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boxer/doberman Pls HELP!!!!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by adsnumber7, May 27, 2004.

  1. adsnumber7

    adsnumber7 New Member

    Hi, can anyone help??? I have a 7 month old boxer pup boy. Who is the joy of our life. We are thinking of getting a doberman pup to be his friend. Does this sound like a good idea? Will these 2 breeds get on? Will our orignal pup be happier or sadder with another around? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I don't know anything about those breeds in particular, but with any two dogs you want to introduce them in a neutral place first and judge by how they get along whether or not it is a good idea to bring the second dog into the house. All dogs are individuals in that respect.

    That being said, there are some breeds that generally do not like other dogs (there are always exceptions). I don't know anything about boxers or dobies in particular, so hopefully someone else will chime in here.

  3. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Here is some info I found:

    Doberman Pinschers
    The Doberman Pinscher is compactly built, muscular and powerful, and has great endurance and speed. They are elegant in appearance, of proud carriage, reflecting great nobility and temperament. They are universally known as a police dog for their devotion to duty on the German Front during World War I. The Dobie is constantly alert and is a great companion or guard dog, yet shyness is a fault. Doberman Pinschers make admirable obedience and show dogs or wonderful family pets. They are also an excellent breed for a jogger to own. They may be a challenge because of their dominance for the elderly or disabled.

    Height: Males 26 - 28 inches, Females 24 -26 inches
    Weight: 66 - 88 lbs.

    Colors: Solid black, brown, blue, fawn (Isabella) with rust marking on their head, body and legs.
    Coat: Smooth, short, thick and close

    Temperament: Doberman Pinschers are bold, fearless, energetic, watchful, determined, alert, fearless, loyal.
    With Children: Usually gentle, but will upset with unruliness, best suited for older children.
    With Pets: Usually good, will adopt others to be boss.
    Special Skills: Guard dog, defense dog, family pet.

    Watch-dog: Very High, suspicious of strangers.
    Guard-dog: Very High

    Care and Training: Doberman Pinschers need daily extensive exercise including running. They should be groomed a couple of times a week with a soft cloth or brush. Puppies need firm handling and knowledgeable training and should be handled by numbers of people.
    Learning Rate: High, intelligent and creative

    Activity: High energy. Needs daily, vigorous exercise
    Living Environment: Suburban or rural best, some can adapt to city life. A house with a fenced yard or kennel is essential for the Doberman Pinscher.

    Health Issues: Wobblers Syndrome (disease of the spinal column of the neck). Lethal heart disorder. Von Willebrand's disease is no longer a large problem.

    Life Span: 12 - 15 Years
    Litter Size: 3 - 8

    Country of Origin: Germany
    History: The origins of the Doberman Pinscher come from Apolda in Thuringen, Germany in the 1890's. Most authorities feel they came from a shorthaired shepherd, the Rottweiler, a German smooth-haired Pinscher and a Black and Tan Terrier. Their name comes from Louis Dobermann, a keeper of the local dog pound, who developed the breed as he was searching for the ideal guard dog and companion.

    First Registered by the AKC: 1908
    AKC Group: Working
    Class: Working
    Registries: AKC, ANKC, CKC, FCI (Group 2), KC (GB), UKC

    The Boxer is a medium-sized, square built dog of good substance with short back, strong limbs, and short, tight-fitting coat. Boxers should have a broad, blunt muzzle and an expression of alertness. Boxers should have a fenced yard to roam in, but will do well in a city environment if walked daily. The Boxer is considered a "people dog" adapting well to other dogs and children. They should never be aggressive, but rather even-tempered, but does make a good guard dog.

    Height: 21 - 25 inches
    Weight: 66 - 70 lbs.

    Colors: Fawn, brindle with white markings
    Coat: Short, glossy and smooth

    Temperament: Boxers are playful, affectionate, friendly, headstrong, high-energy.
    With Children: Yes, loyal playmate.
    With Pets: Socialization required. May be aggressive with other male dogs.
    Special Skills: Working dog and family pet.

    Watch-dog: High
    Guard-dog: High, deliberate and wary with strangers

    Care and Training: Boxers requires low maintenance for grooming. Nails need regular attention. Boxers are an energetic breed who needs lots of exercise either by a walking or a well-fenced yard. The Boxer does well with obedience training.
    Learning Rate: High. Training can be a challenge as high intelligence combined with dynamic nature demands a patient owner willing to spend extra time and energy on their training.

    Activity: High
    Living Environment: Indoor dog as they are a people dog and love to be social. Boxers will not let you forget them in the backyard.

