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trouble after op

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jules, May 27, 2004.

  1. Jules

    Jules New Member

    I have reacently had Leela desexed, a week ago today. It's been a tough task to keep her resting and calm- especially with another dog in the house who is willing to play with her. Anyway it was all going well, the wound was healing nicely and it had been 4 days so I was feeling more relaxed about it, and we were watching tv and then I realised Bender and Leela had been playing a bit rough so I went to check on them and there were blotches of blood around the lounge room- on cushions and stuff... anyway now it's all swollen, and it feels as though it's filled with blood rather than actually swollen. But it may be swollen because that area is quite soft. The wound is about 3-4 inches long from memory without measuring it. I think the stitches tore a little, but they are still ok and doing their job. She is also not in the slightest bit interested in the area. It's like nothing is wrong! We rang the vet, but they said to keep keeping her calm and rested (she is going crazy- she has been locked up for a week now and she can't even sleep properly at night!!!) but it is still worrying me. The actual wound looks a little scabby where it bled from, but other than that it looks ok. Has anyone alse been through this problem? And how on earth do you get a 5 and a half month old doberman to rest??!! (the vet said ANOTHER WEEK!!) I slept with her the other night just so she would sleep!
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    we had the same problem with kuma. its from all the friction in the wound when they move too much. just keep her calm and in a seperate room. if the swelling doesnt go down after a week or 2 take her to the vet. they might have to drain it. by the way i like the names you have for your dogs lol.
  3. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    And the really crazy thing is tha leela only has one eye!
    just kidding, futurama joke!
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Harleys stitches tore a bit too. She was really sick the day we brought her home and threw up the whole day. From her heaving it kept tearing the stitches and making her bleed.

    Honestly, you do just have to keep her still. It is hard. You may have to keep them seperated for a bit. Do you have a crate you could use?
  5. Jules

    Jules New Member

    Yeh, maybe the next dog I get I can call it Dr. Zoidberg! Ren or Stimpy would be good names. Also Homer... and there was a dog on a cartoon called Sharky, coz he had a big nose kind of like a shark, I like that name too. You can tell I'm a cartoon nut... I'll never grow out of them! The fact that I draw pictures for a living might have something to do with it...
    Anyway, I don't have a crate, but she has a bed in my room, so I just lock her away in there. I just feel so bad about it. She is starting to not want to go in there- I feel like I am tormenting her. She probably wonders why on earth I am so mean and why is she being locked away!!!
    It's still not going down, been swollen for a few days... it looks like there is a tennis ball in there. Maybe Bender buried one in there...
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Maybe you should get a crate so she can at least be in the same room as you? Can you borrow one or something?

  7. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    oh youve just given me another possible name for my future pet, zoidberg!
  8. Jules

    Jules New Member

    "Zoidy" would become the nickname for sure!

    When we got Leela we considered getting a crate because we wanted her to sleep in our room as Bender does, because she just wouldn't calm down at night. We went to a few shops and couldn't find any. I haven't heard of anyone at training school that uses one. I have only seen one being used by someone I didn't really know. So I gave up on the crate idea. It would probably stress her out even more if I introduced one now- she is really cautious of new things.
    Sometimes I'll put Leela in a room with me and put Bendy outside for a bit with a bone, but she is just so full of energy she paces the room and cries to get out unless I give her attention. After a while she calms down and goes to sleep and I am tiptoeing around praying she stays asleep for a bit longer! I hadn't noticed how much bigger the lump had gotten until my partner got home- you know when you look at something all the time and can't notice it change? Well, he got home from work today and he said it was disgusting and making him feel weak... so I rang the vet and they are going to drain it tomorrow- free of charge! They reckon it won't hurt her. It may not hurt but she still gets traumatised from people prodding and poking at her at the vet.. oh well. Poor thing will have to go get the stitches out not long after. After tomorrow I am definately going to do my best to keep her rested until it gets better. Maybe Bender can go to my Dad's for a holiday...
    Wish me luck!! :roll:

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