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answer to jamiyas question

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by kyles101, May 19, 2004.

  1. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    i know the thread is closed but i want to answer a question that jamiya asked. i have cystic fibrosis, thats why i need to flu shot. if i get the flu, i can die. if i get the flu im also guaranteed a hospital visit for iv's. the flu can kill anyone as well. it can easily lead to pneumonia in anyone. it can trigger acute and chronic sinusitis in extremely healthy people. if it triggers it to the point that its unbearable then an operation is necessary if anti biotics and steroid sprays dont work. the flu can kill asthmatics. lots of athletes have asthma and they are healthy, yet they can still die. if the provider of a house gets the flu it can send them broke if they dont recover and they arent on full time benefits. have you ever seen a lung ward in winter? it is choked up with the elderly who get the flu off people who think they are too healthy to get a shot. just look at the death statistics for the different types of flu that were epidemics. now i bet you 80% of the people who died were perfectly healthy. sorry to seem so defensive but i hate it when someone challenges me on a subject i know alot about. i also dont like it when someone implies a treatment i am doing to save my life is a waste of time just because of some 1% chance of a reaction. people who have not been in a risky do or die situation have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to preventative medicine. ive taken piles of prednisolone just so i didnt stay in bed for the rest of my life. sure it made me put on 10 kgs within 2 months, had severe insomnia, got diabetes and made me as high as a kite but at least im not curled up, coughing my guts up and crying in pain.
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I am so sorry kyles .I hope and pray you stay as healthy as you can .I am a diabetic also ,I have high blood pressure,allergies galore and my back is not together in 2 places ..Will have surgery in the near furture .So I know what prevenative does to help in humans .Stay healthy and have faith ..
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Kyles, I did not ever imply that you should not get the flu shot. Please read what I said before misquoting me. I said that if you had high risk factors (which you do) that the flu shot is warranted. But I do not believe that means it is warranted across the board.

    I also tend to believe that the more shots we have for bugs like the flu that easily mutate (it is a different shot given every year - they GUESS as to what it should be), the more likely we will soon end up with an even more horrible disease that we have no way to combat or cure. I prefer to get a common disease and receive supportive medical care if necessary than to get an exotic disease and die from it. The chances of us CAUSING new, horrible disease with our drugs is greatly lessened if we ONLY give the drugs to people who need it - like yourself, for instance.

    Anyone CAN die from anything. We can't protect ourselves from every potential danger. My children COULD die walking across the street. But at some point I have to let go of their hands and let them go.

    For someone with health issues such as yours, Kyles, you obviously need to guard against more dangers than someone without. People and animals are INDIVIDUALS. Every case is unique and I don't believe in across-the-board preventives or supplements. Every person reacts slightly differently to every drug and this needs to be considered before taking something that your neighbor had success with.

    All drugs - be they medicines, vaccines, preventives, whatever - have side effects. Many times, we take things for one thing that causes problems with another thing that we then have to take medicine for, etc. It goes round and round. That's why I believe mainstream medicine has missed the boat. Do you realize that medicine is the ONLY science that is NOT based on underlying principles and laws? It is a huge collection of empirical data about what works for what conditions, and it is often applied in a very narrow-sighted way - "oh, you have a heart problem? Take heart drugs. I'm not even going to bother looking at the rest of your body, because it's a heart problem. Gee, the heart drugs caused liver problems? So sorry. Well, here are liver drugs. By the way, I still have my blinders on..."

    ilovemaltipoos, I highly suggest you find a classical homeopath. With long-term therapy and patience, they can most likely get rid of your allergies and blood pressure. I don't know about the diabetes, but I feel confident that with appropriate treatment, you could at least lessen your dependence on insulin. The back is a mechanical problem so you are stuck with surgery for that, but homeopathy can help you with the after effects of the anaesthesia and pain.

    FYI, there recently was an article in Psychology Today about homeopathy curing a 5-year-old autistic boy. Ever hear of a single conventional drug that can cure autism? The successful cases I have heard about always involve some sort of whole mind-body treatment program (*whispers* holistic...).

    You do have to be careful, though, in choosing a homeopath. A bad one can do a lot of damage (same as a bad conventional doctor). A basic course in classical, Hahnemannian homeopathy would be invaluable in enabling you to recognize a good practitioner versus a bad one - e-mail me privately for more info.

  4. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    think what you like. i have more experience in this field. and dont tell ilovemaltipoos that their problems will go away with a homeopath! purely irresponsible. jamiya, you have never had a life threatnening disease close to home, have you?

    p.s type 2 diabetes does not go away with anything. once you are over the 'honeymoon' period it stays there and it progressively gets worse depending on how your body reacts and if you stick to your meds. no potions will reverse it.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Pardon me, Kyles, but I know more about homeopathy than you do. Don't knock something you know nothing about.

    Again, a POOR homeopath can cause a HUGE amount of damage. Anyone who recommends any homeopathic remedy across the board - meaning take "such-and-such for diabetes" or take "this-or-that for allergies" is NOT practicing homeopathy and the result can be very dangerous.

