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Need advice on problems with new dog

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by barrelburner1129, May 22, 2004.

  1. barrelburner1129

    barrelburner1129 New Member

    I recently adopted a 1 year old Saint Bernard from my local humane society. He has been really great. Only he has snapped an growled both times at the vet to the point we had to have him muzzled. He also is quite aggresive with other dogs. The vet says she thinks he snapped because he felt crowded? I really love my big guy but that worries me that he might do that to someone else or even me one day. Anyone have any advice on the breed or what to do? I already have us enrolled in obediance classes. Please help. you can also email me personally at
  2. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Sounds like your on the right track with the classes. See below.

    Temperament: Saint Bernards are tranquil, benevolent.
    With Children: Yes, they get along well with children.
    With Pets: Yes, especially if raised with them.
    Special Skills: Search and rescue dog and family pet

    Watch-dog: Very High
    Guard-dog: Very Low

    Care and Exercise: Comb or brush the Saint Bernard frequently, bathe only when necessary with a mild soap. Considerable shedding twice a year. Pay special attention to keeping the eyes clean. Remember the Saint Bernard drool excessively. Daily short, regular walks are better than long sessions.
    Training: Saint Bernards must receive obedience training as a puppy because of their tremendous size as an adult. They must be train to not pull on a leash when young.
    Learning Rate: High, Obedience - Medium, Problem Solving - High

    Activity: Indoors - Low, Outdoors - Medium
    Living Environment: Apartments should not be considered. A house with a large backyard is preferred. Saint Bernards need people in their life. An owner should also be a patient, confident leader who prefers a lazy, friendly, slow-thinking pet.

    Health Issues: Hip dysplasia, bone problems, heart defects, short life span.

    Life Span: 8 Years
    Litter Size: 6 - 8

    Country of Origin: Switzerland
    History: Developed in the High Swiss Alps by the monks who lived there the Saint Bernard was used to helped locate lost travelers. Various theories have been presented to the origin of the breed but most say they are a descendant of the large Mastiff-type dogs that were brought to the area by the Romans. The most famous Saint Bernard was a dog called Berry who in the early 1800's rescued a small boy and carried him to safety. This Saint Bernard then went on to rescue more than forty people. Berry's body is now preserved in the Natural History Museum in Berne. In 1830 the short-coated Saint Bernards were crossed with the Newfoundland resulted in the long-haired Saint Bernards.

    First Registered by the AKC: 1885
    AKC Group: Working Group
    Class: Working
    Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 2), KC (GB), UKC
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    It could be that he did feel crowded or scared dogs often growl or snap/bite out of fear. Obedience classes are always a great idea it will also help him with socialization, which could also be part of his problem. If he was not properly socialized as a pup that could be the reason behind is aggressiveness with other dogs and strange people.
  4. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Gina H

    Is your dog of the bull dog breed? If so, what line and what is his name. Everytime I see his picture I mean to tell you (as if you didn't know!) how beautiful he is!
  5. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Her name is Bluebelle and she is a 6 Month old American Pit Bull Terrier.
    You can see pictures of my other babies by clicking on myWWW tab below my post. Thanks so much for the compliment! :D
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Gina H

    Oh that name is darling!!! I din't see the link for your site w/the pictures. Let me know if I'm just blind!!!
  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    There are 4 tabs right below my post Profile, Pm, E-mail, WWW.
    Just click on the www tab and it will take you to my picture page. :D
  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Gina H

    What dolls! IS your son's name Zander? Because, I have a Zander! Alexander actually, but my husband is Macedonian so they shorten Alexander to Zander (though we also call him Alex). Fancy Pants, by the way, looks like a sassy little thing!
  9. puggleowner

    puggleowner New Member

    Regina how many do you have total? They are all very beautiful- Punkin was my favorite- I loved Punkin's color. Isn't it difficult to care for so many dogs at once? I really want to get a second, but worry about having more than one dog. Do you like it?
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I have 3 kids, 5 dogs, 2 cats and 3 horses! 3 of my dogs are rescues/foster babies that I ended adopting due to special needs. Some of the pictures on my picture page are my mom & dad's Great Danes and friends dogs.
    We have lots of land so there's plenty of room the dogs are inside mostly occupying the basement and they all have outdoor kennels. We have lots of Lakeland and swampland...Ughhhhhh it of course is their favorite place to swim.
    My husband also has 3 beagles his hunting dogs which are strictly outside dogs.
    And we also have about 7-8 stray cat's that have took up residency in one of our barns that I feed everyday. Not to mention the fact that I also foster for my local animal shelter so I always have new additions. It all works out pretty well. I work from home so I am home all day to take care of everybody. I love them all and wouldn't have it any other way. My husband swears if I bring one more animal home he's gonna run away!
    Punkin is very special when I got her as a foster she was very sick with Parvo I ended up treating her at home with IV fluids/antibiotics. She really had a gloomy future she also has severe allergies so her chances of being adopted were slim. But in the end I fell in love and she became a member of my family. Pinky the white dog is deaf and was due to be euthanized when I adopted her. Izzy was a shelter dog that was an owner turn in that later got adopted by a real jerk who abused her severely and used her in dog fights. He ended up going to prison and having all his dogs confiscated and so Izzy was back at the shelter also soon to be euthanized. I loved Izzy from the moment I first saw her when she was very first dumped at the shelter so when she returned to the shelter in such terrible shape I knew she had to come home with me. Izzy is the sweetest most loving, gentle dog ever even after all she has been through.
    Fancy was my first baby and she is completely spoiled rotten she thinks she's the queen bee and really has no idea she is so small.
    Bluebelle was my husbands doing... he came home with her one day out of the blue! She was meant to be his dog but she decided later that she was my baby.

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