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UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! My Kida is HOME!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by rxfuture, May 18, 2004.

  1. rxfuture

    rxfuture New Member

    :eek: My Keda is HOME!!!! Keda is my beautiful 6 month old full blooded lab who has been lost for about 4 weeks. She was stolen from my back yard. I CANT believe this...I am in tears... We raised her since she was 12 weeks old. This is amazing...... A nice lady found her at a church about 2.5 miles from my house...called her ID tags and bang we have her back!!!! :y_the_best: SHe is filthy with ticks and fleas and a limp...she is at the vets now being dipped and x rayed. I honestly think she was on her way home. Got to go back just wanted to share my news!!!! NOw I have 3 doggies!!!!!! Wish me luck.
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    happy days!!!! I'm so happy you have been reunited with your pup. A good ending for all
  3. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    OMG :eek: :eek: :eek: that is teh best news!!. Boy you are going to have your hands full with your new pups and Keda. Glad to see see she still had her tags.

    Boy that is why we ened to keep our yards locked

  4. dogangel

    dogangel New Member

    :0020: Stacy, This is so greaaaat!!!! It just made my day!!!!

    And it will be double the luck, because if Keda is house trained, the little ones will tend to follow in her steps. That's what mine did.

    WE WANT PHOTOS!!!!!!!!

    Hmm-hmmm... was that loud enough???
  5. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    :eek: Wonderful news . I'm so glad she made it home and with alot less injuries than she could have My daughter has a yellow lab. :eek:
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Keda is in for a BIG surprise when she gets back home!! Two new members to the family. How do you think she'll react? I love hearing stories of lost pets finding their way back home.
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats wonderful! I can imagine the relief you felt when you got that call!
    Love her extra hard for her ordeal!.

    I don't think she'll have a problem. Just let her know she's not being replaced, and they are her new friends!
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Wow, that is soo great that you got her back. Give her tons of hugs from her family here at Auspet! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  9. nern

    nern New Member

    This is wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you. :eek:
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That is Great News!! Hooray for you! :y_the_best:
  11. rxfuture

    rxfuture New Member

    what a day! More news!!!!!

    Today I introduced Keda to the pups. She paid the no attention hardly at all. On the other hand the pups are terrified. Sassy even ATTACKED Keda. I am keeping the apart for now. Any advice? Keda is just sooo much bigger.
    Good new....Keda is the SAME as when she was taken. Her same personality is there. She is SO loyal.... She is at my side 24/7. When we walk unleased she is constantly looking up at me. She even remembers her few basic commands that we learned before this nigh mare started. I cant believe I have her back! I wonder if she remembers this house and the yard....do you think so? I cant help but wonder what really happened to her.....did she miss us as much as we missed her???? I know she acts soooooooooo happy now. She acts no different than before...just alot bigger! lol Ok, there is one thing different...she wants to chase my cat :(
    Any advice about creating harmony with the pups and Keda? Can she be deprogramed about wanting to eat Hershey my kitty?

    Thanks for all the nice messages. I really appreciate them. Thank Heaven for good samaritians who take their time to help lost/abandon animals. If this lady had not taken her time and got Keda's tag number and called my vet....I wont even go there!!!!!!!!

    Stacy :D
    Happy as can be..I have 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Rx, yo might want to post your question as a seperate post, there has been some great advice on this and would get peopels attentions


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