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would your dogs protect each other?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, May 13, 2004.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I bring this question up and a discussion with husband last night. He said even thugh eh feels Jake saved Wylies life he cant believe Jake didnt go and try to protect Wylie.
    He thinks because they basicly grew up together, they look out for for each other.

    I said weve talked about his before. Jake is indifferent to Wylie. Its like the youngerbrother/sister syndrome. Kind of like you are there so I have to put up with you, but I will play with you sometimes and on my terms. I havd often said if Wylie was gone. Idont think Jake would notice the difference.

    AS for Wylie, she worships Jake, she thinks of him as her protective big brother. And if he wasnt around she would get very depressed.

    I think if Jake was in Wylies position she would have gone to help. And Ithink it could have been disasterous, because then there would probably be 2 dogs ina fight wiht a bunch of coyotes.

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm not sure what my dogs would do. I think Nala would jump into it, but whether because she was "protecting" Bonnie or just because "Hey, there's a coyote, I think I'll go mess with it" - I couldn't tell you.

    Actually, I think with both my dogs there would be a lot of running away and "LET ME IN!!" behaviors.

  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Well ....Mine are protective with each other ,but Sheba protects the cats .She thinks they are her babies .She does not like for any person or dog or other to go after "her cats" .But I have seen mine protect each other too ,We use to have alot of strays in this area and the people across the street have a tendency to get a new dog every month or so ,mainly because they keep running over the ones they have or they finally run away from them ,I dislike with a passion people that have no care of their animals and these don't ...anyway ,they had a large dog (?)
    and he kept coming over here and picking a fight ,mine put it home really quick and then my cousin has a horse dog (not kidding ,this dog you could ride and they have no clue as to what type it is ) anyway ,he was with this other dog and like I said ,they only came to fight ,well....one day they attacked Sheba (not afraid of anything but is getting old ,but they had one of her cats and she went after them )....All of mine came at them (even the ones that don't protect cats like Sheba ) and put them home .So they helped to protect Sheba that day ,now if Blue and Lassie would just stop bothering the cats ...all would be fine ...
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Maltipoos - Wylie is the same way with Midas my cat. Midas has asthma and when he gets his coughing fits, she always runs up to him gives him a kiss, and the look on her face, she is so concerned but really doesnt know what to do.

    I also think Jake is a big chicken, he knows there is something going on bad and he doesnt want to get invloved. Now if it is something he knows is good, he is right in the middle of it.

  5. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    I dont know about a real life attack situation, but I know that when I mess with Laika Nana is the first one to growl at me and jump on me. She doesnt really attack though, just growls and mouths my hands. Laika is the same way with Nana, if I am bothering Nana she will also growl/bark at me and mouth my hands.

