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Dogs Do Da' Darndest Deeds!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by qwertyhimself, May 22, 2004.

  1. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    This can be a topic where you post stories, or funny things your dog(s) do or have done!

    MY dog lightning often sleeps and sits in chairs like people, it may not seem weird, but he is a 65 pound dog so it looks funny. lol, he will sit up and hang his hind legs over (not exactly like a person but as good as a dog can do) and just sit there for hours
  2. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Cool post idea! I'll be watching for more fun stuff....And about your story about your dog sitting in the chair---- when I was younger, I had a rather large (nearly 200 lbs.) St. Bernard---- And he would do that in my dad's recliner. He'd just back his big ol' St. Bernard butt up to the chair, scoot himself back, flop his front part over, and be right at home, sitting up like all the rest of us. I know I have pictures of him around doing it somewhere I'll have to see if I can find one.
  3. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

    Post a picture!
  4. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    LOL thats funny!

    It's hard posting pic on this tpe of message board, because you have to have it stored online somewhere, at least from my iunderstanding. Mabey ill have to get some space on tripod somtime.
  5. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Give www.photoisland.com a try..... I got the suggestion from someone on this site, and I am having really good luck with my photo's on it :y_the_best:
  6. ILoveGreatDanes

    ILoveGreatDanes New Member

  7. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Ah come on! You mean to tell me your dogs dont do anything funny :D

    My dog Sugar once licked me a total of 503 times in a row. I know its very hard to believe! I was wondering if she has some licking disorder. It took like 10-15 minuetes to do. LOL
  8. BulldogMomma

    BulldogMomma New Member

    When my bulldog Lucie was about 6 months old, she was sleeping on the couch one afternoon. She always lays with her head hanging over the front edge. This particular day, she started slipping, slipping, and BAM....she landed on the floor....still sound asleep and snoring. The plop on the floor didn't faze her at all. She still cracks me up on a daily basis. Funny dog!
  9. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Since I already mention my St. Bernard I had when I was younger, I'll tell a funny thing about him...
    Like I mentioned already, he was a big dog, even by St.B standards....weighing it at nearly 200 lbs., and all lean muscle. And although he was a protective dog as far as family went, for the most part he was pretty much a passive dog.
    Well, at the same time as we had him, we also had a little Scottish Terrier mix. He was absolutely SURE he was a big tough dog-- in true terrier nature. He was sure that he was the dominate leader, and the St. B was below him. ANd the St.B pretty much didn't care, he was big enough he pretty much knew he didn't have to prove anything.
    So, what these two dogs would do is play tug of war. And that's what was hilarious.... We would give them an old rag, or whatever to play with out in our front yard, and they would each take one end--- a 200 lb. St. Bernard on one end, and a 20 lb. Scottie on the other. The St. would hold on (with very little exertion whatsoever) and the Scottie would pull and shake and growl and carry on.... And just to be a nice guy, and to keep him interested, the St. would slowly take steps towards the Scottie, to let him thing he was winning. They would slowly move across the yard, with the Scottie thinking he was pulling the St. along...... UNTIL they got to the gravel driveway..... my St. Bernard hated walking on the sharp gravel rocks in our driveway. SO, he would let the scottie pull and win until they got to the driveway---- then he would lift the rag, the scottie, the whole works, carry him back to the center of the grass, (with the scottie still shaking and growling and holding on for dear life to the rag) set him down, and go back to the same routine of slowly letting the scottie pull him across the yard.
    It was hilarious to watch.... the scottie never seemed to catch on that he was just being humored..... he was SURE he was the toughest dog around! :p
  10. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    That's to cute Pam.
    My little Pekingese is also a mighty dog! She has no idea she is small.
    She plays tug of war all the time with my APBT and boy is that a sight! They drag her all through the house and around the yard and she never gives up even when she's lifted a few feet in the air she still tugs on that sock growling bound and determined to be the winner.
    Gwerty my mom's great dane also thinks he is human he sits on the couch on his bottom with all fours on the ground and watches TV it's quite funny.
  11. k9resq

    k9resq New Member

    just the visual image of the St. and the Scottie is enough to make me giggle !! Thanks for sharing !!
  12. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    Lol Pam that is awsome.

