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To be muzzled

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by daddyfs, May 8, 2004.

  1. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    Against some of yalls advice, i continued takin my pup to the dog park. I figured he is a pup and he can't hurt anythin there.. Anywayz, this lady was tellin a story about her Boxer gettin mauled by a Pitbull (i think everyone's dog was mauled by a "pitbull" (bs) ) Then she said that she was writin the City Officals about makin it a law for pitbulls to have to wear a muzzle when they enter the park.. WTF.. Now i know most of you agree with me that, that is a bunch of B.S... So i ask her " what if my dog gets attacked?? what then??" she had nothin to say. I know i wont take Jax to the dog park after he gets too big.. but i dont like the fact that if i wanted to i would have to have a muzzle on him while other dogs can take a free shot at him.. lord help the other dog tho.. cuz that jus means i have every right to defend my dog in my book...
  2. Angie

    Angie New Member

    I totally agree with you. And people gave you advice not to bring your dog to the dog park?
    wow, and we are talking about a pup right?
    Ignorant people have this idea stuck in their heads that Pit Bulls are the only dog that can attack. So anytime there is an attack, they just assume it was a pit bull.
    Most people wouldn't even know what my dog is, if I wouldn't tell them!
    OH! Wait, NOW all of a sudden you should be scared ... lol
    It's so rediculous (sp?)
    It is just horrible.
    I love it when there are people 'up there' or 'out there' in the eye of the public that have good things to say about Pit Bulls and that own them.
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I don't think your dog should have to be muzzled if he/she is on a leash.
    We don't have any dog parks around here but I do take my dogs to our state park quite often and I have never really had anyone say anything rude to me or had to worry about my dogs not getting along with other dogs. I do however make sure my dogs are leashed in public places.
    I have had a lady stop and ask what kind of dogs they were and when I told her they were APBT she looked kind of stunned because I also had my 3 children with me and she went on to ask me if it was illegal to own a "Pit Bull" she had heard they were dangerous and that they were being banned. For a moment I just stood there staring at her trying to regain my composure before I went on to tell her all about the breed and how I have owned and fostered different breeds in the last 10 years and of all the dogs that I have brought into my home APBT in my opinion are the most dedicated, Intelligent, gentle, loving dogs and absolutely great with children. She seemed to have really walked away from our conversation with a new found respect for the breed and in fact asked me where the shelter was that I volunteer at because she was thinking about getting a puppy.
    She ended up coming into the shelter a couple weeks later and adopting a 1year old APBT that had been an owner turn in. She called me last month and told me how her APBT was the best dog she had ever owned and how much she loved him and she thanked me for talking to her that day about my dogs and for not being offended by the stupid things she said.
  4. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    The woman at the park is just another "zealot" crusading in an attempt to ban a breed of dog she's only read about in the media. My Grace which is a APBT, has shown signs of being dog aggressive. Though all she has done is bark at other dogs when we go for a walk or when she has to go to the vet, I choose to muzzle her so she does't bark or if she would actually try to do battle with another dog. My other dog Reese wouldn't say poo if he had a mouth full. I feel bad having to muzzle Grace because it just seem to solidify thoughts people have about PitBulls. But it's just not a P.B. thing. When I sit in the Vet's office, there's dogs of all breeds that bark and snarl at other dogs. It makes everyone else uncomfortable. It's a dog owner's choice to be responsible and to evaluate and determind if a dog should be muzzled. This isn't just a P.B thing, it's an ALL DOG thing. My other P.B. Reese is such a lover boy. He's kind of like a dog version of a hippie from the 60s. PEACE AND LOVE. No muzzle required. If your pup is a social pup, take him to the park and walk him proud. If the same lady is there and says anything, just smile and say, "WHATEVER!"
  5. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Gina I am glad that you got this woman to listen to you. I wish more people would take the time to stop thinking about bs and start taking the time to actually listen about the wonderful breed.
  6. Sara

    Sara New Member

    I'm not a fan of dog parks in the first place (not enough control over the dogs there) which makes the whole idea really stupid. I mean...ANY dog can bite and attack another dog and the likelyhood of that happening at a dog park (where the dogs are running free at their discretion with other dogs that they don't know well) is way higher than in the regular park where dogs are to be leashed... If APBT's have to wear muzzles in a dog park then so should the rest of the dogs... ANY of them are likely to get into a fight...ANY of them...so it's really stupid. Next they'll be wanting to ban them from dog parks no matter what.

    Maybe they should just ban dog parks??? Dumb.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    That may not seem fair (it would be another biased law like BSL) but that is the exstinct this has to be taken too. To have the dogs leashed and on muzzles because foolish people continue to take their Pit Bulls to dog parks, which has ended in the mauling and death of other people's animals. If there were not so many irresponsible Pit Bull owners laws this would never be needed. Too many people have Pit Bulls and fail to realize what damage they can do, that they are more than your ordinary dog if they get in a fight and they don't have or know how to use a breaking stick. It doesn't look nice to the general public for a dog to be mauling another with its owner and several others trying to beat the dog off. Thats not a pretty picture for myself and I'm not sure why some people are so naive about their dogs capabilities.
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I dont even own a pit bull but I am so sick of responsible owners being punished for irresponsible owners actions. The other weekend I went to a local fair, there were two teenagers with pit bulls and they had them on huge chains and the dogs were quite aggresive, poorly trained and trying to go after the horses and other livestock there. The teenagers were laughing their heads of at this and encouraging this behavor. All I could think is those poor dogs have to live with those idiots. Anyway now they have decided no dogs are allowed at this fair next year. And all I kept hearing was how awfull pit bulls were based on those two dogs. It made me sick to my stomach.
  9. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I do not go to dog parks for fear of idiots that do not or can not control their dogs. Needless to say, if something happened, my pitbull would always be blamed due to pure ignorance of the general public.
    I do frequent local state and city parks though. I feel as a pit bull owner, it does not do the breed of dogs justice to keep them home and hidden. People need to know that there are well trained, intellegent and sweet pit bulls all around them.
    My girls that are well behaved on the bike paths go walking with me all the time.
    My little man Cairo (who still is horrible on a leash but we love him anyway) goes into the ball fields where they are gated off. He also goes walking in the wooded paths where he can enjoy the serene settings.
    I take my dogs to pet stores, Burger King, etc...
    The only way to make the general public realize that they are not all monsters is get them exposed (IN A POSITIVE WAY) MANNERS ARE IMPORTANT!!
    Social skills etc...
  10. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i never intended to takeJax to the park after he got a little older.. i jus wanted to get him out there so he can have interaction with other dogs and people at a early age.. i stopped goin becuase of other peolpe and thier dogs tho.. a lot of dogs got to aggresive with my pup and some of the owners that it was so cute.. especially this airedale terrier.. she thought it was hilarious.. til i had to take a kick at her dog.. playin is cool.. but when they get to growlin and yankin my pup by the neck.. i dont think so.. i jus wonder the reaction if my pup was full grown and he acted like that.. so i stay away from the park now.. i can jus imagine what would happen after he gets grown and a fight gets outta hand..i take him walkin in populated areas now.. for the folks that take your dogs to the park.. oggd luck, cuz it only takes one time

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