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what supplies and food for bunnys

Discussion in 'All other pets' started by worldofmoz, May 14, 2004.

  1. worldofmoz

    worldofmoz New Member

    Hi im hoping to get a bunny soon I dont know what its called but it has floppy ears I ve always wanted a bunny Can you tell me what he needs like do they sleep indoor or outdoor and what size cage do I need for one bunny and anything I need to know
    Thanks I would really apreciate it
  2. fishy_chick

    fishy_chick New Member

    Bunnies eat all kinds of veggies, carrots, lettus, I fed mine left over corn sometimes... they're great at eating left overs! I also fed mine rabbit pellets daily and alfelfa as a treat.

    Mine was kept in a wooden cage that my dad built. It had one section that was about 2x4 feet with a chicken wire door. Then there was a divider with a little hole for him that lead to a 1x2 foot compartment that we filled with hay or straw for him to sleep in. In the winter we hung a light bulb from the ceiling for warmth. There was a door on this compartment as well, but you couldnt see into it. The cage was in my backyard but we moved it into the garage in the winter.

    The floor of the cage was wood except for one corner that was just chicken wire. The bunny did his bathroom stuff in that corner and we put a tray underneath the cage that the poop and stuff fell into so it was easy to clean up.

    When it was warm outside I let him run free around the backyard and I sometime brought him into the house. He was a dwarf rabbit, so his cage didnt need to be big, the the bigger the better! You'll also need a bowl for food and a water bottle that hangs on the cage that he can drink out of without making a mess. I hope this helps you out, have fun with your bunny!
  3. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    I have a lopped eared bunny ( I think that is the kind ur talkin about) Well Spunky lives outside. He is 6 years old as of about 1 month ago. He eats pellets and hay. At first we tried a type of pellets with little flavored treats in it but I dont recommend that because Spunky decided he would only eat the treat pellets so we switched back to regular pellets. Spunky has a leash and loves going in the backyard to just lay in the shade and eat grass. He also loves apples and celery for treats but doesn't like those salt lick things that they sell in stores like Petco and Petsmart. Sadly Spunky doesn't chew on wood and his teeth grow very large :cry: so my dad has to cut them w/ Pliers (dont worry bunnys have no feelings in their teeth and thats how the vet did the m when we brought him in so now we do it.
  4. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    i would sugest alfafa. they do the best bedding, treats, and food for bunnys
  5. sindri

    sindri New Member


    try www.rabbits.org

    both have good information about bunnies.

    about the teeth, you can actually hurt the rabbit by using pliers as the teeth can shatter. A lot of good rabbit vets won't clip teeth with snipping tools for this reason. I have had a rabbit with maloccluded teeth and it can lead to all sorts of problems if not kept under control. She ended up having her front teeth removed because they grew so fast.
  6. OneWolvesDream

    OneWolvesDream New Member

    those are really great sites.

    btw good luck on your new bunny!
  7. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    I'm really sorry if what I'm saying is repeatitive of what was already said but anyways here I go, hopefully by now you know that the type of rabbit you said you wanted is called a lop. There are many different kinds of lops. There are German lops, English lops and some others. My first bunny was a lop that I had for ten years and if I were to get another rabbit it would definetly be a lop. Anyways, if you plan on keeping your rabbit outdoors you should buy or built a very strong and a very safe hutch and/or enclosure to both prevent the rabbit from escaping and to prevent potential predators from entering. If you keep your rabbit inside make sure you have a spacious cage for him to have enough room to hop around and let him out of his cage daily. You should have your basics like a food bowl, water drop, salt lick, gnaw board/wood, and food, etc. When it comes to food you should feed your rabbit specially made rabbit pellets and daily feed him/her fresh fruits, veggies and occationally certain grains. Those are the basics and if you have any further questions feel free to ask!
  8. Nameless

    Nameless New Member

    Sorry for going on a rant but incorrection and furthur justification on certain posts in terms of long bunnny teeth I strongly urge you not to clip them, as I said in my previous post you should supply gnawing wood or a gnawing block that will help to trim her/his teeth down. However, if that does not work, you should feed him hard foods such as carrots, which will help keep his/her teeth down to the right size. However, if ofr some odd reason his teeth are still too long you should immediaetly send him to your veterinarian to get them trimmed but NEVER DO THEM YOURSELF! I hope and wish you good luck with your new bunny and thanks for posting your question!
  9. horse_child

    horse_child New Member

    Hi there,
    If your going to get a mini lop, a cage would be fine. One at Quality Supply works well. If your going to get a bigger bunny, i strongly suggest that you build a outdoor encloser. Be sure to have a top and botton to it. The rabbit will dig out or something will dig in. I suggest you feed your rabbit veggies, papaya pills(for fur balls), sunflower seeds, and cob (horse grain). Also, be ready for a loss. I had my first rabbit almost 2 years when a dog chewed through the chicken wire of the cage and killed him. My 2nd rabbit was a mini lop and after 3 months, he just died. You have to realise that the reason rabbits multiply like weeds is because they died off like precious flowers. also EVERYONE that you will talk to will have a story of a rabbit getting killed by a dog, someday, you will too. don't let that scare you off. They are a wonderful pet and will bring you great happiness and fond memories! Good Luck!!!
    :eek: :lol: :eek: :lol:

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