    I recall a funny time my dog Lightning saw himself in the mirror. lol, he was walking by it, and looked over, and then just froze. He stared at it without moving for like 2 solid minuets. Then he would move over just a little bit, and freeze again, and then he walked out of sight, and then he would peek around the side and see himself and then duck his head back in, He repeated that process like 3 times and then he just gave up and reluctantly sat down somewhere else
  13. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    this is a little gross but funny. One day I was sitting watching tv and Luther was sleeping on the floor in front of me, when suddenly he passed gas, I think it was his first time because jumped up and growled at his butt!
  14. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    That's too funny! My dog Rusty did something sort of like that the other day... except it was my roomate that was standing in the living room facing him, and she let out a little "toot", of sorts.... and Rusty ran around behind her and looked up at her behind with that inquisitve, cocked head look he gets, like he was thinking "Where the heck did THAT noise come from? Are you hiding one of my toys in your pants?" We both about cracked up! :lol: Dogs can be such a riot!
  15. Jules

    Jules New Member

    My dogs sit like people too, they are not allowed on our couch but this cheeky little butt sneaks it's way onto it!!![​IMG]

    I went on that photo island page but the picture is not showing up!!!
    How do I do it properly?
  16. Meg04

    Meg04 New Member

    I posted this on the pitbull page, but its so funny I had to post again. Zoe (our pit/boxer mix) hated baths when we first got her. I would literally have to force her into the tub. She has gotten better about it and would get in the tub if I bribed her with treats. Well last week I was putting my daughter into the tub and I had the bath ready with bubbles. My daughter was just about to step into the bath when Zoe came in and put her paws on the side of the tub and jumped in on her own. It was SOOOO funny. We didn't call her in the bathroom at all, she just decided the bath looked good and she wanted in. My daughter and I laughed and went ahead and gave Zoe a bath.
  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    This is a little gross as well. WE were in the truck and it was raining outside, so the dogs got to ride in the back seat. Well Smokey must have been tired, so he passed out dead asleep and Char was just sitting looking out the window. Now, the way they were sitting, it looked like Char was sitting on Smokes head..... When all of the sudden Smokey jumped up screeching and pawing at his pose and muzzle!!! Char got on the floor and tried to hide under the seat...and then we smelled it...EWWW it was soooooo bad. Granvel had to pull over he was gagging so hard!!!! Ugh. I don't know what she ate, but Poor Smoke got the biggest wiff of ti!
  18. Jules

    Jules New Member

    My dogs never fail to go through a day without making me laugh! Just their comical expressions, or stupid noises they make!
    We were watching TV once and someone hit a tennis ball with a cricket bat and it went off the screen and Bender ran in the direction of the ball as if to catch it!! It was pretty funny.
    Also this morning I was eating breaky and watching my dogs and Leela was lying down facing away from me, and she wanted to look at me so she put her head up in the air then back and her head was upside down and her big floppy ears were hanging down like a gremlin, and her bottom teeth were showing... and she just sat there for a bit looking at me- while I was laughing at her!
  19. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    lol Jules do you have a dog named Fry too?
  20. pamr61

    pamr61 New Member

    Rusty has this thing we call "Reporting Himself" sometimes when he does something he knows he shouldn't do.... like the other day, I was in my computer room when he came walking in with a buttermilk biscuit in his mouth that had been thrown away into the garbage under the sink earlier in the day. I look down and he was standing there looking up at me with his pitiful hang dog look he can get, holding that biscuit as if he had come in to say " Oh, mom.... I know I wasn't supposed to get into the garbage and take this, but I couldn't resist, so here..... take it before I do something I know I'm not supposed to do!"
    He did the same thing this morning when my room mate was getting ready to go to school... Rusty is notorious for chewing up pencils if he finds them-- My room mate had set her books and two pencils down on a box by the door at "Rusty eye level" so she would remember them when she left. She went into the kitchen, and a few minutes later, she looked down and Rusty was standing there again with that guilty look, looking up at her with both pencils in his mouth, like he had brought them to her, because he just knew if they stayed down where he could get them, he would be too tempted, and just have to chew them up! :lol:

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