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something caught in throat

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by kse521, May 24, 2004.

  1. kse521

    kse521 New Member

    I have a 6 month old shipoo. I believe she is in a false pregnancy but that is not the problem but may be enhancing the situation. Friday evening my husband gave her a steak bone to chew the meat off. Within 1 minute she was screeching. We thought she must have got a piece of bone or something caught in her throat. We took her to the vet who examined her and did an ultrasound on her. He stated he couldn't find anything, she must have got it passed through to her stomach. However, she whimpered all night at various intervals. We took her back to the vet and he x-rayed her and still couldn't find anything. He diagnosed her with "garbage gut" and stated not to feed her until Sun. morn. We fed her Sunday, and as soon as she swallows, she whimpers and vomits it back up along with yellow bile. I am so concerned for her. Can anyone help me? I would sure appreciate it.
  2. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    She could have some type infection or either the bone splintered and punctured something .I am not a vet but I would surely take her back to one ,another one if that one cannot give you an answer .
    is she swollen ? You said false pregnancy ? That could be an infection too .My advice is to seek medical attention asap .
  3. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    It really sounds like a blockage. Sharp bone fragments can do some damage to the intestines when trying to pass them. Or it may still be lodged in the esophagus. Keep pressuring your Vet to find out where the problem is. If it is a blockage, this can be a serious medical issue. Infection is the main thing

    Also, never give your dogs cooked bones to chew on. If swallowed, they can be just as sharp as if they swallowed a knife. So may people think they're giving their dogs a treat, but in fact can kill them by doing so.

    If you have an emergency clinic in your area, you might want to take your dog there right away. They will do a more thorough exam.

    Hope everthing works out!
  4. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I had a similar problem 2 weeks ago with my dog Pinky. I had given all of the dogs baked pigs ears which I have given them a hundred times before.
    But when I woke up the next morning I opened Pinky's crate to let her out to potty but she wouldn't come out. I ended up dragging her out and was totally shocked when I saw her! She had a huge lump in the side of neck. I took her to the vet immediately and when the vet examined her he said she had some sort of abscess. So he did x-rays of her belly to see if she had swallowed something sharp that might have cut her throat. But found nothing so she had to end up getting anesthesia so that he could look at her throat with a scope. He found a laceration in her throat that was causing the abscess. So he made an incision in the abscess so that it would drain. Pinky felt terrible and couldn't eat anything solid for a couple days but is perfectly fine now. I know without a doubt it was the pig ears that caused the whole problem and now IM scared to give my dogs anything to chew on.
  5. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    I know how you feel ,Back beofre i knew not to let mine have rawhides ,Buttons was carrying around one all the time .One day I can trough and the was laying on the floor and looked dead ,but jerking ,I grabbed him up and pryed open his mouth and could see something way down in the throat ,I got a pair of pliers (some that the vet had given to me and pulled a rawhide out of his throat ,he had swallowed a small peice but it had caught and swollen up like a sponge and he could not breath ,I gave him mouth to mouth and he finally came around . to this day ,I am afraid of any type rawhides ,I use the sticks and CET stick chews now .Pig ears I still get ,maybe I shouldn't .
  6. 2pyrs

    2pyrs New Member

    Is it possible it's just a sore throat ? Could have scratched the throat or even a small cut. Just like us to big a bite or swallowing wrong and you feel like it is still in your throat.

  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi i would have to agree and keep pressuring your vet to do further checks.

    I have never had a problem with giving my dogs bones, raw hides or anything like that as they chew them up so small its like pulp when they actually swallow it.

    But it could be like was mentioned it could have scratched the side of her throat.

    Please keep us posted

  8. kse521

    kse521 New Member

    Thanks so much to all of you for taking the time to reply to my message. We kept 'Gracie' off of solid food for 24 hours, then I fed her a very small amount - she yelped so loud - and up it came! I have been trying to force small amounts of liquid down her. She kept trying to hide under blankets or pillows and so much whimpering.

    Just in the last 2 hours she has shown some improvement. I fed her a tablespoon of canned chicken and she was able to keep it down. She does act like she is so hungry. I waited an hour and did the same thing! After a bit - she went in on her own and drank some water. So far she has kept this down. She may be getting better and I sure hope so. She still acts like her throat is so sore. We certainly will not be feeding any more bones or rawhides!

    Again, I thank all of you. This is my first time for using the site - but I will definitely keep checking in to see if I can be of help to someone as you have all helped me. Good luck to all of you with your pets!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Glad to hear she's okay!

    Cooked bones can indeed be very dangerous. Raw bones are usually fine. You want to avoid marrow bones, however, in ANY form - they are too hard and can cause tooth breakage.

    It's so hard to find nice things for our dogs to chew on, isn't it? :(


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