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Worm Question

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Mary, May 8, 2004.

  1. Mary

    Mary New Member

    Hi there. About 4 days ago, my puppy Max(now 3 mths old) started to have what looked like rice in his stool. They didn't move as well. I had him to the vet yesterday for his vac. I had told the vet and she said it wasn't serious, and the sentinal would clear it up. Now tonight he accidently went inside and when I was cleaning it up, I noticed now the worms are moving. Does anyone know if this is what is suppose to happen after treating them, would that be getting rid of them? He has also been gassy as well. Any replies greatly appreciated.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    It was so long ago that Natalie had tapeworms that I can't remember how many days after she was treated that I saw worms in her stool but I do remember lots of worms coming out in her stool after the treatment. I would just phone the vet with your concerns...maybe she will need a second treatment. The treatment is likely causing the gas.
  3. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I don't have an answer to your question, just wanted to say :eek: WELCOME :eek: to the board!

    Hope all goes well with Max! :D
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Drontal Plus will get them ,usually it takes one treatment and then again in three weeks .
    That is the process we use here and drontal gets it all !
  5. moose

    moose New Member

    don't know the specifics on sentinal, but you can probably find product details online. as far as the worms you saw moving in your dog's stool -- that's a good sign as it means the medicine is starting to clear up the problem. you will probably see both live and dead worms in his stool for a bit until they are completely gone.
  6. cosmicpixie

    cosmicpixie New Member

    We used Sentinal when our Maya got worms. It took a couple of days to get rid of all the worms. And we did see live and dead ones in her stool too. Again if this is a concern to you by all means call your vet. they will be able to give you the most precise information on the medication you're giving your little one. Good luck! Also are you treating him for fleas usually the ingestion of fleas and flea eggs is what causes the worms to form. Its always good to be proactive. :) Again good luck!
  7. Mary

    Mary New Member

    Hi there everyone, thanks for your replies. I called the vet and she said more than likely it was tapeworm as sentinal would have worked within 24 hrs. We treated him with Drontal plus. So hopefully all remains well. As to the question if I was treating him for fleas, the Sentinal should take care of that, I hope. The vet told me that I shouldn't be giving him anything else in regards to fleas, if you know of different info, by all means inform me. As I'm a new owner of a shihpoo, and all advice is appreciated. Thanks everyone. :D
  8. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    You can overgive ,so I would not .If the sentenial gets rid of the fleas ,then you don't have a problem .But I would wash his bedding and toys and gets some Adams spray and spay your carpets and his bedding areas really well ,that way you don't have fleas just wating to attack when the time is right for them .

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