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What color?

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by GinaH, May 11, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Hi guys I was browsing the internet and came across this forum where this picture was posted. I have never seen APBT that color would it be considered a merle? It looks like the coat color of a heeler.
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That dog isn't merle at all??? That is one ticked mutt.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It just looks so Odd. I have never seen a APBT marked like that.
    If it is mixed I wonder what with? Dalmation? LOL
    True_Pits I didn't know if it was considered a merle or not that's why I was asking. Have you ever seen one that looks like that?
  4. goob

    goob New Member

    Definitely ticking, not merle. I'd guess not Dalmation, as they're supposed to have distinct "spots", larger than that, and not mottled like that dog's are. Could be heeler, or some sort of hound, though he looks quite bulky to be a hound mix.

    It's possible too that those are just "freckles"... spots of pigment only on the skin, not the actual fur itself. Those happen sometimes in purebred APBTs and AmStaffs, and are actually common in some lines. Haley has "freckles", they're small liver colored spots on the skin only, but because her coat is white, you can see them, especially on her sides and belly:
  5. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Definated not dalmation those ticked mutts got something else in them though. Yes I've seen a couple. One person on another board had a female I told her it was called ticked and comes from a mix. Then she asked if it was rare. When I said yes its not common and that it wasn't bred for a supposed mixed the next thing I know she is asking for responsible breeder to find a ticked male to breed to her rare ticked female. Like a responsible breeder is going to do that and I've never seen one with a ticked dog period. Have seen them with the freckles and you can often see them on white dogs, or like my females white chest she has a few.
  6. DogmaMa

    DogmaMa New Member

    All I see is a red X, is this the dog she means? Many dalmation mixes are marked like this, maybe that IS what is mixed in..its possible. Also, freak colors show up now and then, like my friend years ago who had a pink brindle female with green eyes..she didnt have any more like her but, maybe with some inbreeding she would have..maybe thats whats been done to create these 'blueticks'

  7. DogmaMa

    DogmaMa New Member

    Goob- I see Haley has grown up to be a nice looking dog-i bet being a tripod doesnt slow her down a bit does it?
  8. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    How do you discribe a pink brindle? A pink colored dog. Weird. Its either some sort of cattle dog or something else, catahoula could be. I don't believe its dalmation, but who knows you never can tell. Catahoula's are merle and thats where the merle supposedly came in. The ACD/APBT I saw looked like the above dog except it had red markings and not black. Never seen a pit/dal cross.
  9. Sara

    Sara New Member

    A dilute of a Red Brindle matched with lack of pigment in the nose could make for a "Pink" Brindle... Here's a pic of a dilute of red in a Boerboel... Kinda pink...


    Sorry about the pic size...LOL
  10. DogmaMa

    DogmaMa New Member

    Thats a lovely dog Sara. I wish I had a picture of this dog, its hard to describe, except to say that it literally was pink. The background color was an unmistakable, carnation pink, and the brindling was WHITE beleive it or not...and the eyes were green, she really was a stunning dog. (her name was Lilly). She was from a line of fighting dogs, BTW, her mother a 3 time champ, and she was closely linebred which can create some weird colors occasionally. She didnt have any cattle dog or anything strange in her blood. I think she was bred once..and after that i ran away with the circus and lost track.
  11. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'm sure the color you are talking about was/is some kind of a dilute of the red and possibly some outword signs of carrying some albinism in there... Was the dog ever bred?
  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    What Sara has posted is simple a buckskin brindle with a red nose. If it was different from that as you've described them I'm not sure what to call it. It sounds like some type of albino brindle to me. Definatly an albino, which is a defective gene but not something that is weird and just "pops" up. There is a very traceble gene and any animal can be albino or produce some form of mutant albino coloration. That would have been a site to see and I wish you had a picture. It is surely an odd 1 in a million dog.
    Do you know which line she came from exactly? That line could be carrying this gene and when line and inbred it shows up. Or it could be just from the coupling of the two very right dogs to produce this color which is very rare. Many more dogs like this could probably come into existence except the right to carrying the gene never met eachother. Which is probably a good thing. But its just like blue dogs, they can just show up from two dogs being bred together. And what is a 3 time champ?
  13. DogmaMa

    DogmaMa New Member

    3 time champ..meaning, won three matches, lost none..

    Lilly was bred once, but they werent bred for looks, and I dont think it was an outstanding litter. I also dont think there were any like her in the litter either, i will say this, Lillys momma, Crunch, was what the good old boys called a 'zebra brindle', white with black stripes, very pretty to look at, but unusual itself so maybe that had something to do with it.

