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my poor foster must have been through hell

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Mary_NH, May 11, 2004.

  1. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    he had a vet check yesterday with my vet.

    I wasn't sure if the "kink" on the end of Tony's tail was a natural kink or an injury - but it didn't feel natural. And yes it's a healed over fracture. About 1" down from the tip of his tail is bent right over.

    The neuter done on this guy was basically a hatchet job. My vet took one look at it and drew in his breath and said "oh...that's quite the neuter job" and he wrote on the turn-in sheet "extensive neuter job". They shaved Tony's entire backside for his neuter.

    Now he's sick with a URI (to be expected). He's on Clavamox but is turning worse. The vet feels Tony is in good enough shape that he'd be able to pull through the URI without meds if necessary but he's on the the Clavamox due to his rather invasive neuter. But he's blowing snot bubbles...so hard to watch a cat be that ill.

    He ate a little this morning...didn't eat since yesterday afternoon.

    Poor Tony...this guy has been through so much I hate for him to be sick.

    But the good news is I've had 2 inquiries on him :y_the_best:
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Awww.. I feel bad for him and YOU! Try getting some of the Kitty milk. THat may perk him up a bit and add some nutirents to his body. THey also have a paste thats nothing but lipids and carbs and glucose. You place it on the top of his paw, and naturally he'll lick it off. You'll be amazed at the turn around he'll pull.

    What happened with his neuter? Did someone try a home job and screw it up or something???
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the vet that did the neuter put on the paperwork that they had to leave Tony's testicle open longer than normal for drainage issues (?). It was a shelter neuter so who knows - don't get full price so they probably try to do it quickly and the cat pays the ultimate price.

    I have some Nutrical with my foster kit...I'll give him some of that when I go home at lunch.
  4. nern

    nern New Member

    Poor Tony....hopefully he will find a great new home and only have better days from here on out.
  5. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    Awwww...poor guy! I hope he feels better soon.
  6. moose

    moose New Member

    well, with all he's been through, it sounds like Tony is at least going to have it made while he's with you! :eek:

    a couple things you might want to try to help him feel more comfortable with his URI -- place a little vicks vapo-rub on a wash cloth and set it where he's sleeping. that will help clear him up a bit and at least make breathing easier on him. we also use those small humidifiers at the shelter when we have a cat that's particularly stopped up.

    so do you have any say as to who adopts him? we are just always extra careful with adoptions of purebred cats since a lot of people are just in it for the novelty of owning a purebred cat. good luck!
  7. mazyku

    mazyku New Member

    Mary, Poor Tony. Give him a hug from me. I hate to hear these stories on animals. People just don't think! The good thing is that you will most likely spoil him while he is with you. Make sure he goes to a good home with people who adore him. Take care. Good luck.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Poor guy. I'm just glad he's with you now and getting extra special care. I sure hope he finds a good home. I have a feeling he will. :y_the_best:
  9. Jennytoons

    Jennytoons New Member

    I feel so sorry!
  10. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    comment about shelter neuter

    is that true that shelters are careless about neutering because they charge less? That is very disturbing to me as I see the first thread on this board links to low cost neutering programs carried out by shelters and clinics. I had my pup neutered at the Anti-cruelty society and had absolutely no problems, they neutered and micro-chipped him for 35.00. I was planning on having my kitten neutered there also. They will neuter and micro-chip him for 25.00. I have encouraged many people who find the cost of neutering prohibitive to take their pet to the anti-cruelty to be neutered. If what you say in your post is true I will have to think long and hard about advising them to avail themselves of that service.
  11. nern

    nern New Member

    deb: I would imagine it probably depends on the individual clinic. I much prefer to go to my regular vet because I know and trust her but I have had 3 of my cats spayed/neutered at low cost clinics and have'nt had any problems with any of them. Later on I found out my previous vets office was actually a participant in low cost spay/neuters.

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