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Shop And Adopt?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by GinaH, May 18, 2004.

  1. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Now here's an idea that could revolutionize animal shelters.
    Furburbia is putting adoptable pets where people are-at the mall. The first of it's kind in the United States, the Furburbia adoption center in Salt Lake City's Cottonwood mall looks like a pet store. It sells pet supplies but it operates like a shelter. Adoption fees ($85-$95) cover vaccinations and spaying and neutering. And include a collar and leash for dogs or a plastic carrier for cats. Proceeds help homeless pets in Utah. Furburbia will also help you start an adoption center in your local mall. 435-644-2001,ext.254 Checkout their website www.furburbia.com their E-mail adress is nmhp@bestfriends.org
    Wow now that sure beats the heck out of the puppymill supporting pet stores! I think it's a great idea! So what do you guys think?
  2. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    It's a very good idea. Reminds me sorta of the pet stores that do support adoptions..unfortunately they only host the adoptions once a week for only a few hours. I always think that if they had just one or two extra volunteers per day..they could bring at least a handful of adoptable dogs to pet stores willing to "host" them every day. I wish they would do it more often than just on saturdays.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Our PetsMarts have cats every day, but the dogs only come for a few hours on the weekends.

    We do have a rescue group that has a permanent location at one of the malls.

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I have ehard of this and think it is wonderful - unlike that new place woof and co selling desgner puppy mill dogs in malls. they think this is great idea :(

  5. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    well....i'm a little against the idea. i'm not big on animals being bought on impulsion. I guess it probably works some of the time but I would think there would be other times when people would say "oh, how cute, etc. etc." and then buy a dog, get it home and then think "what the hell did i do?" and bring it back, or worse.
  6. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That is why it is operated like a shelter there are many requirements and it's not just a hand over the money and you got the pet kinda deal.
    It works just like any other shelter. And if it replaces the traditional mall pet stores that would be Great!
  7. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Gina, you re right in if it replaces regualr pet stores and like you said they jus tdont give the animals to anyone - and they should have return policies in place no questions aksed if someone needs to return an a pet

  8. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I agree with elexi...

    I don't think its a good idea to advertise them as a "PET STORE" and buy on impulse. Because thats what your gonna get. The crowd that wants "this" or "that".
    And wants it NOW and then they realize they don't want it....and the story goes on.....

    Another thing that worries me. If they are known as a "shelter" think of all the animals that are going to be dumped in a public place. People are going to get the word that its a shelter and dump their pets. What if its an agressive dog who bites the pedestrians as they are entering the mall..... Just observations I'm forseeing...

    But on the other hand, I think its a good idea in the fact that it'll run "puppy mill run" petstores out.
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sam did you read my reply to Eliza? Or did you look at the website?
    They operate as a shelter and so therefore the adoption process would be just like any other shelter.
    You stated in one of your posts that you were going to use the Wal-mart parking lot to set up an adoption center for all the dogs dropped at your house right? So how do you know the people who adopt the dogs from you are not adopting on impulse? Are you going to background checks or have a mandatory 48-72 hour waiting period?
    This shelter is also offering spay and neutering included in the adoption fee. As far as people dumping their animals outside a public place it happens anyway all the time.
    Furburia has actually had great success with their program. You really should check out their site.
    Good Luck to you this weekend.
  10. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Gina, you re right in if it replaces regualr pet stores and like you said they jus tdont give the animals to anyone - and they should have return policies in place no questions aksed if someone needs to return an a pet

  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Oh didn't see your post after hers!

    The adoption at wal-mart will be just like the SPCA adoption program. There has to be a background check on them. They can choose a pet, and they will have to wait 48-72 hrs after all the info has returned. Inorder to pick them up. Yes the adoption fee includes the spay and neuter, all vacinations, certified health check, ect....

