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Cat back from Vets...others upset

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Ia_Cat_Lover, May 13, 2004.

  1. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    I know this happens..but I have to go through this so rarely, I don't remember.....
    I had one of my cats spayed yesterday, and since bringing her back, her best friend just hisses at her and looks like she might attack her. I have left the newly spaded cat alone in a room since coming home, to rest. I'm trying to let her out now but her friend looks a tad pissed. Is it just the hospital smell that is upsetting the other cat, or does a 2 day separation make her forget her best friend? Any suggestions or comments? I'd hate to see a fight break out!
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    whos knows, cats are weird. but they will get over it! id wait until you cat is fully healed before letting in run loose in the house with the other cat.
  3. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. This is so common. Since your kitty just got spayed I agree with Kyles about waiting a few days before you let them work things out. Your one kitty needs a lot of rest. I always think getting liquid pain meds are a must have for 5-7 days after a spay. In the meantime you can rub both cats down with the same towel so that both of their smells are on each other. This will help. I hope your kitties will soon be the best of pals.

    p.s. Your avatar is very cute. Is that one of your kitties?
  4. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    Thanks you 2! Chessmind, that avatar is my sweet Gracie, who just got fixed. :D
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I think it's the vet smell they react to. Any change in smell can set off a reaction.

    A cat I had who grew up with my dog would hiss at my dog after I gave her a bath :D was the only thing that would set her off
  6. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    that happens to my moms cats each and every time. then they get over it...most likely the smell, they have such good sniffers....
  7. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    I just wanted to thank you all for your help. I think the "feud" is pretty much over! Amazing how one cat can be so upset at another cat for days, then just start to act like normal again....back to being friends. I just hope the picked on kitty doesn't hold a grudge! :wink:
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Jo. I'm glad things are now back to normal. Do you have any pics for us to see of your kitties (other than your avatar)? Gracie sure looks pretty and fluffy! :mrgreen:
  9. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    Thank you Chessmind! Your opening a can of worms asking me that....how many dozens of pictures can I show you? (hehehe) Gracie isn't feeling well today....keeping an eye on her.... :cry:
    I will try to add a pic below...if I do it correctly.......

    This is Gracie with her best friend Faith (the one who gave me so much trouble this past week)

  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    What a great pic. Beautiful cats! :eek: I hope Gracie feels better soon. What is wrong with her? :(
  11. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    LOL so cute, i can only image what their doing on a ladder but then again ive seen my cats do some crazy things.
  12. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    Chessmind......I'm a little concerned. She must have an upset tummy. I saw her throw up once yesterday and once today and she is not interested in eating right now. She seems ok as far as she will purr when I scratch her favorite spot, and she will even play with some of her toys if I tempt her....but food doesn't interest her right now. Called the vets and he said just to watch her a day or 2 more before bringing her in. Hope this is just a passing bug and she is ok!
    Ok ok...here's another pic.....hehehe

  13. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Is that the cutest picture or what??? LOL. That's a terrific candid moment, right there! :mrgreen: I hope she feels better soon. She's been through a lot with her spay. Just keep an eye on her. Make sure she is at least drinking and eating some soft food. Check in with your vet again if she's still not better tomorrow.
  14. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    Thanks so much Chessmind. It's nice to talk with other "cat people" who care and understand! This poor cat has been thru so much in her first year. She had ringworm when I brought her home (didn't know it at the time), she's hard of hearing, and now this. She means sooo much to me, I hope she isn't very sick! :cry:
  15. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I hope she feels better soon too. Let us know how she's doing. She sure is cute. :wink:
  16. vene

    vene New Member

    Thank you for posting your pictures. Your cats are very photogenic! Can you post more pics?
  17. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    Thanks Vene.....your asking a mom if she could post more pics????
    Umm...I think i sure could....heh
    I am still waiting for Gracie (the one that I started this thread about) to eat. Going on 4 days now....
    I will go to the vet tomorrow if she's still not eating. Could it be a hairball that wont go either way? She seems fine other than just not interested in food. She drinks ok. Man I hate this.

    This is Faith..Gracies best friend

  18. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    What a pretty face!
  19. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    AHHHHH so adorable, how old is faith?
  20. Ia_Cat_Lover

    Ia_Cat_Lover New Member

    Thanks! Both Faith and Gracie are about a year old.

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