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please explain the difference of these dogs

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by artsdesire, May 28, 2004.

  1. artsdesire

    artsdesire New Member

    I am wondering what is the difference in these dogs. A maltese poo, shihtzu poo and a shih tzu? I am considering these and dont know exactly what the difference is?

    Thank you,
    Delta, BC
  2. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    A maltese poo is a maltese/poodle cross...Shih tzu poo is a Shih tzu/poodle cross and both would most likely shed less then a purebred Shih tzu. Thats about all I got. Anyone else?
  3. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    Gina , you bought hit the nail right on the head except they have to be brushed about every other day.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    And their mutts, not PURE BREEDS!!! I think alot of people are begining toget that confused!
  5. artsdesire

    artsdesire New Member

    Mutts vs purebreds?

    Okay if they are mixed with another animal that makes them a Mutt? And then why is a purebred better? And how come they still charge like $500 for the pet? I am so new to this stuff so please accept my nieve about this.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Arts, you are probably going to hear a lot, but I think now please dont anyone get mad at me because I am not an expert, here.

    they are a mixed breed, but kind of like a designer dog, so they get top $$$ for them and they are in high demand, al creating the high price.

    Are they AKC recognized?

    I reall think you should look at rescue places there are a lot out there and there woudl be an angel just waiting for yo to give it a good home.

  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    We're living in the times of the so-called "Designer Dog" era. People are mixing breeds, giving them a name, and selling them for a high price.

    There may be some knowledgable people who takes the time to study the genetic makeup of certain breeds before breeding and then there are the people who throw a couple of innocent little dogs together to try to make a lot of money. These are the puppy mill type of people.

    Then if you go into one of these pet stores in the malls, you can expect to pay in excess of $1000 for these dogs.

    I think now they're breeding Labradores and Poodles together for a dog called Labradoodles or something. People are paying $2500 for them because the dogs aren't suppose to have the dander that people are allergic to. People are paying in advance before the pups are even born.

    It's hard saying if these dogs will have health issues as they get older.
  8. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

    Yes, they are "mutts" but that doesn't make them less desirable to some people. I myself do not understand why people intentionally mix breeds. Especially since shelters all over the United States are over flowing with mixed breed dogs as well as purebred. Purebred does not necessarily mean the dog is better it just means the dog is of pure blood and the standards for the breed meaning traits, temperament, known illnesses the breed is known to be susceptible to, have been documented and attributed to the breed.
    This page is quite interesting they have every kind of Poo you could imagine! And Ummmmmm can you say puppy mill? Heres a list of all their mixes!
    Schnoodles, Shih Poos, Yorkie Poos, Yorkie Tzus, Labradoodles
    Malti-Poos, Pekepoos, Malt-Tzus, Yorkie Maltese, Yorkie Chons, and Cockapoos.


    And this is a list of all the puppies they have available!! This makes me soooooooo SICK!!!
    Our litters are below. Click on the Mother's name, to go to the individual litter pages.
    Schnoodles -

    Coconut has 4 mini schnoodle puppies, born 3/20, ready 5/15. Puppy Selection begins after 5/1. ALL SELECTED

    Mercedes has 3 mini schnoodle puppies, born 5/2, ready 6/27. Puppy Selection begins after 6/13.

    Cricket has mini schnoodle puppies! Born 5/9, ready 7/4. Puppy Selection begins after 6/21.

    Daisy has mini schnoodle puppies! Born 5/9, ready 7/4. Puppy Selection begins after 6/21.

    Litters of Mini Schnoodles are due to be born in May, June, and July. Colors expected are Parti, Phantom, Sable, Black, and White or Apricot. Spring is here, and the puppies are coming!

    We'll be having two litters of larger sized schnoodles in May and June too!
    As If they need more!!
    Labradoodles -

    Touche' has 1 chocolate labradoodle puppy. Born 3/26, ready 5/21. Puppy Selection begins after 5/10. Selected

    Dusty has 5 labradoodle puppies. Born 3/29, ready 5/24. Puppy Selection begins after 5/10.

    Mocha has 1 chocolate labradoodle pup. Born 4/9, ready 6/4. Puppy Selection begins after 5/30.

    Maple has 5 labradoodle puppies, born 4/15, ready 6/10. Puppy Selection begins after 5/30.

    Ruthie has 1 labradoodle pup, born 4/18, ready 6/13. Puppy Selection begins after 5/30.

    Brownie has 6 labradoodle puppies, born 4/19, ready 6/14. Puppy Selection begins after 5/30.

    Molly has 7 labradoodle puppies, born 5/4/04, ready 6/29. Puppy Selection begins after 6/15.

    Goldendoodles -

    Nutmeg has 7 goldendoodle puppies, born 4/15, ready 6/10. Puppy Selection begins after 5/30.

    Shih Tzu Poo - Wow! Such a nice selection of puppies!

    Oompa has 2 shih poo puppies, born 3/26, ready, 5/21. Puppy Selection begins after 5/12.

