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Lap Dog??

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by bullylove1, May 28, 2004.

  1. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member


    I am just wondering how many other people have large dogs that don't know their size?

    Here's my problem, Harley has NO idea how much she weighs. Yes, she is a lean girl, but 53# still hurts. Lately, she HAS to sit on me at all times. I don't get it. None of her other behaviour has regressed, just this. The thing is, we didn't get her until 9 mths. anyways, so its not like she was a baby then either.

    The last couple of nights she crawls up to the bed and nestles right by my stomach (I sleep kinda curled) and she just curls up with me. It seems sweet, but I can't move!

    She is being a huge suck to Curt too. This is a little unusual because hes the "boss" and she just doesn't suck up as much to him, but now she can't get enough love and attention.

    Nothing has changed lately excpet that we recently got her spayed. Could that be what has caused this?

    I am not complaining, just wondering if there could be underlying reasons. Perhaps she would like a new stuffie to rip apart? :wink:
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Well Jake is a 100# lap dog, he tries to lay on me, crawl in my lap, but he has always been a needy dog an dgoes goes thru these episodes on I wnat attention. Just the other ay I was out front sitting on the driveway, he had to literally sit on my lap!. I think because I was playing frisbee with Wylie.

  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    I have the premonition that Sarge will be that 50-80lb lap dog. He LOVES to be held and insists on crawling in your lap the moment your butt hits the chair! I told my husband the other day that its cute now, but in 6 months it will be scary! Not too surprising though when you think of small dogs, like a Dachshund, who totally believe that they are the size and ferocity of a large breed dog!
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I don't know about you.... but one is fine....two that weigh 45 and 65#'s is too much!!! Both my rascals think they have to be "mommies babies"..... ugh.... talk about lots of doggie breath and hair!!! Not to mention the scratches from them "fighting" over who gets to be in mommies lap. Plus, after about 2 seconds of it...my legs fall asleep!
  5. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    :shock: Tell me about it.

    I woke up one night and went to roll over and couldnt. I started to get really nervous because I couldn't feel my legs. I woke up Curt and he started laughing.

    Harley was sleeping on my back!
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Oh, yea, why would they both want to be mommies babies??????(sarcasm inserted). I would if I were your dog! Animals and humans alike are drawn to caretakers and you my friend, are an extreme caretaker! :D
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Aww!! Thank you!!!

    Just if you knew them... you'd think. Wow those are some tough, roughin dogs! Look at them work sooo hard!, Then they act like that!
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have sort of a strange problem with this situation. Bonnie likes to be up on the couch with me. Not necessarily in my lap, but usually touching me in some manner.

    Nala does not like to cuddle - never has. She likes to lie by my feet. Sounds perfect, right?

    Wrong. Nala may not want to cuddle, but she doesn't want anyone else to cuddle, either! So I come home from work totally wiped out, change clothes, and flop on the couch for a brief rest. Bonnie climbs up and lies down behind me. Nala goes bonkers and starts jumping on Bonnie (who is BEHIND me, remember?) and biting at her and barking in her high-pitched "play-with-me" bark.

    So I end up getting trampled and scratched and bitten to death. It's driving me insane!!

    I finally have to tell Bonnie to get down, so then she stands next to me and pants in my face and starts to put her paws on me and next thing I know she is slinking up onto the couch again. Once she is there, she is immovable. She goes limp like a wet noodle or a small child that doesn't want to move. I actually have to sort of drain her off the couch like she is a bucket of molasses.

    So then I get the treats, down the dogs, and toss treats at each one every few minutes until they get bored and leave. Sheesh!

    On the rare occasions when Nala is too tired to care enough to attack Bonnie, I get to watch TV with Bonnie curled up with me and Nala on the floor in front of me where I can reach her to pet her. It's bliss. I make the kids do anything that requires movement when then dogs are like that, so I don't have to get up. 8)

  9. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Reese is really a "clingy" type of dog. My husband says he's a MaMa's boy. Both my dogs when they were pups, they slept on bed with us so that I would know when they had to go potty. After they got bigger they were forced to sleep on the floor (in the bedroom) on their cedar pillows. Reese never got over the need ,66 lbs later, to want to sit in my lap or lay next to me on a sofa.

    Now, when he wants to cuddle, he's got this painful habit of putting his big old paw on my arm or leg and scraping me with his gigantic toe nails, OUCH!!! Especially if I have shorts on. This is a really bad habit I'm having a hard time breaking. NO NO just isn't getting it with him.

