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Parvo Puppy Update

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by pleasehelpmypup, May 20, 2004.

  1. pleasehelpmypup

    pleasehelpmypup New Member

    Yesterday afternoon Sarge did not look that good, but I kept up the broth, Pedialyte and meds. Last night, same thing. Suddenly, he started to really fight hard on the Pedialyte and wanted to go outside. I let him out and after he went potty, he started to sniff at a bug, and then he ate it! Then he started sniffing all over frantically trying to eat everything in sight! So, I put down his special diet food and he ate every bite! He started wagging his tail and wanted to jump up on the couch (a "no, no" for him!). He was sitting up this morning waiting to go outside and wanted to eat immediatley upon his return! I really hope this means good news, but I am afraid to hope. My vet keeps telling me that he almost never sees good results from in home cared for Parvo dogs. We kept up his I.V/med routine today and my fingers are crossed! My husband and went nuts laughing and crying last night when he ate. Thanks to all for helping me stay focused! :eek:
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats a VERY good sign. How many days has it been since he started showing signs?
    If the puppy is doing better after 4 days of having the symptoms of parvo andhas been on themeds, Thats usually a GREAT sign!
    Him eating and intrested in PLaying almost makes him a 100% recovery to be expected. JUST DO NOT QUIT THE MEDS!

    Good luck. Just try and keep him clam. getting tooo excited may tire him out and thats not a good thing for a sick puppy.
  3. pleasehelpmypup

    pleasehelpmypup New Member

    Some of his symptoms presented last Thursday night. I took him to the vet first thing Saturday when it was obvious he was not just reacting to a new food. Started all the meds/I.V. that day. Moved on to the Pedialyte, broth, tea mix, nutritional supp., etc on Monday. His last substantial vomit experience was very early Sunday morning. He had a small incident on Monday evening after the first tea dose. Then no more at all. I also assume that even though he is hungry, to limit his intake.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wonderful! Just do as Sams said and try to keep him calm and continue treating him. YAY!!

  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    That is really good news .. :eek: glad to hear it !!
  6. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Nother thing. Add about a tea spoon of sugar (pure cane) to his water.
    and some raw egg to his puppy food. That will give him some extra protein and a boost to his gloucose level. The pedialyte is good as well.

    To help with his Rambunctiousness... Give him a doggy bone or something that will keep him occupied for a while.
    OH and extra kisses from me!
  7. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    :eek: :eek: :eek: You can tell your vet for me that i know of two cases that recovered and i'm sure their would be more if vets were nice like him and let you doctor them at home. So glad to hear he's doing better... :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    That is wonderful news!!


    Give him extra kisses for being such a trooper!!
  9. Zekesmom

    Zekesmom New Member

    I am really excited. I feel like I already know Sarge. And by the way. After reading this discussion thread I have tears pouring down my face. I am just beside myself with all the effort you have put into Sarge and all the support that is out there. Why can't the rest of the world be this cool?
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Sarge will most likely have lost a lot of weight and a great way to put it back on fast is with this recipe from the holistic dog. I used it on my baby punkin when she was recovering from parvo. Within a few days she was back to her normal weight.
    Satin Balls
    10 pounds hamburger meat [the cheapest kind]
    1 lg. box of Total cereal [or comparable natural brand]
    1 lg. box oatmeal
    1 jar of wheat germ
    1 1/4 cup veg oil
    1 1/4 cup of unsulfured molasses
    10 raw eggs
    10 envelopes of unflavored gelatin
    pinch of salt

    Mix all ingredients together, much like you would a meatloaf.

    Divide into 10 quart freezer bags and freeze.

    Thaw as needed.
  11. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    So glad to hear that Sarge seems to be doing better :eek: We do get attached to the little mutts rather quickly, don't we? It took less than a week after we brought Rusty home, and you would have thought we had a new child in the house! Keep us posted, and when things settle down a bit, maybe show us a picture of the little guy!
  12. pleasehelpmypup

    pleasehelpmypup New Member

    Thankss for the recipe. I will give that a go for sure. I went home at lunch (like everyday) and Sarge was up and wagging his tail and running all around my feet! He ate lunch and took his meds and just keeps frantically trying to get more food! I was told his appetitie might not come back for some time. But, he has gone insane! He wants to eat all the time. Any ideas on portion control out there? I can't get a hold of my vet (I suspect he is golfing :? ) I was going to get baby food and slowing add in his puppy food. Or, I might be crazy and have no idea what I am doing!!!(LOL)
  13. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Baby food is fine to give him. I wouldnt let him eat to much at one time it could be rough on his poor upset tummy.
    Im so glad to here he's doing so well.
  14. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Actually you are doing fine ! keep it up ! :eek:

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