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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by True_Pits, May 19, 2004.

  1. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

  2. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    nice pics!!
  3. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    I love the brindle dog it's ears are Great! :eek:
  4. Lunchbox

    Lunchbox New Member

    Those ears are so cute. I'm really liking the muscle tone on the red & white one. I love dogs that look ripped & he/she is a beauty.
  5. Sara

    Sara New Member

    As always your dogs look GREAT!!!
  6. amberlue2002

    amberlue2002 New Member

    i like that you still have ears we just lost our brendal that was the same color getting his ears cropped its not worth it.
  7. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thanks for checking out my pics everyone. This new digital camera is great. Her ears are crazy and I love them...lol And that red and white gal keeps herself conditioned like that.

    Thats sad about your pup but its always a risk for any kind of surgery. Only one of the dogs out of the three has natural ears if you look, the red male and red and white female both have cropped ears. The brindle (not brendal) is the only one with natural ears.
  8. jao_apbt

    jao_apbt New Member

    Great pics, and even better dogs!!!!

  9. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member





    I just had to take some more. Been having some really nice weather the past couple of days, after we got through all the rain.
  10. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    Nice looking dogs, are you going to keep her ears naterual?
    Just a question
    I notice that they are all on chains, yet some look like they are also in a run, why are they chain in a run why not just loose in a run?
    just wondered
  11. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    Nice looking dogs, are you going to keep her ears naterual?
    Just a question
    I notice that they are all on chains, yet some look like they are also in a run, why are they chain in a run why not just loose in a run?
    just wondered
  12. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thanks for the compliments

    yeah, since I made the decision not to have them cropped I'm not going to change my mind on it now that she is older. I like them the way they are, they are part of her personality I think.

    Because I'm a responsible bulldog owner not wanting to add to the bad or loose one of my own dogs (or cats for that matter).
  13. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Good thinking about the chains True... I have noticed that people sometimes can get lazy with dog runs and they're pits so It's good to see you're on your toes. I've also noticed that pit bull owners that only have ONE dog tend to not understand the reasons for better enclosures when an accident isn't as possible or likely as it is when you have multiple Pit Bulls and multiple dogs... It's almost a science if you want to be sure to make a Yard Accident impossible or unlikely.... How many pits do you have in all?
  14. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    They are truly a lifesaver and the only trustworthy means of containing a Pit Bull. I agree with people that have one Pit or young Pits. On another forum (think your a member of) there is some one who said no Pit Bull should ever have to be kept on a chain. They have a young pit bull puppy and a boxer puppy older like 9 months. It seems a lot of these people are hardly aware of the breed as first time ownrs. Their first pit puppy they've only had for a month they have a lot to learn and hopefully it won't cost them. If their 2 dogs can't get along that may mean alternation between the dogs being inside and out. Just a few days ago that red male got out! He has plywood around the run and used to try and get out all the time, even ripped some wood off. Now he's been pretty respectful of his bouadaries but one side is about a 2 ft piece not drilled on, he's been a good boy but the cat was teasing him the other night. This was about 1am and he was out with about 2 ft of chain. The chains are long enough to get the full run without being too long, but with them being long enough and in a run it doesn't strain the chain or hardware. I use chains without runs too but the runs keep other things out. This cat is insane too, I went to get him back in and while I was in the pen the cat came over to the crack between the gate door and the side and made him fire up. She loves to tease dogs and attack them. I've got a couple stories about her attacking them.

    Just a few here now, kept what I really needed, sent the others where I can still use them, I'm going to begin building my yard back up the way I want it.
  15. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    Very nice looking dogs!!!
    You also take very nice pictures with your camera.
  16. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    Ok thanks i thought it mught be that!
    I'm glad there are some great dog owners out there!
    Its just in engalnd there are nect to no dogs tied up, but there is also hardly any loose dogs.
  17. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    In England? Aren't Pit Bulls banned there from my understanding? What kind of dogs do you have?
  18. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    Yes Pittbulls are banned, and now i dont think they should ever be allowed in England for the reason being that it would be a "novalty" to people to buy these dog's with no understanding of the breed and cause a bad dog if you get what i mean!
    I have a Rottie x Lab called Rio, BC called beth (working dog) and a beardie, i dearly want a GSD and a French mastif.
    But i like all dog's
  19. True_Pits

    True_Pits New Member

    Thats cool, is BC Border Collie? It seems that breed is a little popular in England.

    I have to totally agree with you about the "novalty" pet thing.

    So in England their are no Pit Bulls so no reason to have them tied up. because they don't exist there. That is kind of sad because their was this close fool on another forum saying that pit bulls, bull terriers, staffies, ect were evil and "knew out to kill". The guy didn't make sense though. People told him to think those things about Pit Bulls he's probably never met one. He came back saying no he never met one because they were banned where he lived and he was glad to have never met one. But then he goes on another thread and again said how they "knew how to kill" and how he has seen 100s of dogs get in fights and the fighting dogs just stick a tooth in the other dogs stomach and kills it. He is such a total moron, first he's never seen them then he's seen them kill by "gutting" dogs which makes no sense at all. Guess that goes to show their is ignorance all over the world, especially when it comes to the APBTs.

    French Mastiff do you mean Dogue De Bordeaux, I kind of like that breed and considered getting one before as an indoor dog. There have been some bybs and mills that have got ahold of them to peddle as "rare" and "the dog that one in turner and hooch". The pet store had one for $2000 using those lines. From a breeder here they are only $1000-15000 and you get a much better dog. I can't believe people buy from these others places.

    Sorry this post is so long, kind went off in different directions.
  20. rio_and_me

    rio_and_me New Member

    Yes Border Collie, they are quite popular, but some people dont relize thes dog's need allot of training and exersize (so there are allot of them in shelters).
    Yer i mean Dogue de Bordeaux I say French Mastiff becaise allot of people i know dont know what that is so i have ajustied to saying french mastiff, i'll probley never get one but i can dream, they are pretty rare over here (never seen one in the flesh).

    There are NO APBT at all over here (i lie a friends friends has one, very nice people treat him no other than they do the others, old now and i dont know how they got it i think it was a rescue from a raid) but if the autorities find out anyone has one it would be distroyed.
    When i say not many dogs are tied up i mean any breed obviously there are some but not many, and stray dog's are everywhere they are picked up quickly by wardens and taken to shelters where they are given 7 days to be claimed and then they go up for adoption, unless they overly aggresive etc then they arnt put down ever.
    is the Staffie similar to the pit bull? because i find staffie great family dog's etc.
    In my experiance the most agresive breeds of dog's ive seen have been BC'c, terriers, the odd GSD (not many) mongerals hardly ever any of thoses "mean" breeds

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