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31/2 Month Shih-Poo training

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Roxy&BuffysMommy, May 1, 2004.

  1. Roxy&BuffysMommy

    Roxy&BuffysMommy New Member

    I'm new here. I have a 31/2 month old shih-poo named Roxy. I am totally IN LOVE!!But I am in need of some advice as far as potty training. She is fully potty trained with her potty pads. But the stench of the pads is overwhelming. She's too little to leave outside (she'll fit through our gates and fall down our hill) What are your suggestions? i need to know where to finalize her training. We dont want her to go in our room because of the smell. But shes too little for outside. What do you do with your pets?
    Thanks in advance! :?:
  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Outside is best. Why not put up some chicken coup fencing over your other fence until she grows. That way she can't fall thru.
  3. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member

    I agree fencing off a small area is best then just put a used potty pad outside and she will pretty much figure it out from there
  4. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    I agree with the previous suggestions ~ some sort of netting should work okay along your existing gates and she won't get through :D
  5. Roxy&BuffysMommy

    Roxy&BuffysMommy New Member

    Thank you so much for your fast responses. However, the way my backyard is set up, the fences aren't the biggest problem. Our backyard slopes down and has a very steep hill that leads to a street. It would be impossible to fence that off. I also have a pool that isnt fenced off and our family owns an electrical company so we have supllies and work containers back there too which could potentially be hazardous for her. Im so confused!! But thanks again. :D
  6. Roxy&BuffysMommy

    Roxy&BuffysMommy New Member

    Oh...also, she's about 5/12 pounds right now, and everyone keeps saying she'll only get to be about 8lbs. at the max, so she'll never be that big.
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Roxy & Buffy's Mommy~

    Another option would be that you could buy one (or two to give her more room) of those dog play/exercise pens. The vast majority of the pens are suitable for outdoor use as well as indoor use, but the metal (as opposed to plastic) ones would probably be better if you plan to keep it outside all the time.

    Here is a link to see what I am speaking of:
    http://www.petco.com/product_info.asp?f ... Yards&ct3=

    Hope you find something that works! :D
  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Ooops, I just now noticed that you are new to the board...WELCOME, glad you stopped by!!! :D
  9. PooGirl13

    PooGirl13 New Member

    Silly me........ #-o Where are my manners! Yes, welcome to the forum!!!! =P~
  10. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Welcome to the board ! I agree with all the above !
  11. Kristine

    Kristine New Member

    If you want to continue indoor training you could try a litter box with dog litter. I use purina medium size litter box with the purina dog litter. It does not smell and the box needs to be changed and washed out about every 2 weeks. You should remove any poop as soon as you see it. If your pup will not get over 8 pounds litter training may be a good permanent option.

    You will have to get your pup used to the feel of the litter on her paws and get the pup used to jumping into the litter box. also some pups eat the litter--mine did constantly--using the bitter sprays did not work as he doesnt mind the taste of them. but it never made him sick and he eventually stopped eating it--after about a month. i stayed with the purina dog litter as it is supposed to be non toxic given my pups tendencies to eat it--but there are cheaper litter alterntives out there.

    there are dirctions in the purina litter bag about how to transtion from a pad to the litter. i originally thought i would use the pads but i thought the look of a peed on pad was gross thats why i went with the litter--and its less hassle as you dont have to keep changing a pad.
  12. Jennifer

    Jennifer New Member

    Can you use a leash and go on potty walks to a specific area in your yard?? We did this while waiting for our house to be completed ... we were living in an apartment complex at the time!

  13. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Welcome, I was thinking of a leash also.
  14. Trixiepoo

    Trixiepoo New Member


    Well thats what they said about Trixie when she was 4 pounds @ 3 months. They said she would be no more than eight pounds and now she is 10 months and 18 pounds. I would guess that she will get bigger than 8 pounds but maybe not because Trixie is really big and is still growing. (by the way how old r dogs when they stop growing 2 yrs.??? Anyone kno)
  15. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Typically, I believe it is right around a year for small breed dogs! :D
  16. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    The growth thing is varied .Some can grow even after 2 years .Some don't .usually after the first yr the growth is complete but that is not necessarialy what will happen .All depends on the gene they pull and does have a little to do with parents size .I would say just wait and see and love them for what they are ...best friends in the world !!!

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