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From Auburn school of vet medicine and Merck Vet manual ...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ilovemaltipoos, May 19, 2004.

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  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi guys i agree 100% that a well fed healthy dog has a better chance of never contracting or if they do get the virus fighting it off.

    I am so glad here in the uk we vaccinate our pups.
    8 weeks old.
    10 weeks
    12 weeks
    then a yearly booster.

    I have never heard of a puppy being vaccinated every couple of weeks till they are 5-6months old as that is just over imunising the dog which can actually do more harm than good well thats according to my vets and thats the way i look at it.

    But everyone and every vet has there own opinions on things like that.

    But like everyone has said a well fed and well looked after animal will have a better and stronger immune system unlike the malnourished or neglected animals.

  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Dr Phillips is not my vet but a professor I talk to on the subject .he says that of Show dogs because they are even more of a high risk than just the average dog ,maminly becaue of going in and out of palces where there are hundreds and sometimes thousands of dogs .This was for puppies only that went to shows or was in contact with show dogs .Not for the average pet .
    He says show dogs are higher risk than any ,espically the younger ones .
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    What I meant is some of the articles specified Blk and Tan type breeds. Then other articles say small breed dogs aren't so much at risk. That made me question, (small breed blk and tan dogs.)

    O.K. I'm going to get an ulser or have a nervous breakdown.
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Lord ,calm down .Most that get it get it before a year old or before they have had the boosters at a year old ,usually females are less at risk than males ..I would not worry about it unless they have really been exposed to it .I would just get the booster and then make the decision next year .Parvo ,even though still here and going strong is not as prevalent as it was say 2 years ago ,5 years ago etc.The reason is more and more people are getting the shots starting at 6 weeks old and then getting the booster ,it is those at a higher risk that neveer get the shots .te reason most of us do not need as many as we once did ,is because people are getting the shots for their pets ,the frst set and first booster is the most important ,after that one more should be enough ,you can always have the titer testing done to see .

    Now back when I was younger even the older dogs would get it ,and some still do ,no shots to build the immuntiy to it .Parvo you are treating for ,so you have less a chance to get it than if you were not .Just go through the process and let it ride out .The more you worry ,teh more you are ill ,no help when it comes to dealing with everyday life or your dogs .So ...sit down ,grab a coke ,pepsi ,coffee ...whatever and just relax .The decision will come when you are ready to make it .
    I dont think color has alot to do with it but I would put collies and doxies on the list as high risk myself .
    But I will try and find you some info later when i have a few minutes on high risk dogs ...realx ...okay ?
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You could go with a titer, but I don't think they are terribly informative. You can have a low titer and still have immunity. A titer shows the presence of antibodies. Just because you are immune to something doesn't mean you have antibodies to it floating around all the time. The antibodies would be found in the bloodstream if there had been a recent challenge with that virus. Does that make sense?

    Still, I would think if there was a high titer, it would imply immunity. If anyone knows differently, please speak up.

    I still can't see why a dog would need more vaccinations than a human. Vaccinations all work on the same principle. So why am I immune for life and they are only immune for 1-3 years? It just doesn't make sense.

    Also, I believe one of the myriad of articles I posted before said they have done immunity studies for parvo out to 4 years and immunity is still present at that time from one shot. The study is still going on.

    As for older dogs - some say to get them vaccinated because their immune systems aren't as strong. Others say do not, ironically enough because their immune systems aren't as strong! I guess that has to be a personal decision, but I would weigh risk factors (like the likelihood of exposure). For my 13-year-old indoor cats, there is no way they are ever getting another vaccination for anything.

  6. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Loves-da-pits, I can completely understand your confusion, I once felt the same. Its not an easy topic, but I commend you for wanting to learn and gain a better understanding. I HIGHLY recommend talking to DR JEAN DODDS DVM & internationally recognized expert in her field of veterinary medicine- Auto-Immune Diseases, even just to listen to her stance. Her info is here http://www.itsfortheanimals.com/HEMOPET.HTM , she is very helpful and up to date on the latest info. She will not lecture, tell you right or wrong, but you would be amazed at her knowledge. Call or email her. She has helped save the life of many animals (including one of my suffering from vaccinosis).
  7. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I don't know where the misconceived notion that raw food "prevents" parvo came from? It's absurd. The concept behind a proper raw diet or any good quality diet for that matter is one cornerstone to ensuring good health. Previously I listed examples 1) being a real food diet 2) changing vaccine protocols - simply to state these are not trends (for anyone who did not read that correctly the first time). Genetic predisposition and environment are contributing factors to good health.
    There are experts who disagree (as do my vets) with the above. I do not vaccinate puppies under 8 weeks & my own dogs are titred at one year and routinely after that. At most I would follow Jean Dodd's DVM (who is an internationally recognized expert in her field of veterinary medicine- Auto-Immune Diseases) over any regular vet not specializing in the area.
    Never. Ludicrous - that would mean a dog need 8-10 SETS OF SHOTS in 3-4 months!!?? I think NOT. :shock:

    Every time a dog is given an injection it suppresses the system leaving the animal (or human) open to disease. No vaccine is without risk.

    As an aside note for those interested - My puppy's titres have shown very sufficient antibodies for distemper & parvo, she is the healthiest dog I've ever owned and has only ever had 2 shots in her lifetime and probably will never have another. She has been to shows, trials, classes, dog parks, did not get kennel cough even when other dogs she was around got it. I attribute a large part of her immunity to the exposure she has had from all these places. p.s.all her blood work is bang on.

    **Also to add - My vaccine protocol is the result of working with my Vet and my personal decision (based on my research) for that particular dog (mentioned above). My view on the topic of vaccines does not necessarily reflect the view of Auspet (including moderators or administrator).

  8. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Look ,I never said food prevented parvo .All I said was the healthy and unhealthy can get it .
    As far as what the Dr. Phillips said ,that was what he told me .So ,I passed the info on here .
    You can find hundreds and I mean hundreds of differing opinions .Which s one reason this boad is educational .But we shouldn't down people or try to because we dissagree on something .Little slangs like " if people would understand what they read ' or " someone didn't read correctly the first time ' only makes us look like children in a cat fight .
    I for one ,read an article and may get one thing out of it ,you read it and get something else .We are not all the same in our thought process and not the same in how we look at things .
    I have never said you or anyone else on this board said raw would prevent parvo .
    What I have always refered to about food is the article Jamiya put on that said "feed raw and no vaccinations at all " should not be in the same sentence ...puts the two together ,
    Better nutrition is a must ,no one in their right mind would say otherwise ,this is true for humans as well as for animals ,and I have always stated ...whether raw or kibble is your choice ,by choice that is your right to feed your dog but not to shove it down someone elses throat if they disagree .
    But parvo cannot be kept away from a dog because of food .It may help if they are strong to fight it ,does help ,but that pertains to those that eat kibble as well as raw .So , for one more time i will state my opinion .get the shots as recommended by your vet ,talk to YOUR vet .They know what is best in your area and deal with it on a daily basis .just like Dr Phillips or Dr Dodd are in one place ,knows what they would do ,your vet in in your particlar area and understands the needs there .
    Talk to your vet ,there is where your future lies .
  9. Jas

    Jas New Member

    I clarified a point I made. It's not a "little slang" Just as you chose to expel dr Phills info, I point out another view.

    You are free to post the info & opinion of another just as I am free to disagree/debate any of it. Nothing wrong with that.
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