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Need advice on handling and gentling wild horse yearlings

Discussion in 'Horses - all breeds / types' started by nightowl, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. nightowl

    nightowl New Member

    I really need some advice. We recently adopted 2 wild fillies. They are between 9 months and a year. All has been going well until the other day. I went to feed them and the one that we can touck (a little on her face) started smelling me. Then before I knew what was happening, she had half of my hand in her mouth and bit me. (Nothing major-minor bruise and soreness). The next day she lays her ears back and comes at me. She will also turn her rear to me, but hasn't kicked. I didn't do anything when she bit me other than sternly tell her no and then left. I was afraid to smack her nose-afraid I'd undo any progress we'd made. She snapped at me today and I did slap her nose. The other filly is slowly coming up to us, but we can't touch her. She never lays her ears back at us and doesn't seem agressive, I think it will just take time. Is there any way to hurry the gentleing process up? I would really like to be able to brush them soon. Their winter coats are trying to shed and they look so scraggly. I do have horse experience and have raised and trained 2 of them to ride, but nothing further.I know the wild ones will be more of a challenge, but I don't want to get any bad habits started now. I do have 2 young children (9 and 7) so I need gentle horses. We are thinking about putting one of our older horses in with them to see if that might help. I know this is long, but any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    If it were me I would buy the books written by John Lyons or the like... I have no clue on how to do what you are trying to do though... But I have always wanted to!!

    Congrats on your new furry friends!!
  3. nightowl

    nightowl New Member

    Thank you, Laura. I am going to check out his web site and see what he's got. This is something I've always wanted to do, too, but the first time I've had the opportunity. I was so happy when they brought the horses to my area. There were some beauties!
  4. mazie21

    mazie21 New Member

    Have you got an arena or menage
    cause if you could get her in you could try using monty roberts' join up!!?
  5. nightowl

    nightowl New Member

    We have a fairly large square pipe corral. Was Monty the one that the horse whisperer was based on?
  6. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    I'd say work on them alone. That way you can learn more about each horse, learn her quirks and what not
  7. fishy_chick

    fishy_chick New Member

    Just curious, why would you buy a wild horse? Were these fillies wild and someone captured them to sell? I'm a little confused, I cant see why you wouldnt just leave them in the wild and buy domestic horses.
  8. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    I dont think anyone just captures wild horses now a days to sell. Reason are usually the following: Lack of space, excess herds, etc.

    I apologize if im wrong but I do believe this is why they adopt out mustangs and Chinconteague pony's? I mean if the pony's were left on their own they would eventually get over populated and die.

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