    A true homeopath will take your symptoms, plus your mental and emotion state, likes, dislikes, etc. and determine INDIVIDUALLY what is appropriate for you. In serious conditions, you cannot stop allopathic medications cold turkey, but as treatment progresses, usually you will be able to be weaned off them, slowly and carefully.

    Homeopathy looks for a CURE, not simple reversal of each individual symptom. Some people cannot be cured, due to overuse of allopathic medications and too many diseases piled on top of each other. But even in these cases, homeopathy can usually provide palliative relief for the individual.

    There are many conditions that people have come to think of as "normal" which are not. There are many more than are NOT normal that people think they just have to put up with, but they do not. (Allergies, for instance.)

    Homeopathy takes a long time to understand. You can't go read an article or two and get the proper sense of it. You have to study before you make a decision. This is too much work for most people. People want to pop pills and be done with it. This is everyone's choice.

  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    and i also know more about diseases. so dont try and simplify complicated diseases.

    'In serious conditions, you cannot stop allopathic medications cold turkey, but as treatment progresses, usually you will be able to be weaned off them, slowly and carefully.'

    irresponsible, purely irresponsible. tell that to the families who have had their loved ones die because someone told them they dont need their meds anymore. how about we tell people that are dying that they can be fixed by a homeopath!

    i declare this topic over. your thoughts are starting to insult me.

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

  8. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I think what kyles is saying is ,it has to actually hit you or a family member ,but mostly you for you to even begin to understand ,we all have opinions on medicines .I knew nothing of diabeties until I was found to have it .I ,in my case ,had had it all my life .no doctor ever found it .Why ,cause I have a difficult type ..
    My sugar can be up high one day and in 5 minutes it can rapidly fall ,I go into seizures ,by the time I get to the doctor /hospital ,the blood work they woudl do shows sugar normal .How ,I do not know .It was explained but I still don't quite understand .I have both types ...too high and rapid fall (akin to hypoglycemia ) My body does not react positive to the diet ,I have more seizures that way .
    So ,I will stick to what my doctor now says to do ,cause I don't wanna have those seizures anymore and I haven't for a long time .
    Now ,when I said I knew nothing about the diabetes ,did not mean I knew nothing ,I just did not understand what a person went through that had it ,so I was ignorant to the actual cause /effect .true I had read all about it ,knew what it was ,understood the ins and outs ,experiecing is a whole new thing though .Books ,articles ...good to read ...not the real thing .
    I think alternative methods are good if you believe in them and have no serious illness that cause cause permanat damage or death ,if you got allergies and that works, fine ,but if you have more serious problems ,I think going to a physican is a good idea ,in my case and in my situation ,I would not go there .I wrestled too long with it before I knew I had it to take any step back .
    Thanks kyles ...God Bless
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You have just illustrated a very important point, maltipoos. Your diabetes is not like anyone else's. It is totally unique.

    I happen to think that the chronic diseases are the very ones that should be treated alternatively. Naturally, you have to do whatever is necessary in the short term to stabilize your health so you will be alive long enough to benefit from ANY treatment!

    I have also read that homeopathy is less successful with diabetes that is inborn, rather than developing in childhood or adulthood.

    My grandmother is an excellent example. She has always fallen sick easily and takes longer than usual to get well, even when young. She reacts in unpredictable ways to drugs and always has. If she had sought homeopathic treatment as a young woman, when allergies and hypoglycemia were her main complaints, there is every reason to believe that more serious conditions would have been averted. She progressed through arthritis and her hypoglycemia turned into diabetes. She now has thyroid problems and possibly fluid on the brain and/or Parkinson's. She is depressed. Her personality has changed dramatically. Her list of medications is longer than your arm. She has a heart doctor, a brain doctor, a kidney doctor, a thyroid doctor, a bone doctor and a doctor that supposedly oversees them all (I'm sure I have missed some of them). Each one sees only his own field and prescribes new drugs. They help one thing and create two more things. Every new doctor says she needs to get off some of the meds - and then realizes there are no meds they can safely stop. It's never ending.

    Many people only turn to homeopathy when they have exhausted every other route - and in that case, it is very unlikely that a cure is possible.

    In the hands of a VERY skilled homeopath, my grandmother would probably feel better, but she will never be cured. It would be a very long process and would have to proceed VERY CAREFULLY due to her weakened vitality. There are very few homeopaths in the world that I would trust to treat her.

    The better route is to use homeopathy BEFORE you get to that point. ALL OF US have chronic disease. Some we were born with, and some we acquired. Stress, sleep habits, mental and emotional states, allergies, asthma, fears, food cravings - I could go on forever. All of these things that we take as "normal" are signs of underlying chronic disease. Untreated and aggravated, the body eventually starts compensating and the symptoms become more severe and more central - affecting essential organs and body systems. Once severe pathology and tissue changes have occured, you are no longer curable.

    Good nutrition, mental and physical exercise, avoidance of chemicals and drugs *as much as possible*, good mental health, and INDIVIDUALIZED medical care are the keys to prevention, as well as the keys to cure. The links at the bottom of my previous posts help explain it more, although I am unfamiliar with the particular author. Please, do not go and read it with the aim to attack - go if you are interested in LEARNING. Otherwise, go about your day and be happy with your choices.


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