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How to catch an oppossum ? or otherwise known as

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by ilovemaltipoos, May 24, 2004.

  1. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    WATCH MISTY AND ADAM RUN ....FAST..! :shock:

    When Misty and Adam were young teens ,they stayed in our shed alot .We use to worry about that ! :!:
    we started sorta watching cause as concerned parents we really needed to know what the heck they were up to .well ...soon we found out .it seemed that that was their quiet time .They could talk about boyfriends ,girlfriends or just US and we were not privy as our room was right down the hall from theirs and so they thought we were listening :wink: ,we wasn't until they started staying an hour to three everyday in the shed .!!!! :D
    Anyway ...we live in the woods and every kind of wild animal you could find was around ,we even had a bear here (another story ) once .
    One day I had to get some stuff out of the shed and low and behold as I picked up the gas can an oppossum stood straight up at me and hissed and started at me .... :shock:
    Well ,I ran to the house and got the gun and shot the thing .
    I put it in a box for my husband to dispose of and waited for him to come home .I hate those nasty things !! UgH !!!
    later that evening Misty and Adam took their daily journey into the shed and were busy talking about life in general when my husband got home .
    I told him about the oppossum and he went out to get it to dispose of and
    I was trying to get dinner prepared when I heard a LOUD crash ....Screams !!! ...The kitchen door burst open and there was Misty ,pale as a ghost and just screaming at the top of her lungs and I could not understand a word she was saying .I thought she had been bit by something so ,I grabbed the phone to call 911 when Adam ran through the door ,face red ,pants torn and looked like he had been in a fight with something and robert came through the door laughing his head off .. :?

    At that time I almost knew what had happened but I calmed Misty and Adam ,gave them both a very calming talk while watching robert cause I knew what he had done by then .It seems he decided to 'wake up" the kids and show them what an oppossum really was .He took the oppossum ,hung it in front of the shed door on a hook there (you would almost hit your head on the thing conming out ) and then took the shovel and whammed the back of the shed ..These are his words

    " I hit the shed and Misty and Adam came running out and ran right into the oppossum ....Misty was screaming and just kept running ,the thing was swinging from the hook and slapped Adam right in the face ,he grabbed it and went backwards into the shed and was on the floor ,wrestling with a dead oppossum .I had to pull him up and when I did he took off like a bat out of h_ _ _ and was so fast I couldn't catch him to help calm him down .These kids need to be in track ,they are fast when an oppossum is after them "
    All the time he was laughing so hard and by that time both Misty and Adam were calm and was just looking at him like they could beat him up or something .Dinner was quiet that night except for the giggles from me and Robert every now and then .We tore down the shed after that or should I say Adam and Misty tore the thing down .all I can say is "if you wanna kid to work ,don't ask ,get an oppossum " :eek: :D :lol: 8) :y_the_best: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  2. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    oooooooooooooh...... i just hate those darn oppossums!!!!!! they are way NAST-STAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! ick!
    LOL.. in the meantime, I'm calling child protective services on malti and her hubby! hehehehe...
  3. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    Go ahead ,they were 15 and 16 yrs old at the time and now they are 22 and 23 .and you could still make em' work with a dead oppossum ! ..LOL !
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    OH how funny! I posted a while back..One got into my Bed room!!! Talk about freekingout!!!!
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    UGH...we have opussums here as well and I despise those things!!! :x Yet again Malti, another great story! :lol:
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh god, I would be spittin mad too. Boy I would have paid to have seen that go on. Shoot you could have gotten a few of the neighbors to come on over and get the laugh of a lifetime. LOL. Good one shirely One day they will be telling these stories and getting others to laugh about them too.
  7. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    EWWW! I hate them. I was 8mo pregnant with my youngest and one got in our house, I had nothing but a paint ball gun to shoot it with. I had to call my father in law to come kill it for me. Come to find out there was a whole litter of them under the house. Dont know how momma got in but boy did that scare me!

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