    There was Centipede in thebloodlines, but other than that I dont know what..I wish I did know.

    These guys had been linebreeding these dogs for a while so the color may be isolated within their dogs gene pools..you think?
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Then she wasn't a three time champ she was just a Champion. 3 time winner yes, but just a CH. I did know what you meant. Champion, then Grand Champion then Double Grand Champion. I wasn't sure if you were reffering to a double Grand Champ as a 3 time CH. K.Allen's Dbl GR CH Tornado is the one of the few recognized double grand champs. The first to be a dbl grand champ winning all 10 of her matches and a bitch at that. GR CH Barracuda is a Dbl GR CH of recent. A dog to win 10 matches since Tornado.

    What did the pups turn out looking like? If you know. I think it could have been something that was isolated in this gene pool. If they had inbred then they would have gotten more of that color. Probably wouldn't have been a good idea to breed the pink brindles together if they ever had two, but I'm pretty sure had they inbred you'd see more of those freaky colors. Its strange what these dogs come out looking like sometimes. Centipede himself was brindle. I would certainly think her being a zebra brindle had something to do with it, and the male she was bred to was also a carrier.

    I'd really like to see some dogs of these colors. I've heard of some other zebra brindles but never had a chance to see one myself.
  15. DogmaMa

    DogmaMa New Member

    Yes, sorry i meant to say three time winner, not champ..der.
    Her coat color was beautiful, i must say, and is the only one like it I ve seen. I aquired one of her sons, and one of her daughters from different litters than the pink...the female was a typical red brindle and the male was a black brindle. I dont think she ever threw another like her..
    And the pink had a litter but, as far as I know they were typical colors as well.
  16. Sara

    Sara New Member

    True... The dog in my picture is called "Dudley" a throw back to an OEM color way back... It IS a dilute of a red brindle/rednose (Dudley) Pictures don't do her justice...there's no other way to describe the dog in my picture but as a red dilute...she's not buckskin in color...she is "lacking pigment" too so as a Boerboel is DQ'd and Pet quality.

    I'm betting this girl that is "pink" was also a Dilute AND an Albinism mutation... possibly the Albinism caused a dilute in a red coat... I've seen lots of "fawns" wich is a dilute...out of many rednosed breedings with green eyes... THAT's what brought the dilute idea to mind.
  17. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sara A friend of mine has a male that looks exactly like the dog in the picture you posted but on his ADBA/UKC registration he is listed as a red brindle his base coat is almost an off white color and the brindle stripes are red. The sire was the exact same color as well. My brother calls him a cinnamon brindle because the red is cinnamon color. The picture is not the greatest
  18. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Yeah I guess people have referred to the dog I pictured (her name is Allie) as a Cinnimon Brindle but the correct name for her coloration according to Boerboel terms it would be "Dudley"... I don't get it myself...

    She's got this wierd light reddish/brown hue for the lighter color and then the darker, cinnimon color brindling... Interresting... She's a really NEAT looking dog. If I had room I think I'd beg the BF to get her...LOL
  19. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    to me that dog also looks bucksin brindle with a red nose. red brindles are darker and once they get into the buckskin colors like cream, yellow or blonde then they are buckskin brindles, if they are beige, very light fawn or tan then they are a tan brindle with a red nose. I was talking in terms of APBTs and not your breeds colors. The dog isn't reffered to as what the stripes or brindling is, but what the base coat is.

    What color is this dogs nose?
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    The boerbols nose is pink and lacking in pigment and would be considered a dudley nose to UKC standard.

    Both these have a butterfly nose they have some pigment w/ pink.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    While their 1/2 brother has a red nose. [​IMG]
    The red w/ the white trim she also has very faint brindling, you can barely see it.

    These two are red brindles
  20. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Hunnyjade's littermate has a butterfly nose... I heard that it is a sign that albinism may be present...

    The Boerboel's nose is red/liver but in the Boerboel standard they feel that it is lacking in pigment so it's a DQ. Askari's nose is liver too... or Dudley in Mastiff circles... Color is sooo weird. At least the doggy color terms aren't as breed specific as horse color terms are... Chesnut and Sorrel are the same color but different breeds and there are a couple others but I can't remember them off hand.

    Cream is also a dilute of sorts (saw it when I was lookin up that blue dilute info) so it's safe to say that even the "buckskin brindle" is a dilute of red.

    Color genetics is soooo interesting but a hard concept to grasp in some ways.

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