    Health Issues: Usually healthy. May have problems with heart murmurs, skin tumors, digestive problems and hypothyroidism

    Life Span: 10 - 12 Years
    Litter Size: 5 - 10

    Country of Origin: Germany
    History: The Boxers origins come from the mid-nineteenth century mating of a small Bullenbeisser (mastiff-type breed) female to a local dog who produced a female who was then mated to an English Bulldog. Boxers were once used for fighting and bull baiting but over the years they become more refined with a non-aggressive temperament.

    First Registered by the AKC: 1904
    AKC Group: Working
    Class: Working
    Registries: AKC, CKC, FCI (Group 2), KC (GB)
  4. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    great info.

    My 2 cents would be to get the opposite sex. Bully breeds can sometimes be aggressive, but wil be less reactive to another dog if it is of the opposite sex.

    Also, if you do decide to get two dogs, with these breeds, I would not leave them alone together when you are not home. If this was your reasoning, you may want to reconsider.

    Both breeds are strong willed and stubborn dogs, and the last thing you want is to come home to bloodshed because of a fight. This is a reality. Although not all dogs are like this, a dogs true temperment around other dogs sometimes takes up to 2 yrs. before it really comes out.

    Both dogs are very high energy and require at least 2 hrs. of excercise per day. This is not a light walk, it must be running or other cardio activities.

    That's all I can think of, I'm sure others will have some great info too.
  5. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I agree fully with bully. With these two dogs known for animal agression. I would get opposite sex and both SPAYED AND NEUTERED!!!!!

    Always introduce them outside of the home, IE: in a park, pets mart, or at whereever you get the other dog from.

    Monitor them completly and crate when not home or separate!
  6. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Or maybe just do some research and see if there are any non-dominant dogs that appeal to you. Like a Lab, etc., they LOVE everybody and everything!
  7. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    Labs in my experience take longer to mature. About 3 yrs. Just from my moms and other labs, they are silly and immature longer than other dogs. Also something to consider.
  8. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    No kidding! I just used them as an example that most people easily can associate with. I cannot handle Labs personally. Jack literally, almost drove me nuts! I know they are sweethearts, and I enjoy other friends Labs, but, visiting them is fine since they are not coming home with me!
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I have been told it is 5 years until a Border Collie starts to mellow out. At least they are not as big as Labs. :)

  10. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Other than the messy hair thing, I am a little partial to Shelties. My aunt and uncle have them all of their lives and they are the nicest dogs and so smart. But.. hairy!
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am considering a Sheltie as a future dog. They are awesome! Some of them can be very barky as well, though.

  12. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Yea, my aunt said that all o fhers were very easy to train that yappiness out of though. They bark when they hear somebody coming or another unknown animal, etc., but they don't yap all the time and they are such baby dolls and so smart. Her baby girl, Harley, is the prettiest Sheltie I have ever seen. They just lost their male, Shep last year and have not been able to let themselves replace him.
  13. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    I raised Boxers for 6 years I have yet seen one that is aggerssive. The one i have now even plays with our little dogs. they also come fawn colored. We had a dobie but not when we had the boxers so not sure how they would act together.
  14. Sarge'smom

    Sarge'smom New Member

    Now that you mention it, I have always heard it said to be careful of aggression and Boxers, yet I have known tons of my friends who have them and I have never seen or heard of one of them being aggressive. And most of them were in multi dog/cat houses.
  15. bullylove1

    bullylove1 New Member

    You hear that with many bully breeds. I myself have also never come across an aggressive boxer. BUT being a bully breed, they can be quite stubborn and that's what we were trying to "warn" against in the 2 breeds coming together.

    APBT's also have a bad rap for dog aggression. I know many, and many members on the board have multi dog homes with them.

    I own an AmStaff (close 'relative' of APBT) and she is EXTREMELY dog aggressive.

    Just something responsible owners need to know about BEFORE acquiring the breed.
  16. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi as with all dogs they should be introduced away from there homes this way there is going to be no territoral agression.

    I personally dont like dobie's as i think they are actually more agressive than any pitbull i know.

    My uncle owned a dobie until he had to have him put to sleep due to attacking another dog and even though he never hurt the kids he would growl at other kids that either walked past him or where playing outside the yard.

    Lab's, Collies, Spaniels, and old english sheepdogs usually make the perfect second pet are usually well mannered and behaved around other dogs providing the have been socialised well,

    Getting a puppy around the same age or a little younger could also help things along.

    But i agree with everyone i would do an indepth research into all the different breeds and see how well they get on with dogs.

    I have german shepherds and they get on great with all dogs apart from the great dane next door mind you i would attack it aswell as it barks from morning till night even in the house.

    Good luck with your search and hope you find the perfect dog.
    Oh one more thing to consider do you have the time and money to look after 2 dogs no offence on that question just thought i would ask as no-one else did :)

    mike :D

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