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More Weird Freckles, What's Going on here?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, May 19, 2004.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    For the past few days Freckles will not go outside without encouragement, which includes picking him up and depositing him on the deck. Once there he is happy as a toot and runs off to do his business or romp with Duke. He has urinated inside three times in the past week so it's like he is reverting to an unhousebroken state. It's like the door threshold has some invisible shield that he refuses to cross. With two doors that open to the back yard he will occasionally go out the utility room door on his own but NEVER the door from the den. Again, once outside he is fine and happy so it's not a fear of the back yard. I can pick him up but his mom manages by lifting his front end and walking him out. He puts up no resistance at all.
    Is he just as loony as I think he is?[​IMG]
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Char started doing that about 3 weeks after having her puppies. She refused to go outside. BUt once outside she was fine. Just didn't want to go through the door.

    Has something happned with the door accidentally closing on him? hurting him? anything???

    He may just be trying to test you. He wants to go goutside when he wants, not when you want.....
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    My dogs have been acting weird for almost a week now. First, they had that fight last week. Then they haven't wanted to go in their crates at night - I have to pick them up (heavy!!) and put them in - then they lie right down and go to sleep as usual. Last night was the first night they have gone in willingly, as they used to.

    Nala has been worse than squirrely. She is unfocused and acts like a bull in a china shop. Friday afternoon, she ate the phone cord and a large chuck of carpet, and she has not been destructive like that for ages! (Don't tell my husband. I am following Susan's lead with the hat and just not telling him. Her crate is on the ruined part...)

    I don't know what it is, but I wish it would stop!

  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    could something have scared him and he is afraid to walk thru the doors?? very strange indeed

  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    YEah, Its weird how many pups and dogs have shown up suddenly. More than ever!

    Its gotta be something in the air....

    Is there a full moon we don't know about???
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    That's the first thing I checked. It's definitely full moon behavior. I hope it doesn't get worse when the moon IS full!

  7. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Some of mine have been acting up also .Even as I speak today I have broken up fights that normally do not ever happen with those that are raised together.I usually have to seperate the rescues for a long time until they are use to each other so they won't fight but even my pets are fighting amoung themselves lately ,not a usual thing and Sam won't stay in a room by himself this last week ,if he sees I am not theere he bounds out like all te hounds are after him and whines alot ,Sheba is whinning too alot and that is unusal also .
    I ask my vet what it could be and he said it was strange cause he had others saying the same thing .He says maybe they have knowlege that something is not quite right ....LOL !!! AS if anything ever is .Anyway I seem to almost agree with him and his was a flippent answer meant as a joke .But even the cattle around here are acting up some .
    Maybe the terrorists have let out a chemical and we just don't know it but they do ?!!!! LOL !
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Dukesdad I absolutely Love Love Love!! Freckles! He is so Cute!
    Cooky or not I adore him! :eek:
  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    No, but he is sure a cutie pie!!! I always thought that dogs who did things out of the ordinary were highly intelligent. Kind of like THEY were putting us through a test. Example: My Grace went through a barrier we put up around a new palm tree we planted a few weeks ago. She chewed it off all the way to the ground. Nothing left but a stump. She just acted like US humans could have come up with a better method than we did to assure that nothing could get to our new palm tree. So, in the "Smarts Department", Grace #1, and Us Humans, #0.

    My Husband was so mad. I just told him, he had to be smarter than the dog.
  10. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    When I first had Luther for maybe 2 months or so, he was terrrified to go through doors and doorways. It always made me feel so sorry for him and think oh he wasn't hurt by a door before I got him or something. But now I think he is just weird like that bc sometimes he just acts like someone beats him out of no where, like somedays when I cal him inside he will roll over into super submissive position and have a look on his face as to say oh please don'T beat me not again (I have never touched him) and I will say his name in a more cutesy manner (like oh come here lulu kissy kissy stuff) same3 position then if I try to pick him up, (because he won'T come) he makes his body go limp so it is difficult to pick him up. I have had vets look at him and they say when they first meet him he acts like a dog who has been severly beaten, but after poking and prodding and trying to get a growl or some reaction (hey don'T touch me there) they never find anything, which they say means he hasn'T been beaten and the only explanation that they can give me is he is just a very submissive dog. But it drives me crazy.
    Oh yea one more door story, after I had Luther for maybe a month or so, he realy built up his courage and when he knew we were going outside he started to run at the door with his tal held high, then smack right into the door, but it was a glass door. It tok him a little while longer after that to trust the doors.
    But I think t could be 2 things the moon thing, which most like it is ormaybe it could be like obsessive compulsive disorder (I don'T know if dogs can actually have that) because people with that someimes become deathly afraid of door ways, ie they don'T know what is on the other side so it is a huge step to go through
    Sorry for rambling on I just haven'T posted in a few days I got to get it all out!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I think fear of doorways might be a common thing. Nala was afraid of them (and narrow hallways) when we first got her. She's still afraid of the stairs to the basement - she won't even follow a cat down there! (We think this is a good thing, so I have done nothing to desensitize her to the stairs.)

    Bonnie is afraid of doors. I think she thinks they will hit her. You have to open the door very wide and stand clear, and then she darts through. She is getting better, but every once in a while she DOES get hit with it and it sets her back.

    There was a dog at the vet (this is my mouse and cat vet, as opposed to my local dog vet and my non-local heart cat vet and my homeopath) who was being picked up by the elderly father of his owner. The dog would NOT come up the last few stairs and out the doorway. He had to be carried by the vet tech. So then this poor old man gets him out to the car, and the dog just sits there next to the open car door. I was about to go over and ask if he needed help when the vet tech came out of the door and started to ask him....the dog took ONE LOOK at her and jumped into the car. LMAO!!


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