    Mon Cherie has 2 shih poo puppies, born 3/29, ready 5/24. Puppy Selection begins after 5/12.

    Sugar Baby has 1 shih poo pup, born 3/29, ready 5/24. Puppy Selection begins after 5/12.

    Pandy has 3 shih poo puppies, born 3/31, ready 5/26. Puppy Selection begins after 5/12. All Selected

    Jelly Bean has 3 shih poo puppies, born 4/24, ready 6/19. Puppy Selection begins after 6/13.

    Caramello has 2 shih poo puppies, born 4/29, ready 6/24. Puppy Selection begins after 6/13.

    Dove has 1 shih poo puppy, born 5/1, ready 6/26. Puppy Selection begins after 6/13.

    Queenie has 7 gold and white shih poos, born 5/8, ready 7/3. Puppy Selection begins after 6/22.

    More shih poos will be born in May, June, and July. We'll have a super selection!

    Cockapoos -

    Harmony has one snow white cockapoo boy, born 4/15, ready 6/10. Puppy Selection begins after 5/27.

    More cockapoos are expected to be born late in June.

    Pekepoos -

    We have another litter of Pekepoo puppies due to be born early in May. And, three more litters are due to be born early in June.

    Yorkie Shih Tzu -

    We have a litter due of yorkie shih tzu pups early in May.

    Maltese Poodle -

    Molly has three female Maltipoo puppies, born 5/7, ready 7/2. Puppy Selection begins after 6/21. Pictures in a few days....

    More Maltipoo puppies are due to be born in May and June.

    Yorkie Poos -

    Rose has 5 yorkie poo puppies, born 4/13, ready 6/8. Puppy Selection begins after 6/5.

    Sophia has 4 yorkie poo puppies, born 4/24, ready 6/19. Puppy Selection begins after 6/5.

    More Yorkie Poo puppies are due to be born in April, May, and June. We'll have an outstanding selection, lots of color too.

    Maltese Shih Tzu -

    We should be having a litter in early June.

    Bichon Yorkies -

    Puff has 2 Yorkie Bichon puppies, born 3/31, ready 5/26. Puppy Selection begins after 5/12.

    Yorkie Maltese -

    Dorothy has 5 yorkie maltese puppies, born 4/26, ready 6/21. Puppy Selection begins after 6/7.
  9. GinaH

    GinaH New Member

  10. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    GinaH: Yeah, I'd say puppy mill.

    What's a Yorkie Chon?
  11. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    those things look weird!! but reading that I came up with my dogs "breed" he is an American Emixo Spitz, I got him from the pound he is definitely AES and possibly something else too. So are all these dogs at one place? (i didn't read it to thoroughly) it all sorta creaped me out!
    Also not to start up anything I don'T see why we need to have purebreds bred. I also don'T think people should breed mixes on purpose either.
    Here also just read this too: Your puppy is guaranteed to be free of disabling congenital defects until the age of 2 years.
    but after 2 it turns into a mutant unable walf, bark or hear or see, what sort of guarantee is that? do normal breeders (purebred non puppy mill) say that too I think that sounds like they had one waited until it was 2 then said yep it s ok so they put that warrnaty on it, so if the puppy breaks down before 2 do you have to take it to the original shop it was purchased from or can you have it fixed at your local shischnaupoolabpekecocka store near you?
    Here is another funny quote: We have decided to keep the cream boy - no amount of groveling will tempt us to let this guy go. We have to look to the future for breeding doodles, and we have great plans for this fella!
    I feel sorry for those dogs they just don'T have that happy glow about them I nromally see in dogs, it scares me it makes me thin those people are bad!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    artsdesire, I don't think a purebred is necessarily "better". There are just as many poor breeders out there breeding purebreds as there are intentionally making "designer" dogs.

    If you decide you want a purebred for whatever reason, please get help to find a reputable breeder or go to a reputable purebred rescue. Come back and post again if you need help to do this. And do NOT buy from a pet store!

    If you decide to go with a mix, please do look into rescues and shelters. Both of my dogs are mixes from the shelter and they are awesome dogs.

  13. kindness_001

    kindness_001 New Member

    In answer to your question no AKC does not reg these dogs. a reputable breeder would never mix these dogs. they bred to better the dog from genes to bloodlines. If they have a dog with poor eyes they dont breeed that dog etc. the one that got me was the pudgles a pug and a beagle.
  14. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    I didn't say purebreeds were better, by no means! I just didn't want you to get sucked into the "Designer breed" way of thinking. They are not a recognized breed.

    I think some of those mixed are awsome. But that also leads to a big problem. People are demanding them, and that makes people ger BIG $$$$ in their heads. So they start breeding them, (with no clue as to what they are doing) and BOOM> Here we go with problems with health, overpopulation. exc....

    My advise to you would to visit your local animal shelter or humane society and see whats there. You may be supprised at all these "designer" dogs that end up there. And one may be waiting specially for you!

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