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by lovemydog, May 8, 2004.

  1. lovemydog

    lovemydog New Member

    I saw the "lurker" thread and felt guilty as I don't usually provide any useful info even though I ask for a fair bit of help! Hopefully that will change with experience. Still I really rely on everyone here for their wisdom!

    Anyway, our dog is a house dog -Akita cross- and when we leave he howls. We've had him almost a year but he's very attached As we live in an apartment it means we have to take turns staying home with him!

    I'm considering getting a bark collar. I've heard the citronella ones are good but he has such a huge "ruff" i'm not sure he'd feel anything?

    Any thoughts on what works/what's safe?
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    id try the collar. akitas get very attatched so i highly doubt the problem will go away by itself.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A citronella collar sprays citronella at the dog's face so that he is discouraged from barking. It is not a shock collar (thank goodness!) so I wouldn't think your dog's coat would influence it one way or another.

  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Not sure about the citronella collar, but do not use the shock collar.
    My mom had bought one for her lab years ago, and I use to tell her how horrible it was. Well, one day her husbands buddy came by and he was looking at the collar and asked what it did. So I explained to him that the box sits on the dogs throat and when they bark it gives them a shock. He is a big man, and for whatever reason, decided to try it out (on his throat). So, he wrapped it around, and started making low growling sounds, then he yelled really loud, and it zapped him. Well, he flew back on his chair it hurt him so much. It was kinda funny to see, because he was this like 300lb. biker guy, but since that day, they have never put it back on their dog.

    Back to the topic at hand...how much excercise does he get before you leave him in the morning. He may just be bored. If you are not excercising him before you leave, you should start and see if that helps. Take him for a run/walk even 30 mins can make a huge difference.
    My dog used to cry when we left for hours and bark, I started getting up an hour earlier and getting her to run/play ball for 40 mins. before I leave. Now, she can't wait for me to go so she can take a nap.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Go read Bullylove's excellent post in the "Separation Anxiety" thread for more ideas on what you can do to help your Akita.

    I found something that was very helpful in my struggles to deal with a very difficult puppy was to change my thinking from "What can I do to make her stop doing _____" to "What can I do to help her learn how to _____". It seems like a semantic difference, but with me it really did help. It turned my conception of the dog from one that was misbehaving to one that had a problem and needed help.

  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Luvmydog, I would 2nd Jimyas advice and read bullyloves post on S/A. I remember from your posts and it it does ousnd like S/S and bullys post shows how to help. Also if you do decide a bark collar, use th cintronlla. And I also saw for hte first time yesterday in a magazine, a sonic collar tha gives off high pitch sounds. I wil try to find it. but again I would try bullys advice first

    good luck!

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I tried one of those sonic collars on a terrier mix (out of desperation) and it did nothing. Perhaps we were using it incorrectly. Or maybe she just liked to bark THAT MUCH.

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    We tried the citronella thing on one of my families dogs....it LOVED the smell!!!! Kinda had the reverse effect.... He figured out when he barked it sprayed, so he never stopped!!!!
    We took it off him, he barked for a while, figured out there was nothing there, and QUIT!!!! LOL TRUE STORY!!!
  9. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Sam, you do get the quirky ones don't you? hehe ;)
  10. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Tell me about it!!!!
  11. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    There is nothing wrong with the shock collars if used properly. Most have adjustable levels and you should start off at the lowest level. For some dogs, this is the only thing that works. I used it on one of my dogs and it definately helped. She still barked some with it on but not excessively as before. It wasn't some sort of massive shock although I never put it on the highest level. Just uncomfortable (I accidentally shocked myself).
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am not endorsing it, but if you do go the route of a shock collar, MAKE SURE you SUPERVISE your dog when you start to use it. Some dogs totally freak out, even on the lower settings.

    Another trick I have heard that I cannot verify as to whether it works or not, is to put whatever you don't want the dog to do on command. Teach it to speak, and it will then only speak when you give the command. A trainer told me this years ago, but I have never tried it so I cannot tell you if it really works or not.

  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    a shock collar wont be any good on an akita x. they have a high pain tolerance and probably wont feel it or they will try to ignore it.
  14. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    I agree with what was stated and would look into Separation Anxiety.
    We keep the TV on so that our house is not dead quiet,my wife swears by her soaps she says all the people talking makes them think someone is at home. I won't use any shock collar on my guys but have seen them used and if done correctly they do work. As to a 300 lb. guy being knocked back, must have been something wrong with the collar or it was not set correctly or the guy placed it wrong but I have to say the guy might consider getting some help.I just got done doing some wireing and had know urge to place my finger in a shocket. We are looking into the different devices made such as those that give off sound waves but be careful of the one you get some of them just make a loud squeal that tick of your neighbors.I would contact the various companies and ask them about there devices.One we are looking at is made by.... Innotek / www.innotek.net Ultrasonic bark stopper / model # cub-50

  15. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    I had the same experience as bullylove. Zeke had minor separation issues. Now, if I know I will be gone for a long time I get him exhausted by his favorite thing in the whole world, the dog park. I think he looks forward to me leaving when he is exhausted so he get rest. It also helps me feel less guilty when I am gone for a long period of time. I know he is zonked out on the bed.

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