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  2. Microworms - Live Aquarium Foods

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  3. Australian Blackworms - Live Fish Food

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  4. Live Spirulina

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a humourus tail! or novel!

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by 3_second_memory, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    Hi there,

    I'm Amy, 17, and recently registered.
    i thought id tell you about my fish atainments just coz i like to have someone interested in fish.

    I have 5 aquariums. 2 are just used for quarentine.

    All three active aqauriums are 2 foot long. :arrow: Two are 30 odd cm high, and the final one is about half a foot high..

    I have one cold water and two warm water. The smaller of the three aquariums is a GUPPY FARM.
    It holds 7 Guppies. 2males, 5 females and i came home last nite to find 2 fry! None of the females showed any of the 'just about to pop em out' symptoms. they are just swimming pretending none of them had anything to do with anything. So, i dont know who the mother is, and i doub they can remember either. My two fry are in a breeding net.
    about 2 weeks ago, a now dead guppy, was fighting for survival. I was recomended to squeeze her babies out coz she would die, and she was very pregnant. now, being a mid wife to a guppy, wasnt on my list of things to do, but hey, it was fun. Myself and my boyfriend sqweezed out 22 babies. Unfortunatly, they were very premeture and all died, including the mother. :cry:

    In my other warm water aquarium i house the following: Cardinal tetras, Glow light tetras, a clown loach, a lepord loach, a gurami, a siamese fighter, 2 glass catfish, and 2 pleccos. They are all very ornimental and lacking charactersitics. although, the tetras play kiss chase.

    Characteristics and personality is in my cold water tank where i house: 4 fancy goldfish, 3 whether loaches, a plecco, danios and minnows.
    My prize fish is a fancy goldfish called orien. he is huge! but he isnt aware of the size of his mouth. We found him one morning choking on a stone! Now picture this. My mum and myself netting him out and my dad sticking a needle in his mouth to get the stone out. It worked! we out him back, and although he was pale, he made a full recovery and did it again a month later even though id switch the pebbles to smaller ones. I decided sand would be best. attention seeker comes into my mind.
    One of my whether loahes (twisler) was electricuted by its previous owner and has abent spine. its all wiglly. (hense the name) Dispite this, he lives a life of luxury, but has to lay under something at all times coz he cant keep his back end down and he floats to the surface!

    sorry to blah on but i seem to house freaks for fish! and i love it! there so funny to watch.
    Thank you for reading!
  2. J_acon

    J_acon New Member

    Well hi Amy, welcome to the forum.

    Nice collection of tanks, but about the squeezing the fish to get the fry out, i have only done it when the fish is dead, never did it while the female was alive. I asume if the pregnacy didn't kill her the squeezing would.
    Anyway i had some females guppies die :cry: during pregnancy and i would squeeze them and about half the fry come out dead but the other hald come out fine and healthy. :D

    Next, amazing story about your goldfish, your dad must be pretty good at needle work or a vet. Never head of such a thing and i couldn't picture a chocking fish. :oops:

    Anyway my conclusion, you do have a rare collection of fishes, a Gold fishes that chokes himself and a Frankeinstain loach. :y_the_best:
  3. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Wow what a collection. I had a guppy die giving birth but I did not know that way why for 2 days when i found 1 dead fry :cry: . Know I have 56 week old fry and 1 week old fry FROM THE SAME MOTHER :D . SHE IS HARD AT WORK.


    Here are the newest fry born 4-26-04
  4. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Here is a picutre of the older fry who were born 3-22-04 picture taken on 4-27-04

    This picture is when my first batch of live fry were born theywe about 1 week old but this is a good picture.
  5. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    hey, and welcome, even though it is kinda late since i have been talking to you for awhile now. lol. congrats on your fishiesssss. hehe. i always wanted fries. i thought my one fish was pregnant but she just ended up fat :cry: i am curranly trying for babies, but i have a new misfortune: my male died. that sux. well congrats both on ur new fishies
  6. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    kristisanchez what breed is that?
  7. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    My mother and the are fancy guppies. However I am not sure what will become of the younger fry sence my male died before she gave birth the first time-so I am woundering how the fry will look as they get older. The first time she had 26 (only one is a male) and with the new fry I am not sure how many female vs males yet.

  8. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    my mickey mouse platy is pregnant and that should be interesting because i have never had babys and i never met the male so the fry could look like anything!
  9. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    my mickey mouse platy is pregnant and that should be interesting because i have never had babys and i never met the male so the fry could look like anything!
  10. 3_second_memory

    3_second_memory New Member

    my boyfriends mums mollies gave birth, the day after she got them home!
    The fry look like mimiture Guppies, but they are slightly more rounded, like a molly.

    My mum popped out 9 babies yesterday, and she had one for a snack too. Lovely.

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