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Animal Emergency law

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by JKKsEuro Dobermans, May 5, 2004.

  1. JKKsEuro Dobermans

    JKKsEuro Dobermans New Member

    8) TITLE: Animal Emergency Law
    SUMMARY: The Animal Emergency Law should be instituted for the well-being
    of all animals.

    Click here to sign the petition:
    http://www.PetitionPetition.com/cgi/pet ... gi?id=6988

    Message from "Barbara Bagley":
    Did you know that if your animal were to suffer an extreme "emergency",
    most veterinarians will not lift a finger to help your animal unless you
    can pay UPFRONT, the FULL cost of your animal's visit? These veterinarians
    will not even consider allowing you to create an account with them so that
    you can make monthly payments, until the account is paid off. Not every
    pet owner is so financially well-off to pay the full cost upfront.
    Please read and sign this petition in support of an "Animal Emergency Law"
    that will prohibit veterinarians from turning away any animal in need of
    emergency care due to the owner's inability to pay UPFRONT and IN-FULL the
    cost of that visit, and will enable the owner to create an account in which
    to make monthly payments to pay off that visit.
    {Please, spread the word about this petition}

    More about PetitionPetition.com:
    PetitionPetition.com is a website where your voice can be heard. Sign
    petitions to show your support for something you care about. Sign up for
    the Petition Newsletter and stay up to date on the issues that matter to
    you. Or start a petition of your own--it's free and easy to do. Visit us
  2. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Thanks for posting this. It is sad that some vets are like this. I had a sick dog once when I was broke as broke can be. I called the emergency vet and they wanted $150 just for us to walk in the door. I ended up calling my vet at home and she told me some steps to take to help him through the night till I could get him to her in the am. Then she set up a payment plan for me.
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I know a vet like that and I am still waiting for her neuter elephant sign again .They are redoing the building and have been for months ,so no sign is up at all ,I am just waiting .Going to take pictures and post it here .I dislike vets like that .But ,no pettition will likely stop it ,would have to be a federal law as each state is different concerning dog and cat health care .I will sign the pettition , and watch to see where it goes ..
  4. Prncess

    Prncess New Member

    Signed it! Great thanks for posting....I have to agree because I am one of those ppl who really can't afford it =( so sad and i would be devastated if something happened to my baby! =(
  5. ceveretts

    ceveretts New Member

    Read it. Signed it. Can't believe it has come to this!!! Thank-you! I hope my sig. will count cause I'm Canadian but I will be moving back to florida where my baby Macy is from.
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Whats sad is that we are placed in a situation where a petition is needed. Thats what sucks. We shouldn't have to worry whether our pets can get medical attention or not. Its rediculous!
  7. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    We have a wonderful vet but the emergency clinics and the others . OHHHHHHHHHH i had yorkie needed c-section and they wanted 250 upfront to look at her. finally my vet saw her and charged 175 for c-section and spay.
  8. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    Wow, well i have something to say, a long time ago some guy got jailed for 4 years becuase he pulled a shotgun on an emergency vet clinic becuase his dog needed to be put down and was in extreme pain, they put the dog down and he surrendered peacefully to pigs *cough cough* i mean Polic Officers

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