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Have a good weekend

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, May 21, 2004.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Have a good weekend everyone! Nala has her first agility trial this weekend, so I won't be around much (and when I am I will probably be in a coma).

    She isn't ready yet (and neither am I) but it's at our training arena so she's familiar with the location and the particular equipment. I figured we'd do it for experience and then most likely wait about 6 months before entering another.

    Wish us luck! It's going to be hot. :|

  2. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Sounds like you're gonna be having great fun :D
    Good Luck!
  3. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Best of Luck to You... sounds like a fun day. Happy weekend everyone.
    Waiting to see if maybe i get a akc female Yorkie pup, a return hopefully to a friend of mine and i want her so bad keep fingers crossed everyone please.
  4. Hi Jamiya!
    How did Nala do with the agility training? haven't been on the board in awhile. How is Oh my! can not think of her name!! :roll: It's early yet and coffee hasn't kicked in...Anyway, how are the furbabies?

  5. Rene

    Rene New Member

    Good luck Jamiya you guys will have fun. I hope everyone has a great weekend and Kindness i will be praying for you that you get your little girl I love yorkies :kiss_heart:
  6. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Good luck Jamiay!! I'm sure you'll both have a GREAT time!!

    Enjoy the heat. It stopped snowing here, had 1 nice hot day, and its been raining for the last 3.

    I GOTTA get outta Canada. 8)
  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Best Of Luck Jamiya & Nala :mrgreen: Have Fun!
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks for all the support!

    On Friday Nala was insane. She was unfocused and wouldn't attend to me at all. During her runs, she said hi to the judge and the bar setters and did a lot of sniffing and running in circles and a tiny bit of obstacles, usually in the wrong order! LOL. We managed to finish the Jumps With Weaves course, but time expired on the Standard course while she was still being a hyperactive monkey.

    Today she was more focused. Novice ran first thing in the morning and I could tell before we entered the ring that she was going to be a little better. She did the first two jumps, went on the teeter far enough to tip it but then jumped off (this is a hard one for most dogs) and then did a bunch of obstacles in the right order. She got off course a few times but I managed to get her attention and get her back on track. She wouldn't stay on the table (had to do a down for 5 seconds but she kept jumping off) so went just went on. She did a couple more things okay, but then she jumped off the A-frame before she even got to the top - same thing she did yesterday but has never done it before in practice! I'm thinking maybe it was because it was higher than in practice and she got scared. She ALMOST did the weave poles, and then we went on and finished the course before the maximum time was up.

    She did Jumps With Weaves later in the day. I was worried because she seemed unfocused again and now it was early afternoon and hot. Then, when the dog before us was on the line, suddenly Nala got the runs - poor thing! (Probably stress and the heat.) I managed to get it cleaned up and get her on the line on time. We missed a bunch of jumps, but she was staying with me so I would just skip them and go on. She pretty much stayed with me and didn't wander off. She got too far ahead of me at the end and so flew by the weaves and over the last jump before I could stop her - but at least we finished!

    Of course we didn't qualify on any runs and it would take a miracle to qualify tomorrow, but my goal is to get her focusing on me during the runs. She is just barely 12 months old and we have only been training since January and we really only work for one hour a week, so I think she's doing pretty darn good! And at least she didn't run off the course and run amok with all the other doggies.

    One more day of heat to go! I am working on keeping her cool during the day. I work for most of the events we are not in, so she has to spend a good amount of time in her crate. They are under a big tent roof thing so it is shady and at least there has been a good breeze most of the time. I dunked her in a tub of water today, although she jumped out so fast she barely got wet. It hasn't been THAT hot, but she's not used to it and her coat is THICK.

    I am enjoying watching the other dogs and learning about some of the breeds. Maybe I should have bought a video of our runs to use for comparison in a couple of years. :)

  9. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    :D sounds like a lot of fun!

  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Nala did even better on Sunday. I realized some things I had been doing wrong and worked at getting commands out faster and running faster to keep up with her and give her more clear direction. She did awesome and even almost qualified in her last run. She did all the hard stuff and then refused to sit on the table (she was supposed to sit for 5 seconds). Silly dog. I think she is going to do great with some more training and a little time.


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