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My cat had kittens, one is deformed badly :(....***UPDATE***

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Luvmykitties, May 4, 2004.

  1. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    Hi, I'm new here. I think this board is great.
    Todayone of my cats had kittens. This is her 1st (and last)litter. She only had 3 of them. The 3rd one came out deformed with it's front and back legs bent up and backwards etc. I feel awful about this. It's so very sad. I dont know what to do. I made an appt with thr vet for tommorrow morning. But, in the meantime it's not nursing. I've tried helping but it just is not interested. I dont know what to do. :cry: Also one of the other kittens seems to have a problem, where it's ambilical cord is ...it's like a bubble filled with blood or somthing. I'm so worried and I cant sleep. Has anyone heard of these things happening? Do you know what he vet might say or do? Any suggestions? She seemed to have a healthy pregnancy and everything. Thanks for listening. And BTW I dont like refering to them as "it's" but I dont know if they are male or female yet. Thanks again for any help.
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. I'm so sorry about your kitten. :( Since you don't think you'll be able to sleep, is there anyway, you can bring the mamma cat and her kittens to 24 hour emergency vet? Or at least call them to see if they have any KMR and a bottle for you to purchase. You can also call these emergency vets and ask them for advice over the phone. Try to get all the kittens to nurse from their mom. Do you have any KMR kitten formula and kitten bottle in your house? If you do, you could nurse the ones that are not eating every two hours until you see a vet. Please keep us posted and I hope all of your kitties will be okay.
  3. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    Thanks for your response Chessmind.
    I would go and get some KMR and a bottle but, the problem is that we dont even have a dime on us until we can get to the bank in the morning. We dont have a ATM card or anything. I asked DH to do whatever it took to find some money tonight but he couldnt :( . I thought about calling a 24 hour vet and asking if they could GIVE us KMR but we have had past experiences with the 24 vet to where they would not treat our other cat without money (hundreds of dollars). So I dont think they will. I will try just in case though. I dont know what else to do. This just all seems like a nightmare.
  4. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    O.K I took the little kitty into the 24 hour emergency vet and a nice lady there fed her free of charge! The sad thing is that she has a clef and she has to be tube fed every 2 to 3 hours. The lady there told me that I could leave her there and pick her back up at 10 am when we go to see our vet. Things are not looking too good for the sweet little kitten though:(. Thanks for your help.
  5. moose

    moose New Member

    unfortunately these things do happen and i believe the most humane thing to do is to put down the deformed kittens. even if you give it your most valiant effort, they will most likely die in a few days (if not a little longer) and i see no need in prolonging their suffering.

    sorry to hear about them.
  6. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    Well, she was put to sleep this morning. There were just too many things wrong and nothing we could really do about it. It's just so sad that these things happen. Now Mommy kitty is looking around everywhere for that kitty and looking at me and meowing. I feel so sad fo her. Thanks for your advice.
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    That is so sad....I'm really sorry to hear this. :cry:
    Best of luck with the other 2 kittens. I hope they are doing well.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Oh no! I'm so sorry. :( That's very sad. I'm glad that you were at least able to find a kind emergency vet. I too hope the other two kittens have good health. Again I am very sorry for your loss. :(
  9. mazyku

    mazyku New Member

    :cry: I am so sorry to hear about the kitten. It must be very hard for you. I am sure you did everything you could. Keep us posted on the other two and post some pictures when you can. Good Luck and again, I am so sorry.
  10. Luvmykitties

    Luvmykitties New Member

    Sad news :cry: . One of the other kittens passed away just a few days after the 1st was put down. The vet said that there was nothing we could have done and that we did everything right :cry: . We found out that they were VERY premature. I cried for days....she was so beautiful. The last one seems to be doing well. After the 2nd had passed I called the vet tech and she said that she would take the last one...she is just so helpful I could never thank her enough. She has had him for about a week and is tube feeding him every 2 to 3 hours, keeping him warm and doing whatever it is that needs to be done. I call all of the time to check up on him. She said that he just started purrring! and that he is beginning to develope his suck reflex. When he's doing better and can suck then she is going to give him back and we can try and see if the mom will still take to him, if not then we will bottle feed him. He only has a little bit of hair on his head and is bald everywhere else. He is a fighter, very strong kitty. The mom has stopped looking for her kittens and the vet said that she is doing great. Good thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated. BTW, I named the 2 other kitties. They were both girls. I named them Alexis and Gabrielle. I'm going to find a good name that means strength for this little boy kitty. Thanks for listening.
  11. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    It was so sad to read your story/ I AM SO SORRY FOR WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. i HOPE YOUR LITTLE GUY MAKES IT. He does seem to be a fighter. How is your mom doing??

    Please keep posting and letting us know how the kitten is.
  12. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I'm so sorry! Where in the heck was I when you posted this? I'm glad kristisanchez found your post and replied. I'm so sorry you didn't get any replies sooner. Mostly though I am so sorry for your loss. :( Ugh! I've been there. I know how hard it is to lose a fur animal. Hang in there. Is the other kitty still okay? I sure hope so. Keep us posted.
  13. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member

    i know what its like to have a loved kitty put down. have you read the poem rainbow bridge? i cried and cried when i read that poem...but its true....they will see you again, no matter if it was a few days, weeks or years. so sorry for your loss. lynn h `
  14. Alkaline

    Alkaline New Member

    aww :( sorry for your loss with your kitty... I hope you other one will make it through.
  15. PilotKitten

    PilotKitten New Member

    I was looking up strength/strong/survivor in that online translator I posted a few days ago...here's some of the translations that are fairly cute for a wittle kittie.

    Riki - Japanese
    Kei - Japanese
    Voimakas - Finnish (Makas might be a cute shortening...)

    And these are actual names that have those meanings...

    Zosimus - Greek
    Zuberi - Swahili
    Valentine - English
    Pegasus - Greek
    Conall - Irish/Scottish
    Berk - Turkish
    Alcaeus - Greek (pronounced al-SEE-us)
    Meino - German
    Meinrad - German
    Menno - Dutch/German
    Nolan - Irish/English (means champion/fighter)

    Wow....some of those are pretty cute....hope your kitten does good.
  16. kristisanchez

    kristisanchez New Member

    Luvmykitties, I was wounder how you were holding up. I have been thinking about what you must be going through. I hope you are doing O.K. PLEASE POST AND LET US KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON.


    How is the little boy doing? Plesase respond with an undate soon.

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