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please explain the difference

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by artsdesire, May 28, 2004.

  1. artsdesire

    artsdesire New Member

    What is the difference between shih tzu, shih tzu poo and maltese poo, other than they are crossed with a poodle? I mean by temperment, behaviour? Also do you find these dogs to not be a very yappy dog or does that differ per dog?
    And if anyone knows of a breeder in BC ? And what can i expect to pay? And what to expect when i bring home my lil darling?

    Much appreciated,
    Delta, BC
  2. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Shipooss are Shitzu and poodle mix, and Malti poos are maltise and poodle mix. THey are both MUTS so don't think they are a pURE BREED. THey aren't. No offence, people seem to think that for some reason.
    I believe it differs between dogs. (yappiness) But they will all shed, not as bad as the purbreeds, the poodle influence helps that, but they will all need grooming.
  3. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    Hmmmmmmmmm... I dont' recall EVER seeing anyone stating "pure bred" on this board. hmmm....

    Well, to answer your question in regards to the shihpoo (shihtzu/poodle MIX)... My shihpoo has a great temperment. He is awesome with kids and is very very loving. He's definitely a lap dog. He weighs just about 13 lbs.... Yes, he sheds, but very little. I am very allergic to dogs, but this MIX has hair (not fur) so it's great for those people with allergies. My shihpoo is not much of a barker (other than when he should), but I've heard some say differently. Personally, I think THAT comes with the surroundings (what is it that is making them bark), as well as how you train and raise them.
  4. puttin510

    puttin510 New Member

    I think that any pup will take on traits from the mom or dad. Just like humans do. If either of the parent dogs are yappy, so could the pups. If the dogs that are bred are good tempered dogs, less chance of noisy dogs. You have to ask the breeder which pup will suite you instead of looking and saying oh that ones cute and pick becuase of cuteness. the breeder should know the pups temperment and can pair you up with what sort of pup you want. Prices do vary. Anywhere from 300.00 up
  5. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member

    Hi artsdesire (and welcome to the board)~

    I, myself, have to shih-poos, so I may be able to help you out on this one!


    Shih-Poo = A shih-tzu bred to a poodle (or vice versa)

    Malti-Poo = A maltese bred to a poodle (or vice versa)

    Both the shih-poo and the malti-poo are mixed breeds, otherwise called "mutts." A pure bred dog is one whom is a result of two of the same breed being bred together. To exemplify, a shih-tzu bred to a shih-tzu, will result in pure bred shih-tzu puppies. However, a shih-tzu bred to a poodle, for example, would result in shih-poo puppies, which yes, are "mutts."

    Temperament Difference:

    Yes and no!

    Pure bred dogs pretty much have a standard temperament. In other words, the temperament of a pure bred dog is fairly predictable. (There are usually some slight differences in temperaments in pure bred dogs, but overall, the temperament of a pure bred is very similar to the norm in most cases.)

    If you choose a "mutt," you must realize that your dog can inherit any behavioral traits of their parents. Let's take a shih-poo for example:
    Say you decide to get a shih-poo, your shih-poo may behave (and look) more like a shih-tzu, or it may behave (and look) more like a poodle. It's a real toss up, there is no way of telling for sure. That's a risk one takes when getting a mixed breed. Thus, it is very important that you read up on both the shih-tzu and poodle temperament to be sure you are happy with the characteristics pertaining to each pure bred dog in which will be mixed to get your mixed breed dog (whatever it might be), because your shih-poo may look and/or act more like a poodle, or more like a shih-tzu, or a combination of both!

    My opinions (I know not everyone agrees, so please, no flames! Nor am I willing to debate the issue either, I've heard it all, and refuse to debate such an issue as this!):

    Do I feel that a pure bred is any better than a mixed breed/mutt? Absolutely not!!! Pure bred dogs were at one time mutts themselves. No where in our history did we have a pure bred golden retriever, for example. Through breeding one similar mutt to another (which included a lot of inbreeding) do we have the pure bred breed, golden retrievers, and all the other pure breds today!

    If you go to a breeder who specifically breeds one pure bred breed to a different pure bred breed to get mixed breed pups/mutts and charges a hefty price, don't bother purchasing from him/her. There are highly ethical and responsible mixed breed breeders out there who are very well versed in breeding and do not charge a high price for their mixed breed pups/mutts. The whole excuse that mixed breeds are rare and thus require a high price tag is B.S.! Yes, they are not as prevalent as pure breds, but bringing up that excuse to charge a ridiculous price is just that, AN EXCUSE TO CHARGE HIGH PRICES AND A SCAM TO GET MORE MONEY!!!

    Just because a breeder breeds pure breds does constitute him/her being deemed, "responsible," "reputable," "good," etc. And just because a breeder who intentionally breeds two different pure breds to obtain mutts/mixed breed dogs does not make him/her "irresponsible," "puppy mill breeder," "bad," "unethical," and any other words that some use to describe.

    There are both good and bad breeders out there whether they are breeders whom breed pure bred dogs, or whether they are breeders whom breed to get mixed breed dogs!

    It irritates me when people say, "Oh, if you want a mixed breed dog then you should go to a shelter and get one there!" Yet, those same people go out to a breeder and purchase a pure bred dog! :shock: For some reason, some of those folks feel as though purchasing a pure bred dog from a breeder is fine, instead of going to a shelter to rescue a pup even though it may not be a pure bred. But for people who want to buy an intentionally bred mixed breed/mutt, that's wrong! It's just because they want a pure bred that they feel they are justified in buying from a breeder instead of adopting from a shelter! Sorry, but that just doesn't work for me!

    Do I feel as though my two shih-poos are of lesser quality or anything else because they are indeed "mutts"? Not in a million years! I will proudly proclaim to anyone and everyone who inquires that my two dogs are NOT pure breds, rather they ARE a mix/mutt, and I am PERFECTLY fine with it! I did buy them from a breeder who (ethically and responsibly) breeds two different pure breds (shih-tzu and toy poodle) to obtain mixed breeds/mutts!

    Alright, I'll wrap it up now! I hope some of that info. helped explain to you the differences, and some of the controversy that you may observe!

    Best of luck in your search! :D

    (*I should probably make mention of something...I have two shih-poos, and they are the most delightful little dogs with a wonderful temperament, and not to mention, extrememly smart!!! :y_the_best: )
  6. MonsterBailey

    MonsterBailey New Member

    so, mybabyshih... how do you REALLY feel about that? :) hehe...

    j/k... luv ya! And I agree... I am perfectly fine with my "MIX" and could care less about the whole "pure bred" stuff. :)
  7. artsdesire

    artsdesire New Member


    Thank you all who have given their opinions. I have started my journey of finding a pup and needed all the info that has passed onto me.

  8. MyBabyShihPoo

    MyBabyShihPoo New Member


    Oh Monster, that's just the start of it! (No, I'm j/k I won't say anymore about that topic!) I just couldn't help but to state my opinion! :D

    Pure breds are great and all, I had two in the past (American Cockers), but I love my two shih-poos to death, and wouldn't trade them in for a pure bred, or another mix/mutt, any day...gotta' love shih-poos! :D

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