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Has Anybody Heard Of??????

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by loves-da-pits, May 22, 2004.

  1. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    The past week and a half Grace has started itching. I double researched her food, Nutro Ultra, which I feed my dogs along with their organ meat and proves to be of extreme quality with a high rating. Unless there's an ingredient that she is allergic to, but she's been eating for awhile now with no problems and this thing just started.

    She's white with very pink skin, so it's easy to see if there's any bug bites, or rashes. Her skin doesn't seem to be dry or scaley. There are some areas that are red from the scratching. I'm just hoping it's not from the ProHeart6 shot she got a week or so ago.

    I got got some info from a holistic website which suggested multi vitamin, garlic, brewer's yeast, flax seed oil, vitamin A,C, and E.

    Then it went on to talk about the Tellington-Touch. It's a method of gentle touch to the body to break stressful itch-scratch cycle. It's being widely used. They were going to explain more in the next segment, but didn't have it.

    Is anyone familiar with this method or know where I could go to find some info?
  2. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    I don't know about that stuff you were asking but you can have your vet do an allergy test. You'll get a slip of paper back with a bunch of things on it and a rating from liek 1 to 10 of how allergic your dog is to that particular thing. For example a plant that might have just started blooming. Its not the food unless you just recently changed it on him.
  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  5. someday

    someday New Member

    I've know quite a few people who have used TTouch with training their horses and have had good success with it.
  6. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Thanks Sarge'smom and GinaH:

    I went to your websites and they were really helpful. Grace is always wanting me to scratch he back since she's been so itchy, so I'll start doing some of the T-Touch method. It also helps in anxiety, so I might try it on Reese with his car phobia.

    Also found some good natural suppliments for itching and anxiety. I just hope the stuff with Grace didn't come the ProHeart6. She was in the vet getting hers when someone posted about it being bad. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

    I also thought that maybe the sun was affecting her since she has such pink skin. Might have to find some kind of sun block or something. It's been really hot here lately and our sun is really intense. Seems the itching is worse at night. Non of us are getting any sleep except for Reese. He sleeps through anything.
  7. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Also you can bath her with doggie oatmeal shampoo to relieve her or him.
    and they say to put baby socks on his feet or pj"s on them so they cant hurt themselves itching.
  8. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member


    I think Jamiya is actually studying and doing TTouch with her dogs. Maybe PM her to see if she can help.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I went to a TTouch seminar with Nala. It was awesome! I have to confess that I only use it a little bit, but that is only because I am lame!

    I have considered going through their practitioner training. I was all set to sign up for the introductory training this summer, but then the one I wanted to go to disappeared off the site! Arrrgh!!

    I do use the TTouch methods for leash pulling all the time. I am beginning to get in the habit of doing TTouch before agility with Nala, to loosen her up and calm her down. And I want to use TTouch with Bonnie to get her to relax and be more confident. Oh, and I am also working on building a confidence course to work the dogs on.


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