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rotty loves cat food!?!?!?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by oneBIGrotty, May 17, 2004.

  1. oneBIGrotty

    oneBIGrotty New Member

    my 4 month female rotty loves to eat cat food. i keep a gate at top of my step so the cats can have their space. since the dog seems to wanna play/lay on top of them. anyone have cat that loves cat food or any other weird food?? is there a way that i can get the cats to like the dog more? all dog wants to do is lick/maybe nibble on ear or tail :? :?
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Cats are wary animals .they like what they want to like and no way can you make them like anything they don't want to .Although you can try and hold them while holding the dog ,could help .
    the puppy does not need to eat the cat food though .Can cause liver /bladder kidney problems ..All dogs love it but don't need it ..
  3. gailau

    gailau New Member

    You may draw some comfort from knowing every dog I have ever owned has had a driving desire to eat the cat's food :D especially, anything of the fish variety. Makes for an expensive cat food bill, but the small quantity they consume probably acts as a "treat" for the dog. You do need to convince your dog's that it's not ok to eat it.... mind you, they seem to interpret that as "it's not ok to eat it when you're around" :D Good luck!
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    From my experiences, dog love everything cat (before it goes in the cat and after) I have come home to find my dog eating the cat nip playing with her toys, but generally the cat doesn'T have much interest in the dog toys, but she loves dog food she will chew right through the bag to get to it! But anyway what I have done with the cat food before is place on a window sill, although this was a very deep windw sill also since my cat seems to like the bathroom so much I also kept a dish on the back of the toilet, but now that I have an extra bathroom I keep a bowl in the bathrub, she loves it in there! But as for making the animals friendly, all Ihave done when I first got my kitten I had another dog and introduced them, never forced them to play or aything just ok look at your new sister (both were girls) then that dog died (not like then but a year later) then I got a new dog and did the same thing. Sometimes she loves to play with my dog but other times she would rather sleep or whatever. So I think eventually they will get the hang of each other and maybe they will and maybe they won'T want to play with eah other, but I don'T think it is something that you can teach them. They just realize ok my new friend, sister(brother) roomate, annoying other aimal that lives in my house whatever they want!
  5. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    I'm no expert on animal behavior...... but I sort of think with dogs eating the cat's food, sometimes it's more about the principle of the whole thing than actual hunger, or a particular craving for that particular food. It seems with any dog I've ever had there was just always some drive within them, sort of like some kind of "Rule of Dogdom".... that says "all dogs must at all times make every effort to take from the cat... regardless of what it is, or if you actually want it or not." I can even be feeding the dog and the cat the exact same thing, but the dog will be frantic and worried that what the cat is getting might be better.... or is just frantic that the cat is getting any at all! I guess it's just "A Dog Thing" that us humans will never fully understand! :wink:
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala is upset at the idea that anyone but her gets to eat. Bonnie doesn't care, as long as she gets some, too. :)

  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    My dogs don't seem that thrilled for cat food (dry), but they will try to snarkel up some canned stuff if it's there. But the corker is, in the morning when I give the dogs a cup of kibble, all three cats make a bee line for it like it's a big treat and start chowing down. Maybe because it has salmon in it. Sometimes all the cats and two dogs will all have their heads in the two bowels together. I always make a run for the camera, but by the time I find it, they're done.

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