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How did you come up with your member names?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chessmind, May 15, 2004.


Do you like your member name?

  1. Yes

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  2. NO

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  1. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Everyone. =P~ I was curious how everyone came up with their member names here at Auspet. I know some of them are obvious such as Footsie has a male kitty named Footsie. Mary_NH I think her name is Mary and she lives in NH? Tobysmom is a mom to Toby. But what about names like: Nern, Fleafly, Kyles101, Samsintentions, Dolly, Halaroo, Vene, Alkaline, FMgurl43, Honeybears, Moose, Mazyku, Lynnhaz, DJ, Spreeville, PilotKitten, Fblack, Charmedagain, Aqueous, Lucidity03.......the list goes on and on. I'm sorry I can't type everyones names as we have over 800 members. Anyway, I'd like to hear how all of you came up with your names. Also, would any of you rather have a different member name, but you don't want to change it because everyone knows you as such and such?

    I'll go first. I play chess. It's my favorite game. Sometimes I play well, sometimes I don't and no, I don't want to change my member name.
  2. Alkaline

    Alkaline New Member

    My member name is part of a band name that i like
  3. Jennytoons

    Jennytoons New Member

    My member name is the same as my e-mail address.
  4. KittyTales

    KittyTales New Member

    My name is KittyTales because I love to read stories about cats and I love to play with my cats tail.
  5. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I've had PilotKitten (PK for short) for about 5 years or so. Don't want to get TOO risque but when I was signing on for AIM "s*xkitten" was already taken and I am currently training to be a pilot so "PilotKitten" seemed like an okay name. I like it and use it everywhere. :y_the_best:
  6. nern

    nern New Member

    Some time ago I had a friend that used to called me nern. When I started joining various messge boards and could'nt think of a user name I decided to use nern and just so I would remember my user names I continued using it for many of the forums I joined. Now I use Opokki (which means skunk in Icelandic :shock: ) which is also my email address and would have liked to change my user name to that when we switched boards but decided not to because I did'nt want to confuse anyone.
  7. vene

    vene New Member

    Vene was my beloved cat's name short for Venus. I had Venus de Milo, now it's Venus vs. Serena or Rene and Vene.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. Okay so I now know why Alkaline, Jennytoons, KittyTales, PilotKitten and Vene got their member names, but I still don't get yours Nern! LOL. What does Nern mean? Was it just a name your friend made up?

    I'd still like to hear from everyone else about how you came up with your member name. It's okay if you're a brand new member. I always like to hear what everyone has to say. :mrgreen:
  9. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I always make up weird nicknames for my cats. I used to call my dearly departed Motley
    halaroo. So that's the name I started using on forums. No idea why I called her that - it's just one of the many weird things that have come out of my brain. And no I wouldn't change it because I've been using it for so long.
  10. dolly

    dolly New Member

    Great topic, Chessmind! :y_the_best:
    I was called Dolly as a child because I have the same name as my mother, so to avoid confusion I became Dolly. (BTW I HATE my real name (think: old lady) so Dolly was fine with me!)
  11. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Well....it is an attempt at a creative mesh of Elizabeth (my name) and Supervixen (a song by Garbage that I thought was a cool name) - hence, Elizavixen.
  12. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    I have always liked the name Laura and 5 is my favorite number... silly huh? :D
  13. nern

    nern New Member

    LOL. :lol:
    My real name is Vanessa...for short friends and family would often call me Ness or Nessa which I absolutly hated so a friend made up Nern from Ness I guess. This was years ago but I don't recall Nern meaning anything specificly...just a word made up by a smart &!@. :mrgreen:
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thanks for the feedback Halaroo, Dolly, Elizavixen, Laura05 and Nern. I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts. :mrgreen:
  15. moose

    moose New Member

    i went on vacation about 4 years back to maine and saw my first moose and have been in love with them ever since! so i use variations of it for email and places like this.

    chessmind -- funny you brought this topic up b/c i was actually wondering where your member name came from the other week :)
  16. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    what band would that be alkaline.. alkaline trio perhaps? ive always had this username for certain things for years now. im too uncreative to figure out something new. another username i use for other things is kybert. i love dogbert, and when i wanted a livejournal dogbert had already been taken. so i made up kybert.
  17. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Mary_NH I think her name is Mary and she lives in NH?

    you are so smart Chess :lol: I'm not too original and couldn't come up with much...this I can remember :mrgreen:
  18. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i agree...good topic. mine is a part of my email address too. but i voted no, i dont like it because it isnt really personal. now that i am thinking about it i wish i would have used "bubby" which is what i called my cat otis who died 2 months ago. by the way...does anyone's cat sit on their laps when they are in the forum? little maxie is right here and says hi to everone!
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i agree...good topic. mine is a part of my email address too. but i voted no, i dont like it because it isnt really personal. now that i am thinking about it i wish i would have used "bubby" which is what i called my cat otis who died 2 months ago. by the way...does anyone's cat sit on their laps when they are in the forum? little maxie is right here and says hi to everone!
  20. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    lynnhaz...normally I have a cat on my lap but I'm at work. I wish I had a cat that could come to work with me :p then maybe my day would be more exciting. Brought my 10 yr. old GSD in with me one day...she made her statement by peeing on the floor. :oops:

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