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Must See Video Clip!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by GinaH, May 15, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    This Video clip is a must see you will be furious but you will also cry your eyes out it is so powerful! Watch video clip 1 if your modem is slow watch clip 7. It takes a few minutes to load but it's so worth it! Hopefully everyone who watches this will never forget it.
    *Viewer Discretion Advised*

    http://www.animaldefense.com/greenwalt_ ... m#videosix
  2. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    I watched the first video clip and yes it was sad, but I dont' really get the point. Its heartbreaking to see animals PTS. What I don't understand is the point, shelters can only hold so many animals, thats what happens when you have people breeding right and left and over populating dogs. There isn't enough space for all of them. It must be really hard for anyone to do this. After awhile being a vet you get used to it, probably, but I'm sure its still not something they enjoy. This looks like something some activist would put out.
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    GinaH: True_Pits is right. This is an animal rights group called ADL-LA. It was meant to discredit Director Jerry Greewalt in the city's A.C.C. Mr. Greenwalt went into this job with high expectations, but has been highly overwelmed by the the numbers of animals that have come to the shelters. LA has 6 shelters that are overfilled with unwanted pets. I have to commend the people who work at these shelters and what that have to do each day. I saw the clip and could see the compassion they felt for these animals. When I was in Vet Tech school we saw several videos of A.C.C. in L.A. as part of a study. As a Vet Tech intern you are required to volunter at shelters and vet hospitals. To have to assist ineuthanizing an animal, especially puppies and kittens, just makes your heart break. After awhile you just feel pissed off because irresposible people don't live up to their commitment and spay, neuture, and licensed. It's not the Director's fault, it's the people. This animal rights group should direct it's anger at who really counts. Here's the site for A.C.C. in L.A. You will be amazed at how many of the dogs are P.B., and Stafforshires, and AmStaffs.

  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I already knew the politics behind the clip I have been following the story for sometime now. This was sent to me the other day from the staff cordinator of the Johnson/Williamson county shelter where I volunteer. The purpose of the clip was to make people aware of what is really going on.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    GinaH: I think it's a very powerful clip. And people should see it before they purchase an expensive pedigree, or decide to let their dog have puppies, or before they choose not to spay and neuter. I'm sure since you volunteer at a shelter, you've help assist in the use of sodium phenobarbital. When I see video clips like this, at first I cry, then I get angry. You can preach till you're blue in the face and sometimes it seems like it's for nothing. Then just one person will look at me and agree, then I guess all the static I get for preaching is worth while.

    But I feel Jerry Greenwalt has some good ideas, but is totally overwhelmed by the number of pets that comes to L.A. shelters. The activists should target breeders, puppy mills, Department Store Dog Sellers and irresposible pet owners. Easier said than done. L.A. animal control has no choice but to put down these animals. There are just too many to keep, place in adoption programs, or adopt out. The sad thing is, this is just a minuscule of unwanted pets all across this country. Your video clip you posted says it all, no matter who's saying it, the heartache is still the same. I'm glad you posted it. I hope everyone lookes at it.

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