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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by 4Dogsihave, May 21, 2004.

  1. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I took my sister in law to the shelter yesterday, she was looking for a lap dog but fell in love a little pit puppy. So we were at the cage with the 4 pups and this little girl and her mother came in. The little girl started screaming and I mean screaming at us to get away from those puppies, they are pits. While her mother was rushing her away from the killer puppies to look at a hound that looked like he wanted to come through his cage to eat someone. I just turned to my sister and said very loudly that, that is the type of ignorant people who give these WONDERFULL dogs a bad name. So anyway, she is probly going to get the little guy. They think he is a pit/boxer mix. HE is sooooo cute. Has a black patch over his eye. So I hope she gets him and I will have a new puppy to play with!!! Anyway just had to rant for a minute cause I was so mad. Thanks all for listening!
  2. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    You can thank the Mother for that. Kids wouldn't know a pit if it jumped in their laps and licked their face off.

    Now the kid will grow up thinking that a P.B. ranks right up there with "Stranger Danger," or the boogie man hiding under the bed.

    You should have turned to the Mother and said, "You think these puppies are scarey, have you seen the price of gas?"
  3. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    Amen Thats why I drive a Geo. lol
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    On hallowe'en a little girl came to our door while her father waited on the end of the walkway. Anyways, she saw Harley and said
    "Is that a Pit Bull?"

    I replied "It is a breed that is considered to be a Pit Bull."

    She then gets this look of horror on her face and says "Did you know Pit Bulls eat people, I don't know HOW you can live with it".

    OMG! This girl was like 6 yrs. old. I was fuming, I just glared at her father and I looked at her with the full bowl of candy and said, looks like we're all out! Have a good night.

    I know it was totally childish of me, but I felt good after. hehe. :oops:
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Yeah, the ol' "People Eater" PitBull.

    One of my all time favorites!
  6. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member


    Some people and their thoughts make me SICK!
    The funny thing is this:
    The people who make the biggest stink about pitbulls are usually the people who have never even seen one. They are just pure ignorant imbeciles!
    Tomorrow at our local shelter, I am running a POSITIVE PITBULL ADVOCATE TABLE!
    I have tons of literature and magazines and newspaper articles (some I have written myself)
    I should be in for a treat. Good thing I already have PMS and am ready and waiting for an argument! I will be diplomatic and to the point! I will however, GET MY POINT ACROSS!
    My shelter Pitbull/mix Ginger will be accompanying me for the day!

    Wish me luck!!
  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Good Luck Sue! You are always so polite but yet straight to the point any anti-APBT lovers will be in for a treat! :eek:
  8. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Sue I wish you luck! I think that is a great idea. So many people just listen to what their hear about this breed. I dont own one (yet) but love the breed. My husband was like many people when I met him and thought they were the devil. After seeing my brothers precious bunch he has no problems with them.
  9. Obelix

    Obelix New Member

    I always think that, that sort of ignorance is like rascim equivilent of dogs, but it just goes to prove that people now'adays judge a book by its cover... and MyPetTherapyDog raise hell for us :wink:

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