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New stray/dumpee???

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, May 21, 2004.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Well I woke up to a startle this morning to the dogs raising all heck on the back porch around 2:30 - 3am....So I grabbed a flash light and went outside.....There was a cat in the tree!!!!
    SO I put Smoke and CHar in their dog runs so they wouldn't try to chase it or bother it. I coaxed it down with a can of puppy food....and grabbed him. He's soooo skinny, he's a dull black or grey, definatly a boy! and Has the most beautiful Eyes' I've ever seen! They are this shining emrald green color. He can't be over 6 months to a year, he's really filthy too. LOoks like he's been in a fight.

    SO I put him in a pet taxi, Its pretty big, an a pie pan with some litter in it and a warm towel and some cat food and water.

    So now what do I do!!!! When I get home from work I'm going to get him out and do a once over on him, make sure he's got no abrasions or scratches that need treated and call the vet. He's absolutly gorgeous, just smelly.

    BUt one thing I don't know, How do you give a cat a bath without disturbing him too much, and keeping from being scratched or bitten. SInce I don't know if he's got anything or not.... And on another note, his breath really reeks...I didn't let him have the canned puppy food. It just smelled bad enough, I knew he'd smell it..... I gave him some dry Friskies and a half a leg of boiled chicken (left overs from the dogs....no bone of course). He was eating contently when I left.
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Sam not again! I dont ever bathe Midas, WWIII would beak out. I bought those no water wipes to use on him. You might try that. Now my old cat liked the water, I could put him in the bathtub and he would just stand there, on the other hand, I had a roomate try to give her cat a bath and it really hurt her.

  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I find if you put a towel on the bottom of the sink it's easier to bathe a cat (they don't slip around). Or you can just dampen a washcloth and do it that way that getting him all wet. I've only bathed a couple of cats and haven't had a problem...yeah they don't like it but once you've got them wet they usually give up the struggle (at least the ones I've bathed have)
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I tried to bathe my cat once....And now I have the scars to prove it. :lol:
  5. hitomishiri

    hitomishiri New Member

    I saw something on an tv animal show one time that might help... To bathe a cat you should use 2 buckets of water, one for wetting and soap, and the other for rinsing. They said that this method was used because cats don't like running water.
  6. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    Yeah...you cant spray water on a cat. Period.

    Two solutions...one is a cat bather...its basically a tiny metal cage that the cat sits in while you rinse the animal with water and soapy solution and then water again without actually ever touching the cat. The cage thing looks like a torture device but the sole purpose is to keep the cat from going anywhere or killing you.

    Option two: Get a leash and a harness....attatch to cat firmly. Tie this in a manner that the cat cannot get out of the tub or reach you with its claws.

    Option three: http://www.jmanx.com/images/funny/CatToilet.jpg
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Thats just tooo funny!
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    HAHAHAHAHA!! :lol:

    Here is another method:

    And of course, the dog's advice: http://www.funone.com/2001/rm/catbath/index.html#fun

  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Lesve it you Jimiya to give me a go laugh :D

  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I dont know about you Sam but I am ready to bathe a cat. LOL. Really that bad huh? I have never owned a cat so I dont know.
  11. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Some cats do okay with a bath..... but then others.. #-o My cat Shadow (who I just lost after 18 long, faithful years) was okay with it in his younger years... not his favorite thing, but he tolerated it with just a few yowls.
    I would be a little concerned about the reeking breath thing, though... from what I undestand, that can possibly be a sign of some illnesses-- kidney diseases, dehydration, etc...... but then sometimes, it's just a matter of poor hygene. Might be worth keeping an eye on if you have plans of keeping the kitty, or giving him to another home.
  12. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Sam, if you bathe this cat I want pictures lol...
  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    whatever you do, dont put it in a tub thats already full of water. it will freak out and you will need a blood tranfusion.
  14. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Back when my cat Shadow....the one that just passed away at the age of 18...was a youngster, I used to soak in the tub to relax. And Shadow would sit on the edge and bat at things....like the soap, a plastic cup...anything. And he would always mess around until he would end up falling in the tub with me every time! I finally came to the conclusion that he really didn't mind the water, because he would always do something to end up falling in! :roll:
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    My cat Molly just turned 10 on the 12th and in the 10 years I have owned her I tried to bathe her once and once only. She was about 2 at the time and had decided to attack a skunk....Oh my you can only imagine how bad she smelled! So I was told to give her a bath in tomatoe juice. I filled up the kitchen sink with tomatoe juice thinking to my self "Really how hard is this gonna be she's just a little bitty 8lb cat" So I carried her to the kitchen sink proceeded to dip her in the sink and that is when she turned into Satin's Kitty! She ended up climbing up my arm and down my back the whole time claws engaged while raking them down my back. Oh I can still feel the pain. She tore me UP! I ended up with a couple of scars...Lesson Learned for me I will never in my life try and bathe any cat ever!
  16. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member


    picture of my cat after we bath/brush him. thats my blood on his teeth.
  17. Nik

    Nik New Member

    It's asif there's an animal helpline they all call to get your address Samsintentions :mrgreen:

    I agree with everyone who said DON'T DO IT!
    Cats are pure evil when it comes to being bathed. (I love them but there's just no resoning with them is there)
    I'd get some wipes and keep stroking until he's fairly clean. You'll probably find he'll lick away to get rid of the odour from the wipes so he'll end up getting to the bottom of it himself.
    Good Luck if you chose to go in!

    LMAO Kyles, aint that the truth.
  18. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok. He's all clean. I just got a wet cloth with some feline "no water" soap. He's really prettty!!! he's a dark "smoot" grey color! All he needs is some love and food!

    Well I'm off.... Gotta do my adoption day today!

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