    Grace is forever the little Lady and very gentle. She just puts her head in my lap when she wants to snuggle.

    Both still can't resist the urge to jump in bed with in hoped that we relent and let them stay.

    All I can say is they're a couple of pampered pooches.
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Don't you hate it when you have to tell a dog NO and they are just doing something that means, "I love you"?! I know I do.

    This past weekend when I left one of the crates at the agility trial, we were trying to decide what to do about nighttime sleeping arrangements. I put Nala in the remaining crate, and my husband said to put Bonnie's bed on the floor next to our bed. She's not a destructive dog, so she would be fine.

    I told him there's no way she would stay on the floor. But I put the bed down, and told her to down and she curled up on it. Then I got into bed. Bonnie stood up, walked to the center of the foot of the bed, climbed up and settled down all comfy-cozy (this would have been hysterical, I bet, if we still had the water bed). So I managed to get the totally limp wet noodle dog (see previous post) off the bed....and she does it again.

    I would have loved to just leave her there, but my husband doesn't think dogs should sleep on the bed. *sigh*

  11. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Makes me glad i got little dogs, but bobo thinks hes a muffer you know the think that gioes on your head he sleeps on my pillow on my head at night just 3.5 lbs, Precious 15lbs. curls up either at your back or your knees. first with mike at 3:00a.m. then he leaves for work and then with me. I have to push her over to move. :lol:
  12. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    I agree with Jamiya, I hate saying NO to something Harley does.

    She has a PAINFUL habit of stetching while I'm standing right by her. She goes down and stretches her front paws out, all the while they end up on my foot, then she begins the process of SLOWLY pulling her paws back (STILL on my foot) with all nails out and scraping me.

    Never without fail, every morning while getting ready for work this happens.

    I wish I could do it to her, but she would just think it was great!
    At last, no lessons learned. :?
  13. Rene

    Rene New Member

    When i had Nala (Rottie) she was about 85lbs and she used to jump on my lap on the couch it would kill me but i loved it. Now with the Yorkies Sebastain always has to touch me but not be on me and he doesnt want me to touch him. Jasmine on the other hand has to be on my lap at all times she loves to snuggle
  14. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Jimiya, Jake is like that with Wylie, if he sees I am paying attention to her he has to come in between.

    Kindness, Jake is 100# and until recently slept at the top of the bed sharing my pillow
  15. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Pinky & Fancy have an ongoing argument over who is going to sit in my lap the difference between the two is Fancy is actually a lap dog she weighs about 13lbs and Pinky...Well Pinky weighs about 55lbs but has no idea she is any bigger she is such a baby oh and most definitely a Mamma's Girl. She always seems to work her way into my lap but honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. :D
  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I tell ya Jimiya, Wylie and Bonnie are twins. Once Wylie is in place she does the limp noodle thing and there is no moving her, its like she is glued to her spot. As for Jake - even though he is double teh weight, I can push, pull and do whatever and get him moved, but Wylie no way

  17. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Good thing about Char, She's Heavily DADDY's girl!! So she fights to get on my lap with Smoke,,,then daddy comes home. YEAH!!!!! She won't mess with me for the world! Except when its time to eat. then I'm Wonder mom again!
  18. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Harley is definately the limp noodle that tunes you out. If she doesn't like what your sayin' she doesn't hear a thing.

    Won't even look over at you if you ask her to get off the couch. Just lyes there like "If I'm still maybe she won't notcie me"

    But, when you finally do get through to that stubborn bully head of hers, she slinks off the couch in the MOST pitiful way :-({|= , and just looks back with the saddest look. But THEN, she will keep her bum and back legs kinda slung up there on the couch and have her front ones on the floor. Won't budge an inch until you start to push her.

    She's always trying to get the last word in.
  19. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    bullylove1: Harley does the stretch thing on your foot, too? Reese does the same thing in the morning when I'm trying to pour my first cup of coffee.

    He stretches, sticks his butt way up in the air, tail pointing straight up, puts one paw on my foot, then pulls back peeling back the skin on the top of my foot and three toes.

    That wakes me up faster than the cup of coffee.
  20. nern

    nern New Member

    Natalie's always been a cuddley, lap dog. At about 43 lbs. it does get uncomfortable at time though. She will actually lay right on top of me when I lay on the couch....with her head on my cheek.

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