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Hole in the wall - HELP!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by sasha, May 19, 2004.

  1. sasha

    sasha New Member


    I always leave my dog gated in the kitchen when at work (so cats can have a run of the house and she doesn't eat my son's toys while I am not watching).

    Anyway, my friend's dog stays with me for two weeks; both dogs get along fine EXCEPT every time I come home now for the last couple days there is a puddle on the floor and new hole in the wall.

    And I mean - HOLE, someone is actually eating through the drywall. I fix it in the evening with patching compound and it's back next day, even bigger.

    That (both wall eating and peeing in the house) never happened before with either of the dogs (they are well behaved...when not together). They play all the time, so it's not "boredom" thing either. Both are on Eukanuba and look and act healthy.

    I have no idea what got into them. I have no idea which dog does what (though I suspect that my dog eats the wall while friend's dog pees on the floor.) I really worry that my dog would pick that behaviour and will keep doing both after her buddy is gone. I worry that they are sick or something is wrong or....AHHHH..

    It's not even the wall that is a problem (I was planning to paint it anyway).

    Anyone can offer any ideas what is wrong with the dogs? Any advice?
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Well ...wall plaster can't be good for them ...LOL !!
    Ok ,do they have something to chew on to keep them busy ? More than apt could be an attention getting thing ...
  3. sasha

    sasha New Member

    They have two bones (which I fill with peanut butter before leaving) and two kong toys (filled with treats), plus a couple thick sticks to chew and a soft fluffy toy.

    What can I put on the wall to stop them from eating it (aside from putting tile....I was actually considering that...)?
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Well ...if they don't pull the tile off you got it made ...LOL !
    Just joking .
    I would think to put some hot pepper on the wall may help .now ,this is the thing ..not really okay but got to do something ...I would take a jalapena or onion (a really strong onion ) and cut it open ...rub all over the area ,try that or if that don't work ,move a peice of heavy furniture over the area ...since it is a wall it is very difficult to protect ...maybe someone else here has a better idea ...HELP !!!!
  5. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    pet smart has a bitter apple spray you can spray on the wall. Good luck we had dog that would eat out patio door blind 1/2 way into causae she wanted to go with us .
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    My daughter's dog did the same thing. Made a big hole in the sheet rock right by the front door. Almost like he was trying to get out or something. He did it only once after everyone left for the day. We thought maybe it might have been separation anxiety.
  7. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Dummy me !! I totally forgot about Bitter Apple ....thanks !
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL! Maybe they have the same "disease" the rest of our dogs seem to have had the past week. I think they are all possessed... :shock:

  9. sasha

    sasha New Member

    Thanks, I'll try Bitter Apple.
    Maybe my dog can't stand my friend's dog anymore during the day and trying to get out...LOL!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm sorry, but this evokes images of a cartoon of some sort, with the dogs having a grand ole time while owner is away. I know, I'm twisted. But Nala ate a giant hole in the wall-to-wall carpet on Friday that the kids and I are careful to keep covered up so my husband doesn't see it, and three times in the last week Bonnie has deposited a liquid pile of poo on the floor. Yesterday's was the WORST. We were late getting home because the kids had an orthodontist appointment. By the time we got home, who knows how long it had been sitting there - but the whole house STANK and the carpet is terribly stained. I'm still working on it.

    Good thing it is all part of the same carpet. We'll replace that in a few years when the dogs are under control, LOL!

    As far as your dogs go, sasha, if the Bitter Apple doesn't work, I would try to devise a way to contain the dogs when you aren't home. There's really no onther way that I can think of to get them to stop when no one is around to correct them.


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