    The best part about having it here. ITs such a small town, everyone knows everyone! On the impulse thing, people will probably come over to check things out and look, but we've been advertising it for a while now. SO most everyone knows its going on. There's a big sign in front lettting everyone know when and where its going to be held.
  12. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I think its good idea. As long as they stay with the standards of a shelter. By that I mean with the adoption process.
  13. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Hopefully they will also make pamphlets that explain how they are different from a pet store and why you should never buy from a pet store, BYB, or puppy mill.

  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    It is a good idea as long as they can control illnesses there .Is this going to be vet checked before they go into that area or they just put them in there when dropped off ? And do they have saftey measures for all the small children that are in malls ?
    The reaason I was asking is because the links don't work on my computer .My firewall blocks them .
  15. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    GinaH: I went to the Furburbia website and I was more than impressed. They have a really good concept on how to remedy the homeless pet situation. I really liked the spay/neuter license plate. Here in AZ different organizations work with Dept. of Trans. for specialty plates with proceeds going to "Child Crisis Center," "Domestic Abused Prvention," "Save the Desert." Proceeds go to keep designated programs running.

    Also I liked the "Clip 'N' Save Discount Vouchers for spay and neuters and ALL the Vets that participate.

    If you don't mind, I would like to send this site to some City, State government, and Privately run animal shelter and rescue groups. The only way we can put a dent in the shelter population is to come up with a workable spay and neuter plan. And at the same time making adoptable pets more visable. When a lot of people decide they want a pet, they turn to the classifieds, (B.Y.B.) or the pet stores, (puppie mills).
  16. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Lovesdapits You are more then welcome to tell everyone about Furburbia!
    The animals that come into Furburbia are actually from other surrounding shelters so the same dogs and cats are not always there they are alternated.
    All the animals are vet checked, vaccinated and the adoption fee goes towards assuring all animals are spayed or neutered.
    The W/J. County shelter coordinator of the shelter I volunteer at actually introduced me to Furburbia. I have spoken to Shelter coordinators that actually work with Furburbia and I am currently working on getting a Furburbia adoption center established at one of our local malls. The fundraisers Furburbia host have proven to be a great success. They work very hard to help place homeless animals and have improved the homeless pet population in Utah greatly.
    ilovemaltipoos: Furburbia operates just like any shelter would but in my opinion with more success. The animals are not running around wild they are contained just like in any animal shelter or even pet store for that matter.
    IM not quite sure what you mean by this? After all what shelter does not have to worry about illnesses? Especially since 85% of the animals that come through the doors were strays and most likely have never been vaccinated and have been exposed to who knows what. They would not be able to operate as a state funded shelter if they did not follow certain guidelines.
  17. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    Of course they have a vet. Why are you so quick to question the validity of this place? They may be new but they sound like an excellent group with excellent goals. Even the worst of the worst pet stores have vets so it's most likely some sort of animal control enforced law that all animals get regular checks by a vet.
  18. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Well ,,,I was not so quick to question about the vet ,I was just asking .I cannot view the links ,my browser keeps blocking them for some reason and there are shelters (that claim ot be shelters ) here that have no vet .I was just asking about the particulars .And about the illnesses thing ,It is just that is it open all the time ,Are they going to keep them in cages in the malls all the time ? With people going in and out constantly ? I think it is a good idea to take rescues to the people ,I was just wondering about it that is all .
    Are all of you going to act as if I commit a crime each time I ask a question ? If so ,you will be barking up the wrong tree alot .I have the right to ask ,espically if I cannot view a link to get the info .
  19. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    umm....? Does that happen a lot around here because I merely questioned your readiness to discredit a company with seemingly honorable intentions.....once. I don't know anything about you.
  20. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I lovegreatdanes ...No it doesn't and I think this game should be stopped now .I had no intention whatsoever of any type dicredit of them .

    Also ,Gina my firewall is blocking the links ...IS there another link or way to get to it .I have even tried typing them in and it has not worked yet .I will try on my husbands computer tomorrow and see if I can pick it up there . Do they take donations ?
    Also ,there are no malls in this area ,the closest one in Huntsville about 45 to 50 miles away .wanted to know if these people are contacting all Humane Shelters in each state .if not ,I can contact the ones in that county and send the info to them .Just wondering .

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