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New to the site with a new peek-a-poo puppy!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by peek-a-poo22, May 18, 2004.

  1. peek-a-poo22

    peek-a-poo22 New Member

    Hello everyone I stumbled across this site and I thought you guys might be able to help me with my first puppy.
    I just got a 9 week old male peek-a-poo for my birthday and I have a few questions about training him. I go to school during the day so he has to be left alone until I get home. Right now Im trying to potty train him with the disposable puppy mats. So he dosnt potty all over the house, I keep him in the bathroom during the day. I have a mat, his toys, and his crate in there with him. Hes using the mats pretty consistently, but I would like to be able to leave him during the day without the mats, and let him use the bathroom outside when I get home...Im not sure how to go about making the transistion. I will take him on walks (which is another subject Im lost on) but Im also building a small fenced in area right outside my back porch for him to use when I dont have the time to walk him at night. I hope you might be able to give me some advice with my new baby. Thank you very much! :D
  2. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Well hes young yet so the mats is a good way not to have a mess during the day. I break my pups on mats and then start letting them outside . wHEN THE WEATHER IS NICE. THEY GET THE IDEAL GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW PUPPY.
  3. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    First off, Being that your pup is young and has not been fully vacinated. Do not take him for walks where any other dog may have walked. Its crucial for his health. They pick up all sorts of sickness being un-vacinated. ask your vet the proper age of when to bring around other dogs. With potty training try bringing a sioled puppy pad out to the area you want him to go on, even bring his poop. Hopefully he will smell himself and go there. It really does take time. Its best with pups if you could be there on an hourly basis so's you can bring him out often so's he would catch on faster. Yours will probably take longer but he'll get it.
  4. peek-a-poo22

    peek-a-poo22 New Member

    Hopefully with school ending really soon I'll be around alot more to train him
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Great advice above, I just wanted to welcome you to the board!!! :y_the_best:

    :eek: Congrats on your new furbaby!!! :eek:

    (Oh, and the sooner you get your pup off the puppy pads and doing his business outside, the better. I didn't use puppy pads with my guys, but as Puttin mentioned, do bring his soiled puppy pads outdoors, it will definitely help him realize what he's out there for!)
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Are you in college, highschool? I have two boys in highschool. You sound mature minded. Yes summer vacation will be here very soon. Just be patient.
  7. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    I forgot to mention above, there are lots of great posts on this forum about housebreaking, so if you would like some reading material about the issue, you may want to check those posts out! :y_the_best:

    Have a great day! :D
  8. peek-a-poo22

    peek-a-poo22 New Member

    Im in high school. Thank you! :) Im hopeing that by coming to a site where people really know their pets I'll get some helpful tips when it comes time to train my puppy (Gizmo) to do his buisness outside.
    Gizmos a great puppy. I've had a little problem getting him to eat his food and not the cats, and to lay off my feet, but other then that hes doing really well here.
  9. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I would put the cat food up high where the cats can find it but not him .Cat food is not good for him and can cause problems ,bladder ,kidney ...

    welcome to the board ... :eek:
  10. peek-a-poo22

    peek-a-poo22 New Member

    Thats what I was trying to do but my mom got mad at me and said that I had to train him not to eat the cat food and that I couldnt move the cat food just b/c the dog wants to eat it
  11. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    training a dog not to eat cat food is difficult .they are drawn to it .How old are you ?
    Maybe you need to just put the cat food up higher .
  12. peek-a-poo22

    peek-a-poo22 New Member

    I got Gizmo not to eat the Cat food anymore. He wont even come near it. Im 16. Hes getting better with barking, but right now Im just focusing on potty training him. Its going to take a while.

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