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Dogs next door died of Parvo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by Kala, May 26, 2004.

  1. Kala

    Kala New Member

    I have a question. My neighbors (who shouldn't have dogs in the first place) just lost thier 2 small lab puppies to parvo. I am concerned because these dogs were always under my porch and played with my dogs. I have been reading up on parvo because I know nothing about it and I found out that Dobermans are subseptible (spelling??) to parvo, does this include mini dobies also? I know our 2 min pins have had thier first set of shots already (one is 4 the other is turning 3 this august) and I wanted to make certain they are going to be ok. I also have a Bassett who will be 2 next month. My bassett (his name is Billy) was really sick when I got him (bad breeding...he had 3 types of worms and coccidia) and I am worried about him because at the vet they said that since he was so sick so young it affected him and that he will catch stuff easier. I basically need advice on what I should do. Should I observe them and if they start acting funny bring them in? If they do get really sick should I take my neighbors to court? (My dogs are always chained up in my front yard and his 2 ran loose 24/7) ANY advice someone can give me would be really helpful. I am worried about my dogs because they are my babies. Loud barking ones, but they are my babies. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

  2. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Now when you said 4 and 3 do you mean years or months? And do you mean they have had their whole series of puppy shots or just the first set. Their ages make a huge difference, if they are pups then they could be in big trouble, if older 4 years and 3 years and all shots given, they are at much less risk. I would think the basset too. Start washing down you property with a bleach solution. Now what is their exact age pup or older. I was confused by what you said.?
  3. Kala

    Kala New Member

    One of the min pins is 4 years and one is 3 years and the bassett hound is 2 years. I am not sure about the 4 y/o's shots because he is my roommates. I got mine at a pet shop and according to them he got his first set of shots. If I can ever find where my roommate put the 3 y/o's shot record I can answer that better but he tends to put stuff away then forgets where he puts it. As for the basset, by the time I brought him into the vet they told me if I waited till the next day he would of died. The rest of the puppies in his litter died. I am not worried about the 4 y/o that much because he is a full adult dog. It is mainly the younger min pin and the bassett. I can't bare to see Billy get sick again. If he does this will be the 3rd time since I got him (I have have had him for almost 2 years now...I got him at 3 months old). The last time he wouldn't take anything down for 5 days and lost tons of weight. Scared me half to death. The bassett almost weekly throws up at least once. The vet said it all stems from him getting so sick so young. I hope this info is helpful.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    Usually when you get a pup anywheres between a few months or even up to a year old they have to have a few different seccions of shots. When I got my 1 year old young dog, we had no clue if he had had his full shots so they had to do it just in case he had not. So he got three sets I believe it was. Doyou remember if your dog has gone yearly for shots, if so then he should be ok. Now have you had yourmin pin since he was a pup. Or did he come to you as an adult. If he was a pup when he came to you you would know if he had any other shots after the first set. It is neccesary. I know this is all starting to sound confusing.
  5. Kala

    Kala New Member

    4 y/o min pin - no clue on the shots as he is not mine

    3 y/o min pin - according to the pet store that I got him from, he had his first set of shots (I got him at 3 months old) He has not gotten shots since then because he was under the care of my ex and I recently got him back.

    (almost) 2 y/o bassett - No clue on the shots (breeder said it got the shots but never provided me with proof) Has been hospitalized 2x. 1st time for worms & coccidia, 2nd time for a very serious stomach bug of sorts. According to the vet documents he got a sucsession (spelling??) of shots after the first hospitalization.

    All 3 dogs are set to go in for thier boosters next month. I would of done it sooner, but when you have 3 dogs it gets pricey.
  6. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I would be worried about the two min pins. I believe it takes up to 11 days or so for parvo to show up. On this forum their is someone that supposley know of some cocktail to give to a parvo dog. Look on the dogs forum for parvo recipe. I've read alot here about what people have gone thru with their parvo dogs. Especially yours knowing he's only had his first puppy shot. Call your vet and see what they say. I'm sorry I've not got more help. Did you post this on the dogs forum. Theres a grip of people over there that have gone thru this. I would at least be talking to your vet about what to do. I think your basset has a better chance.
    As for the 4 year old, If the owner has any recollection of at least getting the first full year of shots he's got a better chance than the 3 year old. I hope the best for you. ask the dog forum for the recipe. I don't know if it works. But its worth a try.
  7. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Spray or wash down any thing or place the other dogs touched. with bleach. Parvo is not a pleasent sight.If they should get it heres the tea recipe.

    1 cup pedalyte
    2 Tablets of Echinaeca w/ golden seal
    2 bags of Bigelows mint
    Meldley peppermint & spearmint tea.
    1 tablespoon Garlic

    If the dog weighs less than 4 lbs use only Echinacca

    Heat pedalyte but don't boil. add tea bags and l;et it heat for little while then add rest ingrents.

    also try to get vet to give you meds to fight this . we gave our dogs pedalyte by a syringe when they was little Or one of ours every two hours somnetimes it wou;ld stay down other times it did not we did save the dog.
  8. Kala

    Kala New Member

    Thank you all for the help. My lawn is getting mowed tomorrow (Thursday) so I will be bleaching it out right after. Thank you for the cocktail ingredients. I already have most of that in the house so I will make it. As for going to the vets. They have an appt for booster shots in 2 weeks. Should I wait or bring them in early?
  9. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I would make sure that I call ahead and tell the vet's office that your dogs may have been exposed to parvo. If they still want you to come in, they will ask you to keep your dogs in the car until called in and they will bring you and your dogs thru another entrance into a isolation room away from the other dogs. Call the office first. Good luck.

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