    Hopefully we will never come across a situation where either of them are being attacked. I doubt it will happen since the strays dont associate with the house dogs (its funny how even dogs discriminate now a days) and theres only male dogs around and I just couldnt see them getting into a scrap with my girls.
  6. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    It is strange how they don't associate .But I know that these two that attacked Sheba were males and she is a female ....spayed of course .
    But still ....I think if a mean dog or one that wants more territory or even wild animals ,mine would take up for each other .At least I hope they would .I use to have a cat that would help Sheba fight dogs .It is so funny ...
    Once my brother came up ...Sheba was young at the time and she growled at him ,well my brother was watching her cause he thought she might bite and the cat ran up his other side and bit him on the arm ...He screeched like a madman and refused to come back because oof the cat ...LOL !
    Had the same ordeal with a man that came to work on the phonelines .He was putting new lines in and Sam the black cat and Sheba had him cornered .Sheba was growling and the cat bit him .Now that cat was wild ,never could catch him but he and Sheba wrestled and played and where you saw one you saw the other ,he finaly died of old age ,but he and Sheba were pals and worked together .
    We use to have alot of wild females in this area (cats ) we finally caught them all and had them spayed ,but when they would have kittens ,they would bring them to the deck (why I don't know ) but we would feed the moms there to try and catch them ...anyway my husband would call Sheba and she would lay on her back ,Robert would put the baby kittens on her and they would crawl all over her ,she loved it and to this day if she finds a kitten anywhere she will lay on her back thinking it loves her ...Not all do and when that happens she looks confused and cries .She is a wonderful dog .She is getting old now ...16 ...I am not happy that she will be leaving us in the next few years or so ,I love her so much .
    That is sweet honeybears about your babies .Dogs and cats get along if raised correctly .We can testify to that ...can we not ?
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Some people claim I'm a little goofy and over the edge, but I've always said that my male and female are "doggie soul mates." They have never competed with one another for anything. When they happen to be separated as far as going to the Vet, the other will wail and cry till they're back together again. They literally sleep on top of one another so they can be close. I've never seen anything like it before. I made it perfectly clear if something should happen to both me and my husband, the two dogs must never be separated. A week ago my Husband and I were taking the dogs for a walk, and Reese freaked out over someone starting a gas powered wead eater. He was so afraid for himself, but he kept leaping for Grace like she was in danger also. She inturn kept leaping for him because she knew he was really upset. She didn't know what for, she just knew he was freaking out. We turned around away away from it and when we were down the street aways, they started to "French Kiss" all the way down the street like the just survived a major catastorphy. Reese, my male would protect Grace. Grace looks to Reese for comfort and protection. I don't know if Grace would actually try to protect him, though.
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    With my old dog Sentry(maybe 3 yrs old at the time), one time we were with my best friend and her dog who was like 10 and had bad hips and some other young dog came and tried to attack Brandy and my dog jumped in and pushed the other dog away as to say hey don'T pick on her she is old and can'T defend herself. But I think with your stuation, your one dog knew it couldn'T defeat the coyotes so it was better to get your attention.
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    My husky is very protective over my poms. I think she looks at them as her babies. If they are fighting roughly and one of them yelps, she comes running right over to investigate. The same goes for the poms. Now my husky cant stand one of my poms, she gets on her nerves but if she thinks something is wrong with her she is running to her rescue. Its pretty cute. I remember one day my daughter picked up one of the poms and I think she may have pulled her hair or something in the process and she yelped. Well like a herd of buffalo here comes my husky and my other pom right behind her.
    The neighbors dog is always in our yard and was growing at my pom through the fence (our fence, our dogs are not allowed out unless in the fence or leashed) my husky came right over and let her know who was boss. So anyway sorry for rambling, yes I think my dogs would protect each other.
    And love-da-pits I dont think you are crazy my poms are the same way, except both female. They are rarely ever apart.
  10. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Well, I know for a fact my dog rufus is a big chicken. Sasha will freeze when dogs come out of nowhere, as has happened.She is very brave when there is a fence between she and other dogs. For some reason they usually rush rufus. Probably because he's a male. And wanted to get to sasha. We had a big beautiful german shepard slowly approaching us. It got about 5 feet from us, stairing straight at rufus. I was raising my hands yelling for it to go, then some people came with a garden tool swinging it around to scare him off. It worked. Those people probably saved rufus's life. They have the most beautiful Ausie-shepard, so well mannered.

    Sasha ,I think got jeolous once that rufus was having fun running around with another girl dog. He would have fun with his own shadow if he saw it. She had to put the smack down on the other dog. Just a warning. But now she has arthritis so it stops her from doing what she'd like. She acts like she could care less about rufus too, but when he was at the E.r. one night she actually looked around for him.
  11. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :) Ours are very protective of each other. Sometimes it is funny, when I start cleaning Cody's ears (he is a Rottweiler/GSD mix), Taz (the alpha - he is a black GSD) will start howling at me, as if he were saying "Mommy, don't hurt Cody!!! It's true, I don't like it when he is in my face, and I growl at him, but he is still my brother. Please don't hurt him!!" The other two GSDs we have - a boy, Willy, and a girl, Mussie - are also very protective of each other. And the four big ones are very protective of our two miniature Dachsies. To me, there would be no question about the survival of ANYBODY, be it human or animal who would try to hurt any member of the pack. And Honeybear, I do believe your husband is right. Jake DOES care a lot about his "sister". He may not be showing it everyday, but when need be - like in that coyote attack - he will be there for her. And I think he would be devastated and he would be girving a lot if they were to be separated.

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