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Off Topic but....

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jody, May 25, 2004.

  1. Jody

    Jody New Member

    I got bitten by a spider on the weekend. All is ok, just had a dry mouth, felt like vomiting. Very Scary thought though, I thought I was going to die. It was just a house spider that I sat on while talking to a girlfriend on the telephone. He's in a container and little bludger is still alive, how can they survive without any air getting into the container.....grrrr......
  2. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Something like that happened to me last year. Stupid thing was on my pillow and I just laid down and wham. woke up, saw the spider and freaked. As I am a slight hypochondriac, I rushed to the emergency room with the spider in a jar. They said it wasn't poisonous. I wasn't having any symtoms but I certainly wasn't going to wait for any. Oh, and I stepped on mine after I left the ER. Smashed the little @#%#$ good.
  3. Laura05

    Laura05 New Member

    I have heard that --- The average person eats 8 spiders while sleeping, in a lifetime! :shock: :-&
  4. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Glad to hear you are ok Jody.

    Laura I think I have heard that too. Way too creepy to even think about!
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    How scary Jody. I can't stand spiders....I don't think there is anything that I fear more.
  6. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    laura why did you mention that!!! :shock: *keeps mouth taped shut while sleeping* i have a big problem with spiders. i have to call my mum around to kill them if my partner isnt home.
  7. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    When we first moved into our house which is in the country my husband and I as well as my 6 year old were all bitten by brown recluse spiders. My husband was bitten 2 times and my son 2 times and me just once but in a very bad place...The behind!! Whoaaaa that was very painful!! I couldn't sit for a week. The bites started out looking like a pimple but then turned into huge red swollen puss filled boils that had huge circles around them they looked like bullseyes. My husband actually got muscle damage from the bites but of course that is because he was to stubborn to go to the doctor.
    My six year old had to go through a huge round of shots to fight off any damage that might occur. We ended up having our house exterminated and found out the house was actually infested with a couple of nest of brown recluses. To this day I am still creeped out by it and have the house sprayed twice a year.
  8. ilovemaltipoos

    ilovemaltipoos New Member

    OoooooooooooooHHHHHHh ...I hate spiders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    everytime I see one kill it if possible .We live in the woods and you seen at least one almost everyday ,we spray in the house so the ones I see are mainly outside ...i hate those creepy things ...!!!
    My neice got bit once when younger and it ate a hole in her leg .Almost never healed .She was sick for a long time .
    I hope you are better soon !
  9. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    I just love the wonderfull stories you guys share on here. Now i know not to check the boards before bed. I will be dreaming of spiders and puss filled infections all night! :lol:
  10. qwertyhimself

    qwertyhimself New Member

    I HATE those spiders that are like really really fast, I dont like fast small bugs in general, its like they are all the way across the room and ZIPPPPPP! they are right over to you.

    I also hate :

    June bugs
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    my husband woke up a few weeks ago with one side of his face so swollen and part of his eye! A few days later I was finally able to see a small bit mark, It took almost 3 weeks for it heal - he wouldnt go to the Dr, but it was pretty nasty, had to be spider bite

  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member


    I HATE Spiders! I am not really "girly" for much in life EXCEPT bugs!! I don't know what it is. Even the average house fly freaks me out!!

    hehe I am definately NOT a camper, can you tell??

    I am glad that you didn't get too hurt by the spider. We don't have many poisonous spiders here, but whenever I go to BC I am always warned about some insect.

  13. Jody

    Jody New Member

    I freaked out so much cause it happened about 11.30 on saturday night, the bite was on my leg around the back. When it did bite me, i jumped straight back up again and flicked it off the lounge then put it in the container. I thought it might have been a Red Back Spider which are venemous and can kill. Thankfully it wasn't.......
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Ok, I have to sensor this, but Sunday morning, I woke up to a welping redspot on my bre$t....YEah, talk about tender!!!! I kept watching it for a few days, and I had some steroid cream left over from the last time I was bitten on my back, by a black fuzzy spider...don'tknow what their called...

    Any how, now its just a red hole...like someone took a hole puncher the size of a pencil top and poked a hole....
    Dr. said it was probably another black fuzzy spider, or a penny spider. But it looked ok... WEll OUCH< its not ok.... Still hurts!!!
  15. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Oh no, no, no. Tell me your kidding. I hardly ever see spiders here, so thats impossible. Your joshin us right.

    Out here we have poisonas spider call the brown recluse. My freind has been bit by them a couple times. You get this boil like lump in the bite spot and she says you can feel the poison going thru your body. Oh the time she was bit on her foot, her leg looked almost like an elephants so puffy the drs could not even find the bite, thus not knowing how it occured. She got home after a few days in the hospital and her dog was sniffing at her foot. Her son had to see what she was doing, :roll: there is was a smelly lumpy looking lump underneight her baby toe. Her dog found it but not the dr.s
    I know another gal that said she nearly lost her leg because of one
  16. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Yeah, we have those and the black widows. You think the recluse is bad, get bitten by a widow!!!

    My (soon to be) father inlaw got bitten on his left cheek (face) by one.

    He din't know what it was. Though it was a bad pimple that got infected. So a coulple of hours went by, the skin around it started to turn black and ooz and smell like rotten flesh. He finally went to the dr, and they had to litterally CUt out the area. IT took about 3 months for the wound to heal. They told him that he could have lost his eye, went brain dead, or worse died, if he would have waited another day. I don't remember how many vials of anit venom he had to take, but he was sick..oh boy was he sick. His fever soared to like 104`F and his face blew up like a balloon!
    You can still see the scar on his face. Luckily he's a welder, so the sun and glare has toughened his face like leather, so its not as noticeable, but it still causes him pain and its been almost 3 years!
    Every now and then it will get red, and he has to go in and have everything checked out.

    Here's a link to what a widow looks like:
    and another: bite :
  17. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member


    YUCK! I am NEVER travelling to Texas. hehe That one would hurt Sam. Keep and eye on it. You just never know how your body may react to stuff like that.

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