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Puppy Sick

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Mypuppy, May 21, 2004.

  1. Mypuppy

    Mypuppy New Member

    :cry: Had to take puppy to vet this afternoon, she was peeing and peeing..just squatting and peeing everywhere...They gave her some antibiotics and some meds to help stop peeing....She looks like she feels bad sometimes and right now she is playing...
    But vet asked me had she ate anything different with salt....I told her I gave her some baked chicken had some salt on it....
    Could that have caused this...????? She eats her food....and once in a while she will eat potato chips but that is it....
    I know it is good for humans to have cranberry juice...what about the puppy????

    Donna & Hope Frances :( feel bad)
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I am kinda sure your vet would have explained that she has a little kidney infection or something similar .that is what the antibiotics are for .
    Just make sure she has water .I am not so sure about cranberry juice for a dog .I would ask the vet about it first beofre giving any ,it does contain sodium also .
    Hope she feels better soon ,keep us informed .
  3. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Hi Mypup, sorry to hear about your baby. It must be painful for her. :(

    I have a dog who gets Urinary tract infections on occasion, we give cranberry relief powder, and it does help. You can try giving a bit of cranberry juice but they generally don't like the taste. Capsules work as well.

    Hope she is better soon. :)
  4. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    What is the name of the powder ,I never heard of it but have seen the herbs with cranberry in it and the teas ..I have some cranberry tea ,is that simular ?Does it contain all the sodium also ? reason I am asking is cause I get the kidney infections alot and drink the teas ,with my bloodpressure I cannot use some of the juices ,high sodium content ..Anyway ,if you got the name ,I would like to learn more about it .
  5. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    you can buy cranberry tablets. I asked Sadie's holistic vet about giving her cranberry supplements cause she's a chronic UTI....cranberry isn't as reliable on dogs as it is cats - yes it can help some dogs but it's one of those it may or may not work for a dog. But since it's not harmful it's worth a try.
  6. Jas

    Jas New Member

    Yes, the as Mary stated ordinary cranberry tablets work just as well. Cranberry Relief I believe is specially formulated for dogs - http://www.petfooddirect.com/store/prod ... =241&Page=

    I also have used Tropic's fresh freeze dried Cranberry Capsules.

    In talking with the people from the health food store, the only thing with many of the Teas they have for different things (yours may be different), is that they only contain small amounts of what is needed and not enough to be truly beneficial. Again, not sure if this applies to all types of tea.
  7. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Urinary Acidifier /Foster&Smith www.drsfostersmith.com

    Cranberry Softgels www.puritan.com
    Some foods can cause stones.
    cranberry juice some high in sugar does not brake down well, it can form crystals in the kidneys also the acid in regular cran drinks is very high.
    Our little Jack R. has problems off and on over the last 2 years, we changed her food and give cran caps sprinkled on her food when she starts to have troubles. Since changing her food she is doing much better.
    I have stones so I know what is feels like,was told to lay of the pop and cut sugar intake. Some dry dog foods cause dogs to drink large amounts of water more then they would drink if they were eating normal food meant for there diet. Did you ever seen a piece of dog food after it gets wet ? just think how it looks and feels in your dog belly now take a real piece of meat and put it into some water and see what happens. I would still check with my vet about any thing given to your dog first. After losing a dog to renal disease I am most careful about there foods.Some vets are beginning to question the amount of protein in dog foods as a possible cause to kidney problems. My vet changed the diet to one of my Pyrs to a low protein but we still lost in the end to many years of the bag junk. Just my thoughts and what we have done over the years.

  8. ddd0102

    ddd0102 New Member

    I had this problem w/ my puppy right after she was "fixed" . I was so worried that the vet had knicked her bladder or done something wrong. We ended up getting her on an antibiotic that was used mainly to help w/ the bladder she was fine after that. I know what you are feeling....I hated to see mine just look at me like she couldn't help it. poor girl. Hang in there.

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