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dogs go crazy...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by letsgopens, May 14, 2004.

  1. letsgopens

    letsgopens New Member

    I hope someone can help me, I have 2 dogs, one is a cocker (myla)and one is mixed breed, I think she may have some pit bull and lab(noodles). They are friendly dogs and Noodles think she is a lap dog. When I take them out on there leash or in the car they go crazy when they see someone and try and go after them like they will bite. I don't know what to do because I never taught them that and I correct them and try and make them stop when they do that but they won't stop. I would like to walk them more but this makes it hard. When I take Myla in the car herself she will bark but she is pretty good and will lie down when I am not in the car. Noodles will try and put her head through the window to get people, no amount of trying to make her stop will work, so I don't like taking her and then I don't like taking Myla and leaving Noodles home because I feel bad and Noodles kinda has seperation anxiety. The thing is they don't do it to everyone. I think part of the problem is that I live in the projects and some people will tease them by barking at them, this is adults and kids,some are adults with their kids. I hope no one takes this the wrong way but most of them are black people and it seems like the dogs are more prone to not like other black people and I don't want anyone to think I am trying to make my dogs not like black people. There is a case in my Pittsburgh suburb where a black woman is sueing the police because they say they trained their dog to be racist, because the dog bite a black boy while he was chasing another suspect. They will do this to white peope too, but it does seem like it is more black people. Now adays it doesn't take much for someone to say you are racist and it worries me that someone will call and make a complaint about my dogs. It is hard for me to even take them to the bathroom because of the amount of people always outside and trying to mess with them when we go out. Please Help.
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Obedience training classes is always a great idea but it can also be a little expensive depending on where you live. Here at the local YMCA they have a puppy obedience class that is only 2$ a week. Maybe you could check to see if any programs with the YMCA or the Boys and Girls club are offered in your area. Otherwise I don't really have any good advice for you.
    Good luck to you.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    When did you get your dogs? Did you have them since a pup or are they adopted. You know I met a man that had adopted a german shepard that was abused and from a neighborhood mostly african american. So the dog was abused by only what he saw which was black people. Now this dog would get irritated when ever he was around that race. This man told me that someone said the same thing, that he taught the dog to be that way, when it was not that way. that poor dog had no teeth becuase it was trying to free itself from whatever life it had. Its teeth were all wore down. I think any dog can be reminded of an aweful past. and in no way am I saying all african americans harm their dogs nor hispanic, asian, white. It happens all over. If an animal is only exposed to one thing and hurt by it, it will remember.
    I think obedience would be good. Also start taking noodles walking more. Muzzle him if you think he could do some harm. But he needs to get out there and see that theres alot of good people out there. Desencitize him. Since your noodles is on the bug side, its best to take one dog at a time for a walk until you get a handle on there activity.
  4. lanena322

    lanena322 New Member

    I read somewhere (cant remember now, i will try to look it up) that some dogs do discriminate, for one reason or the other. I had a cockapoo once that absolutely hated black people (was no reason, he wasnt abused or anything), my cousin had a doberman who didnt tolerate men. some dogs dont like a specific type of dogs (my shih tzu couldnt stand smaller dogs but she was a big sweetie with large dogs)

    I dont really know what would help you, id deinately say speak to a trainer. most trainers offer a free evaluation, and they could tell you what you would need to do and maybe a few classes would help you.
  5. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think also if a dog is not used to seeing different nationalities they can act a bit odd. This is child related, but years ago, I used to baby sit and I brought the baby to church with me and he was not around dark skinned people. He started crying imediatley when this sweet african american women came up to me to say hello. I was shocked. So I guess it does happen.
  6. letsgopens

    letsgopens New Member

    dogs go crazy..

    my dogs have around black people and some noodles loves. there a counseler who comes to my neices house and noodles wants to sit on this guys lap all while he is there and she isn't a lap dog :eek:) My neice brought Myla home when she lived with me and she was a puppy and my sister got Noodles as a puppy too. I am kinda stuck with them, don't get me wrong I love them but it is hard because although my sister has a house and I have to hide them where I live, I took them because my sister has no business having animals. Long story. We have tryed many things with Noodles such as a choker, a thing that is supposed to make her unable to pull( it goes on her front legs and is connected to leash) a halti, etc. she still can pull like crazy. She is extremely strong for her size. She is I guess around 50lbs. Myla is just "evil" as we call her she will sit and guard her stuff and growl at anything that walks by, she will get all the toys and put them together then lay there guarding them. I guess that is a cocker thing. She is small around 20lbs and seems to get bitchyer as she get older. I definitely can't afford trainers. I was looking for suggestions here. Thanks for any help.
  7. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    I believe you 100% that dogs can "discriminate". It might be black people or people with beards or people that wear hats or glasses etc etc etc. It all depends on how the dog was raised and from the sound of it..your dogs are conditionally trained to bark at darker skinned folk due to how many of them have treated them.

    A few years back when one of my girls was a puppy...I had a neighbor in an apartment complex that was a buddy of mine. He thought it was funny one day (he was a black man btw) to sprint in the door going "boogie boogie!" really loud at my dog. So my dog squats and pees shes so afraid and ever since....shes been nervous around black persons and men in general. Also of people entering the house without me letting them in (my new roommates) Dogs definately discriminate...it just depends on who/what scared them in the first place. I hate to tell you that my dog to this day still barks at a black person walking down the street and ignores everyone else. Usually black men however...she ignores kids and women for the most part. Oh and she doesnt like people with hats on either.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It is possible to overcome these fears, but it can be a lot of work. Basically, you have to enlist the help of whatever kind of person your dog reacts to. Then you have that person give your dog treats. Sometimes you have to start with them tossing a treat to the dog from a distance and work your way up to being able to hand it to them. Get a book that describes the process - it's been a while since I've read about it so I don't recall the details. I do remember reading about a dog that always barked ferociously at the pizza man, until they trained it to realize that the pizza man meant he got a little piece of pizza - now he LOVES the pizza man!


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